Ross’ rudimentary roads and boats ruminations

(Edit) There are two donkeys on the first quarry. Ones just on top of the other for some reason

How the online play through was going at the same point…

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Turn 11 Production

Including research into specialist mines

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Movement and build.








Finally got everything up. I fear I’m going to be one turn too late for 2 share certificates…

And…. The last turns completed….

(All extraneous resources removed…)

Just made it to the two share certificates (dark blue cubes) on the final turn.

Final score from heavy cardboard…. 100

Ross… 270.

Follow up post discussing this….

The Playthrough

Whoever told me to get a second quarry up was right. Totally underestimated the number of roads needed.

Preplanning was key on this, placing the buildings out really helped.

I’m still not convinced putting your sawmill on your home square is as good an idea as people suggest.

Building Roads and Boats from scratch

What went well…

Using TTS to print off the board worked really well, letting me draw those roads and bridges directly onto the board.

The cubes for resources. Thank god for Pandemic fall or Rome for having relevant colours.

What didn’t go well…

Paper pieces, geese were super fiddly and the transports weren’t robust enough for a game I would set up for a turn or two at a time.

Moving forwards I think I’m going to use a dice as a Goose counter in each hex.
As for the transports, I’ve asked @RogerBW to perform some modern magic…


Pretty sure that was me!

I really don’t like the TTS images. Maybe you do, but if not, the much nicer official tiles are available in good resolution as individual PNG files from the Vassal module. As are all the graphics.

Yep I’m pretty sure it was @Benkyo . I think I’ve under skied stone, especially in our current multiplayer.

As for the art, I’m not sure. The distinct colours on that version are less awful in the real world and not on the TTS default green table.

I’ll see what I can do with Vassal, for now I think this is ok.