Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Plum Island Horror for the first 1 and a half times today. As one player was late we played a half game to get some rules down with me and 1 other. Then we completed a whole game as 3 player.

It’s really good. Has some sort of Spirit Island vibes but is also quite different. So it’s tower defence, you have a faction with several pieces with unique stats and abilities. As a GMT game it’s got a chit pull activation so you always get 3 spawn/activation chits and an events chit. Then 4 player chits varying for player count. So the 9 turns are consistent and swingy.

Horrors trickle down the tracks. You have to manage supplies and evacuate civilians to survive and win. It was tense mostly and we lost on the cubes pull for the last biohazard escalation on the last turn. The factions are fun, I’m sure it’s all references on the names.

I doubt it will have the depth of the Spirit Island however it’s a refreshing change and should have a good few games in it. Really enjoyed first play and glad of the purchase. Second game in 5-6 months at best and will be worth the wait.


Trapwords - Team Couch had trouble getting their teammates to guess the words, so Team Not Couch pulled ahead, stayed ahead, and got the final room in one try with a very considered and precise clue.

Bohnanza - A full seven players created some lively discussion and a three-way tie for first!

For Sale - This one is fun. I like the second half a lot more than the first. The auction is uninspiring - trying to count cards and read the other players’ intentions is much more interesting.


We played Lords of Vegas yesterday. At the end of the game, my wife took over the two casinos I owned which touched the Strip, so managed to be just one step short of the Instant Win space when the Game Over card scored. Her brother was a couple of spaces behind her.

I was one step past the 3 breakpoint. So not my best showing.

Tonight the two of us played Lost Cities, where I ran away with it, 223 - 98. The we played Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game which she won 3 - 2.


Last night I finally managed to play Sidereal Confluence for the first time. Six players: Kit, Kjas, Faderon, Imo…nomads… Caylon, and me as the Eni Uni* (names might be wrong, but basically the 5 basic races plus the Socialist Squids).

Final scores were Nomads at 40, (Un)Friendly Robots at 39.5, Angry Dinos at 37, Bugs with 35, Plants with 34, and then me with 32. So basically one or two techs divided the entire field…

Satisfying! Enjoyable! Really glad I’ve held onto it this long on the chance that it’s as good as I thought it might be… going to try and play again next week with all the races except for the Zeth (I might include them eventually, but they sound mean).

Oh, and then most people left but two people stayed behind to help me clean up, so we also played a few rounds of Team 3, which continues to be hilarious and simple fun. Big fan.


Big day yesterday. Started with Stationfall I was the Engineer trying to blow up the ship and prevent any infected people leaving, whilst all three oppponents were madly trying to grab the briefcase. I kept on trying to get the inspector to shower off the infection using a telepathic rat to minfd control them, which just ended up with them not being able to jump through the wormhole. Really fun game.

Next, Agricola! Introduced two new players to the game, not much more to add except it’s always a joy:

Then, as is custom, La Granja. With broken roof tiles, donkey songs, extra cards and now, buildings.

The buildings come with all new actions for the dice, one of which is build or use a building. If you take that you get to biuld a building on the board, touching three hexes, and place the card next to a craft building. The person who builds it gets to also use it, and then after scoring each building gives bonus for either majority control (three touching hexes and craft marker), or everyone there benefits (1 silver per marker for example).
I really liked these. Weirdly, the building dice rarely got thrown, so they were built gradually throughout the game. I also liked the new dice options- loads more snoozing!

Also for @Acacia my board:

Every craft marker except boxes. Loads of different playstyles too- I went full craft buildings, only completing barrows in the very final round, other players went full barrow, one with no markets, just money and VPs. Loads of sleeping too. Wouldn’t go back to no buildings now.
Next module to include: Hired Hands (people have asked for Ladies, but I’m not that keen on asymettric player powers)


The Goonies: Never Say Die, a close one, but we just made it. They’ve done an ok job with this game, but I’m getting a bit tired of the same enemies (rats and bats). And bloody rubble blocking your path.

Port Royal, hadn’t played this for ages. It’s push your luck, you can keep drawing cards, but as soon as you get more than one ship of the same colour you’re bust. Then you get a few pirates together and things get a bit easier.

Qwirkle, another game I hadn’t played for years. And it’s pretty good fun. Put down a tile, you have to match either the colour or the shape, get points. And big points for putting down the sixth colour or shape, this is a qwirkle and gives you bonus points. And of course you get to look a bit smug. The winner of our game even got a double qwirkle.

Cacao, one of my favourite Phil Walker-Harding games. Pretty simple – put down a tile with your workers, get stuff from the tiles adjacent to it. I’ve got the expansions for this, should give them a try…

Akropolis, another quick game to finish the day. I did not do well. But it was still fun.


El Grande - the King returns

Escape: Curse of the Temple - glad to play this again. Very good!

The Crew

Age of Innovation - I sided with Terra Mystica against Gaia Project and I now prefer this over Terra. Granted, this is a snowball efficiency game where the opening draft and your first round is significant, but I still enjoy this game. I’ll be playing this a bit more before then maybe I decide its fate in my collection

The Six of VIII - themed with King Henry and his 6 wives. I feel that this is inferior to Yokai Septet as a 4 player partnership game, let alone solid games like Tichu. Sold.

Blood on the Clocktower - another all-dayer session with BBQ. We had a last game where the Imp and the Poisoner were killed in the first two days. The supposed-Recluse was actually the Spy so it’s good that we killed them. We did won in the end

My thoughts remain the same. This would have been the best social deduction game in the world, if it wasn’t for Resistance: Avalon. This game is top tier.


