That’s genuinely impressive.
Those games are extremely unfair - from the ‘hoover up everyone’s quarters’ era of video game design.
We’re up to ten episodes, so this seems like a good time to mention again that @Lordof1 and I are doing a podcast about film, masterpieces and… otherwise.
I’ve even kept the accents down to a minimum for this one.
Including your own?
Well I speak with unaccented perfect crystalline Queen’s English so that’s hardly necessary.
My dear boy, your vowels betray you.
Damn those ‘U’s.
Well, since I’ve been talking about both dice and playing cards on other threads recently, I may as well put my book links up here:
Dice Divination! The history of it, and a new dice oracle based on the Elements.
(Seeing a copy of this in Foyles bookshop in London blew my mind)
And released right in the middle of lockdown in amazing timing,
Playing Card Divination!
Including 52 short stories, because apparently I love to give myself extra work.
I deliberately went for items (dice / cards) that are super cheap to obtain and don’t look spooky, but of course the divide between fortune-telling and games has always been paper thin so they ended up being objects with interesting gaming histories too.
The only drawback is, I now collect dice and playing cards and my wallet hates ebay more than ever.
Very much enjoyed the Maltese Falcon noir episode!
Ooooh love me a bit of noir.
We noired ourselves out in the end but I’m sure we’ll return to it!
I’d advocate Brick as an awesome modern teen noire for your return.
Here’s another plug for the film podcast I do with @RogerBW, Ribbon of Memes - apologies, but I’m quite proud of this one, and the podcast in general.
This week, Roger and I are very lucky to be joined by the FlickFilosopher herself, MaryAnn Johanson, as we wander out of the desert to discuss Paris, Texas, and why I really loved it until I didn’t.
I got some new letters after my name
BSc MCOptom DipTp (IP) Prof Cert LV Prof Cert Glauc Higher Cert Glauc
With Covid delays to a clinical placement its been 3 years in the making to get the new bit.
I’m buzzing
That is a lot of letters!
Diploma in Therapeutics - Independent Proscribing? That’s… a stretch, and I say that as a physicist (we’re responsible for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, and, possibly the greatest, “COordinated Campaign of Observations and Analysis, Photosphere to Upper atmosphere, of a Fast-rotating Star.”)
A shiny nickle for whoever came up with that one.
That I have absolutely no idea what any of them mean!
That is impressively well worked out
Back in the day I was at a lecture about research into bat sonar. The people doing it had essentially built custom electronics to make and process bat-sonar-like noises in a controlled environment. Their name for this was Field Location (people start to get restless) Echo Detection (people start to groan audibly)… I don’t remember what the rest was but it was indeed -ERMAUS.
Congratulations @Captbnut!
@Lordof1 and I have just released our thirtieth (!) episode of Ribbon of Memes, a podcast in which we talk about films. This time: we are both extremely white.