Selling/ Buying/ Trading Games

I can’t see that option at the moment. Does it only come up after the deadline?

Yes, I think so.


You could subscribe to this thread:


Unfortunately, the last German math trade finished a week ago. Before that there was one in June/July which was my first encounter with it. You can subscribe to their BGG guild.


Thanks for the infos :slight_smile: I am in no hurry just curious about this thing in general. I have a few games on my out list but I am having a hard time starting to get rid of them… too lazy to take pictures for Ebay Kleinanzeigen is one of my issues.


Sorry, another trade question…

Values - I’m finding it hard to discover what this means. Is it to do with how much I want a game in trade? So if I want Wingspan more than Aeon’s End and am offering the same game for them, do I assign WS a 1 and AE a 2?

Your value for each item. I equate it with money so I think Isle of Skye is 15. And the site then sorts your items and your wants by value

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You don’t have to set values at all. You can just say “I’ll let this go in order to get_that _”.

However, if you set values for your stuff and for the items you want, the system can look through all possible combinations of (one of your things) and (a thing you’re interested in), and automatically tick boxes where the latter has a higher value than the former. Usually the value I set is an actual price.

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I never use them. I think values don’t sit right with me for what I want from a maths trade. I want games that I want to play regardless of a monetary value. But more importantly my head is skewif on how I compare the games I’d swap for each other game.


Seems to me that setting values just reduces the chance of matches, or forces money into the exchange. I wouldn’t use it.

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It’s a short-cut, very handy if you have a lot of things you’re offering or wanting, but certainly I wouldn’t suggest that it’s compulsory. (And note that it’s just a way of setting up the swaps you’re happy with - nobody else ever sees the values you assign to things.)

For example if you wanted to retain one worker-placement game in your collection but would happily swap your Lords of Waterdeep for any of the five other worker-placement games on offer values would be a terrible tool for achieving that.

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Yeah. Save me a lot of clicking.

Also depends on how much you want to let go or get the item. You increase/decrease the value accordingly since it’s the value from your prespective. The money bit is just a convenient benchmark since we all trade with money pretty much all the time.


Thanks for the tips everyone.

I’ve officially submitted my wants, fingers crossed

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I have some games to sell haven’t settled on prices yet but If there’s any interest then we can discuss it.

Clinic Deluxe - the Extension and Covid-19 coop expansion.

Three Kingdom Redux second Edition

Nippon - includes Keiretsu expansion. Box is a touch worn on the edges but contents are all still good.

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The pending results of the Maths Trade look good - hopefully getting Puerto Rico (which neither of us have played so we won’t have the pre programmed strategy issue) and The Resistance which I’ve wanted for ages (although won’t have the numbers to play it).

Thanks for the help everyone. I think I’m going to be trading a lot more now.


Be warned: a traditional step of the UMKT is “someone has messed up and offered Gloomhaven in return for a promo card, so we need to re-run” and all your good trades vanishing.



It’s been re run once already; someone got 4 copies of Endeavor! My trades stayed the same so hopefully it’ll work out.

I know it’s not done until it’s done though



As of now I’m getting Ghost Stories + White Moon. Looks like my gaming buddy and I are sending to the same person, so we might be able to save on postage :slight_smile:


Oh no! I hope it’s the last one. I LIKE this one!



Wow, people are being surprisingly self-righteous in the discussion thread on BGG about forcing someone to accept four copies of Endeavour because they made a mistake… :roll_eyes: