Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

First board game of 2025! And what better game than the new Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fear of the Unknown. We had a fairly new player in the group (the hosts brother), and, well there’s a bit of setup involved in DMD. So we had to keep reassuring the guy, saying “it’s really straightforward to play”. Which is more of less true. Anyway, we got into it, episode 1. We had to gather jurors into a particular space, and flip their sides over. And everytime the Elder One advanced, the jurors would get flipped back. We really got bogged down with cultists and monsters, the Elder One was out and we hadn’t disrupted the ritual, so that was bad (can’t do any damage to the Elder One). I think we ended up with half of the jurors in the right place. I bought these cool plastic tray from Etsy to use as a player board, making it harder to accidentally nudge your various tokens. But of course I forgot to bring them (even tho they were right next to the three boxes of DMD). A bit annoyed about that. I would have put them into a box, but there’s really no space for extras, those boxes are chockas. And one of our players was not happy that she couldn’t play her favourite colour, purple. But we played through the pain and had a good time.

Just One, good fun. Since we had an extra player, I brought this along. Ok, it’s still more fun with more players, but it was still an enjoyable experience, and it takes almost no time to learn.

Don’t L.L.A.M.A Dice, another very quick game to learn. I think the rules overexplain it, I was a bit lost from the rules explanation last week. But it’s actually pretty simple – roll three dice, match as many cards as you can. If you can’t match anything, take an extra card from the display. And if you can’t do that, you take ALL the extra cards. Good fun, excellent little filler.

The Emperors New Tricks, first play. This was a pnp I printed up. You’re trying to win the least tricks. On your turn you play two cards, one for the value and another for the colour. So, if I play a one and then overlay a red card, it’s a red one. You still have follow suit if you can. And playing the same value and colour cancels out both cards. So you play the highest card you can and there’s a good chance it will get cancelled. Possibly allowing someone else to win who didn’t expect to. When you win a trick, you take all the colour cards. White cards are worth a point, red and blue cards give you the difference between them (so if you had four blue and two red, you score two). And green cards are worth three points for whoever has the second most green cards. Pretty fun game, definitely going to play it some more.

Warning: semi nude image

Dungeons, Dice and Danger. I have to be honest, I don’t enjoy this game much. And I’m just terrible at it. it’s a straightforward enough game – roll dice, use pairs of dice to cross off spaces on the player sheet. You will defeat monsters and collect treasure and gems. And you lose a life if you can’t cross anything off. Which seemed to happen a lot to me. I’m still happy enough to play it when others want to, I’m sure they play plenty of games to keep me happy.


Hot on the tails of my recent, extremely ambitious declaration of Gaming Goals for 2025, I have played a game!

Right then, 8.33333% done.

Cellulose – a science-based, plant biology-themed, resource management worker placement game.

I made it a priority to get played because it’s on my “possible cull” list. Unfortunately(?), I kind of liked it.

It’s hard to remember the last time I played an actual resource management worker placement game; I feel like there’s always something in a game design taking away from the purity of this now-classic formula.

While playing, I was reminded of Underwater Cities, a game I very much appreciate; however, Cellulose proved to be much more forgiving, and the resources flowed much easier here.

So here I am, hoping to have confirmed one for the trade/sell pile, but now I’m thinking I need to expore it more, to see if it has legs (which would be weird, because plants do not, and this is a scientifically accurate game).

Gaming Goal 2025 Status


  1. cellulose ↩︎


Rise and Fall - very good game! First timers for all of us and it’s forgivable that they struggle to understand the hieroglyphics of this game. I understand that publishers want the game to be language independent, but yeah, hard for newbies to decipher. I’m well versed with board game iconography so it’s fine to me. At least it’s not Ian O’Toole who did the iconography…

It’s only the start of the year and this is a very strong contender for top new-to-me this year. Keeping it and will explore it further.

Roaring 20s - Auction game by Colovini. Very good!

Asian Tiger: A Story of Prosperity - soulless Euro. At least it has good decision making. Not sure if I wanna bother playing it again. It’s so derivative. The colour-based worker placement is an interesting design at least.

Magic Money - ah it’s doesn’t work as well as I thought at 3 players. Would try it again with higher player count. This potentially be a good alternative to Q.E.

Colt Express - took us over half an hour of gun-tooting moneybag-grabbing fun. My last play of this went on and on and on with people trying to overthink a freaking party game and it’s so painful.


I was with my parents and sister and her family in Texas for basically all of December. Played a bunch of family games with them and got them into Disney Villainous. While I was gone, Clank Legacy 2 arrived. My husband and i got back home yesterday afternoon and have played the first 3 games today. We’re both two-handing it to get as much as possible. One of my characters won both the first two games then my husband won the second. I think both his characters are farther along in long-term goal completion than either of mine.


Haven’t heard of this one - looks pretty cool


It certainly has table presence. Even if I wasn’t into boardgames, I think I’d stop and look at someone playing that and be interested.


Two handing with four characters is probably the better way to go. We did the 1 character each like with the first and it does not seem like a good idea. But I don’t think my partner is up to 2 handing.


Does anyone remember Cascadero? It came out last year and is a Knizia placement game (sort of like Througu the desert but with horses).

I played it with my partner a couple of times over the weekend. It seems like one of those “every move is important” and wining will almost always be by one or two points. It’s also got that two tier winning thing where you need to complete a goal first before points are even considered. What this means in practice (at least in 2 player) is there is incentive to get in the way a bit.

Normally these map games with 2 players each person can create their own little safety island but here the board attracts people near each other, partially because being an arse is rewarding (both as a plus to oneself and a negative to the other). But also there’s incentive to be the second person to land at a spot which means closeness is greatly encouraged.

