We played Game 4 of Clank! Legacy 2 Darkest Magic. This time there was a lot fewer quests and it seems that the amount of character story is alternating between our characters and so it seemed almost pre-ordained that I won. My partner took it with better grace than usual. So I count that as a bonus-win. Maybe we‘ll figure it out.
I have started timing my games with BG Stats. Every game of Clank! Legacy takes us around 3 hours. Normal Clank! is much faster. Legacy has a lot of extra time for putting stickers on things.
Next up a few meditations on A Gentle Rain turns out this plays really badly with a migraine. But overall I have warmed to this very gentle puzzle. I lost twice and won once. I blame the migraine. The game seems to be a good test of where my cognitive ability is for a day.
Lastly, I put myself up to a 25x1 challenge of playing some of my underplayed big solo games and I actually managed to complete one of those tonight and I really don‘t know why 51st State is not in my regular solo rotation. It‘s perfect. Zee Garcia would know. (I haven‘t watched Dice Tower in a while but for a long time it was one of his absolute faves). It took my about 45 minutes and that included a lot of rulebook lookups because I had not played in 2 years. Setup is a breeze, and I just left it on the table. It might be that this is a case of being excited for the big KS edition, loving it but the excitement of new quickly fading and now with some time between me and the KS anticipation, I can actually appreciate the game a bit more. It‘s a simple enough engine builder and unlike most of those (Furnace, Splendor) it has a very good solo mode. Actually it has several solo modes… I played the basic one. Empires of the North is the latest iteration on this design for those who don‘t know.
I am so glad I challenged myself to relearn and replay some of my big solos—if the challenge only serves to remind me how nice this game is it‘s already a win.