My parents were in town which means I had a chance to pull out my shortest and lightest games and see which to cull. Also some old, old apps went on sale for the first time so I got to (re)try a couple of games that have been way in the back of the mind.
Sequoia - Ready to cull. There’s nothing wrong with it. Nothing particularly right. Some bad decisions made regarding board state readability. But ultimately, while it does play faster than Mountain Goats, there is very little to recommend it over that game. It may lurk in the sell pile as there are one or two people who may benefit from this game specifically. But I’m at peace.
Switchbacks - Another small box AllPlay down. This is a keeper. It’s like Harvest (Japan) with passive aggressive shared incentive competition. Harvest is better. Switchbacks is less mean and likely better at 2. Not a necessity but it’s cheap and small and pretty, and makes me happy for now.
Lotus - GOOD HEAVENS. Where has this little 6.7 rated megastar been hiding all these years? Beautiful table presence. Featherlight rules. Knizian elegance in countertension on countertension. I was hooked pretty quickly and three games in it’s only stronger. A bit of hand management, a bit of push your luck, a bit of shared incentives, a bit of engine building, a bit of area control, all resting on just three or four rules and immaculate visual design. Made me think of Mandala.
It’s light enough that it’s not going to be an industry powerhouse, but it’s good. And I was horrified to see it rated so low by the general public, especially as it was followed up by…
Lanterns - …
Is this a game?
6.9 on BGA. Received an app, expansions, and reprints. This wasn’t quite “gnaw my arm off to escape the table” but I definitely never need to play this again.
Didn’t hate it like Splendor as I didn’t feel like it took anything from me in the process of giving nothing back.
Fox in the Forest - Yep. Now, I haven’t played Jekyll and Hyde yet. But I researched it and got familiar. I can see why the new kids would glom to it but it isn’t Fox in the Forest. I’m not surprised that people don’t love this now, but I do expect in 5-10 years everyone to come around and find what they couldn’t see before. As I always say, play trick taking until you choke on it and hate it, then come to FitF, and you’ll fall in love.
The Great Zimbabwe - 10/10. I came in last, I’m maybe halfway up the learning curve to minimum competency, and I’ve barely scratched what this game has to offer. So this is an early call, put it in pencil. But I’m pretty confident this thing is amazing and I can overwrite those marks in pen one day.
Nippon - Finishing up a LONG async with strangers. Really tired of it. I think this is a good game, but I only half grasp the rules (especially vague on how to score) and haven’t done my diligence of rereading the rules. So I’m just taking moves to end it. I think there is a lot of interesting stuff going on here? Certainly more interesting than the likes of Evacuation that I’ve been trying? I would just need to try it again in a faster fashion, or with a fully internalized understading of the rules. Not currently motivated to try again.