I liked it and I think my partner did but I wonder if there’s longterm depth here or if similar patterns will keep cropping up as we tunnel vision our to our own personal metagame. Also sometimes it’s hard to keep up with everything on the board and we miss scoring sometimes which is a bit frustrating.


I used to own it but I just have too many games. Never dived deep into it to see the depth.


It does get a bit confusing at times. We might have accidentally gone out of order a time or two and I definitely discarded to the wrong deck once, but we’ve mostly done ok.


Busy last couple of days games-wise. We’re both fighting colds, so we played a few games. Yesterday was:

Ark Nova, my attempt at my revenge from the end of last year. It did not go well, though it felt close until we moved for final scoring and then it wasn’t anymore. Revenge failed, LOL

Cascadia twice. I won the first game (mistakenly left 11 tiles in the box, oops) and lost the second one. Love this game, it’s super breezy and chill, and every game has been close!

Quacks of Quedlinburg + Herb Witches. Won this one, but there’s an asterisk: I’d neglected to put my 3 White token in my bag for the first two full turns. Man, this is a fun time.


Brass Birmingham. This game continues to confound me and I don’t know why. On paper, it’s not any worse than other games we have, but for some reason I have real issues wrapping my head around it. Lost 132-127, which I’m quite happy about! Thought it was gonna be way worse (admittedly, Maryse made a mistake that prevented her from completely neutering my final play, so I was very lucky there).

Honey Buzz. Astonishingly, we never played that one last year, what the hell? We LOVE this game, it’s so bright and cheerful! Won 122-120!

Great start! And I’m still on leave for the rest of the week, so not the end!


Arcs! I like it a lot. We only played the base game and definitely got a few rules wrong, and we didn’t finish in time so had to stop halfway. But it was really fun. Really weird action selection, I’m not sure I really understood how you’re supposed to make decisions at all and it feels like it would take a lot of plays to really grok it.


Caverna - 3 players and it’s still good fun

Iwari - 4 players. I prefer Han, but Iwari is pretty that it attracts ppl to play it. I think I’ll hold on to this for now

Anomia - glad to play this again

Kingdom Builder: super duper deluxe edition

Fafnir - very good auction game from Oink games

Dorfromantik - finally, I get to play this! …I didn’t like it

Mind Up

Tempel des Schreckens x2


Too fast paced?


I usually don’t like co-ops. I thought the simplicity and shared map would make it pleasant as a co-op, but found that I’d rather play Beacon Patrol


Beach Patrol is pretty cool as well, and a bit simpler than Dorf. I’ve got the expansion for BP, I should give it a go.

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Played my new copy of Fast Sloths last night. All of us new (I’d pretty much forgotten the game).

I really like this.

We had the base set up which included ants, which I found really hard to fathom - and ended up building a path that everyone else used.

For what looks like a light game it’s really thinky.

75ish minutes felt pretty good with a good amount of chatting


Back to the Masonic Hall for a chilly weekend at Stabcon.

We quickly got settled in with some Sea Salt & Paper, and then with some more players progressed to Deadly Dowagers (I still think “Waspish Widows” is a better title). Three out of four players went for the Duke in the same round…

Then on to Moon, not the sort of game that usually appeals to me, but it worked rather well. Interesting tradeoffs between gaining production (gets you stuff that you can spend) and flags (gets you a status that you have to have, but don’t spend). This is Haakon Gaarder’s successor to Villagers and Streets, and it’s basically about drafting, but with enough special effects to keep things interesting. I went all-out for the achievements and pulled off the win that way.

Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition next: Nightmist, Expatriette, Argent Adept and Unity took on Omnitron in the Pike Industrial Complex. This was a tough fight, and it looked grim, but we pulled off a win in the end—the best sort of Sentinels game.

Finally for the night, a few rounds of SCOUT, Not quite sure why, and I know other players enjoyed it, but this fell very flat for me; perhaps I was just tired.

We started with Imperium: Horizons, Olmecs vs Japanese; I seemed to run away with points as Olmecs, by keeping my Stone Masks in circulation until the last possible moment. (After all they’re only one point each in History.) I had an engine that I could run effectively and which depended very little on the luck of the draw.

On to Sea Salt & Paper as a breather after that, and then Lemminge, still one of my favourite light games.

Then a marathon session of Xia: Legends of a Drift System, in which it was my turn to blind jump into the sun. (Well, the player who usually does it couldn’t make it.) “This is Cinderbeard. I put one outlaw ring on the miniature because I don’t have two.”

And on to Rock Hard: 1977, which I seem to be at least mildly good at. (They said I had to go to rehab…)

Some lighter games after that as we were all gething quite tired: Landmarks, with more curses than amulets, and PUSH (which I think of as “what Normal People games probably look like in Germany”).

There was some very light snow on Saturday night, but nothing to obstruct travel in the morning.

After more Sea Salt & Paper, we settled in for a four player Imperium: Horizons: Mauryna,s Minoans, Macedonians and Greeks, the latter with two new players. I think I’m getting better at explaining this, though it’s tricky because there’s a great deal of variation even among the simple civilisations. “Solstice: when the Great Beetle eats the sun.” "They laughed at our effete ways. Well, who’s dying of cholera now?


Finally tried out Earth (solo).

I beat the bot opponent 156 to 117 on the easiest settings, largely because the Brown Bear forced me to put lots of Terrain cards into my tableau and they provided an absolute ton of points during scoring.


I want to disagree but can’t.
Was it any good?