Had a surprise session today so I tookLa Granja: deluxe master set for a spin. Just played base with no modules to see how it compared with usability and visibility. I’d say favourably I think. The wooden craft markets are a bit better and everything being a bit bigger is good. The player boards weren’t a significant upgrade but also not a downgrade at all so that’s fine.

I felt rusty but still managed a decent 88 points and the win. At the end I was a money short of a 6 barrow so did a 2 and a 4 barrow. It ended up being even as I got a boot with the 4. I’m not sure how much sweating the details like that does late on but earlier on I did a mistake on some deliveries which made it harder to really build up as I over spent on rushing a craft building and then was down on pig breeding and was inefficient with some upgrades. I did have the shoemaker out so every time pigs breed I’d get some shoes and 2 steps on the siesta track. I’m really trying not to ponder on what the shoes are made from though.

Finally as my family turned out to have fallen asleep we played a quick turn of Nokosu Dice which was excellent as always. Taught the 2 as new players so just did a couple of hands to get the swing of it. Worth the money even at import prices.


A bit of gaming on the train to Marseille today…


Well I’ve just played Architects of the West Kingdom against two AI bots (the one from the base game and the more sophisticated one from the expansion), and as a result I’ve managed to come third in a game where I’m the only person playing. I’ve never achieved that before!!

Once I got my my head round it all it was great fun. And I didn’t lose by all that much (by hardly anything to the basic bot; the cleverer one was a bit further ahead).


It’s… so beautiful…

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More games of Lost Cities and Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game with wins going both ways. We had a game of Lords of Vegas, which I just managed to swoop in from behind to win 66 - 60.

Last night we played Ethnos with Centaurs, Minotaurs, Merfolk, Giants, and Halflings. I played 50 points worth of bands in the first age, paired with region scoring got me around the score track while my wife was in the 20s or 30s. She did better in the second age, but not enough to overcome that large of a gap, so I won 124 - 104.

Then we played my new copy of Unmatched: Slings and Arrows, which features William Shakespeare as a fighter against three of his creations: Hamlet, the Wayward Sisters, and Titania. I played the Sisters against my wife’s Titania (first time she has played someone other than Medusa!).

Titania has Oberon as a sidekick. She has a second deck of Glamour cards, of which one will go into effect at the start of her turn and stay in effect until one of her cards discards it. This will be done to give her cards increased effects, like making a 3 power card into a 5, or allowing her to place her fighter in any space after combat.

Meanwhile, the Glamours give effects such as allowing her to move through opposing fighters, or draw a card at the end of her turn, or move an opposing fighter 1 space before moving hers when maneuvering, etc.

The Wayward Sisters are a three hero fighter and all their cards have one of three icons on it: snake, bat, or claw. Whenever their cards are discarded, instead of going to the discard pile, they go into their cauldron. After an attack, they can use a combination of different symbols to cast a spell for an effect. This empties the cauldron entirely, so you can’t just stock up and unleash a bunch.

There are four spells: draw a card and heal 1 damage from one of your fighters, move any fighter 3 spaces, deal 1 damage to a fighter in your zone, or gain 1 action. This gives them some really good versatility, though it is limited in that you can only cast after you attack (though they have a card which can pick two different spells to cast without using the cards in the cauldron. Additionally, they have cards that get a boost for having different symbols in the cauldron, so it is worth keeping it stocked.

In our match, I was able to take out Oberon early, which gave me a good advantage over Titania. She dinged each of the Sisters for a couple of points, but got hit pretty hard in return. Unfortunately for me, she was able to heal up 6 points of damage and after some more exchanges did take out one of the Sisters. However, I got a slew of attack cards and overwhelmed her, taking the win. It was a good matchup.

I’m looking forward to trying out Shakespeare and his special ability of Iambic Pentameter.


This could be a parody of a game. That it is also playable s lovely.


It’s actually pretty cool. Each card has a name and they counted the syllables. When you play the cards, they go in a line. If you get exactly 10 syllables, you get the special effect on the last card. If you go over, you discard the line.


What about the iambic part?

(That’s probably close enough for a game mechanic but…).


Well, per the rules, the player is supposed to read the line “as an actor would” before getting the effect, and to really “ham it up”, so I think that part would be up to the player.


7 Wonders Duel hadd its first outing on my table for two quick trial solo games last night. I liked it a lot, but goodness I was rubbish at it. I didn’t even bother scoring the first game against Cleopatra which looked like a hammering and, while the second game against Aristotle seemed clearer and closer, I lost by 7 or 8 points. Time to rethink my strategy, and watch a few playthroughs online.


A couple of days ago, we had a couple friends over and played our first ever 4-player game of Terraforming Mars. It was also their first game ever, full stop, but they’re experienced gamers and so they picked it up quickly. I came in first, they came in second and third, and Maryse, shockingly, brought up the rear.

We all played with Young Corporations to even it out, no expansions outside of the mini one that comes in the box. It was great fun, changes the game quite a bit!


I’ve been working through some back logs of “oh, that looks nice, I should try it.”

Nova Luna is better than Sagani. BGG got that one right.

Habitats vs Nova Luna, hard to say. And Nova Luna is a re-implementation… But essentially, Nova Luna keeps the tile placement puzzle of Habitats and replaces the tile market with Patchwork (rondel plus “time” cost, which also dictates turn order). The other change is that Habitats awards points based on task difficulty, while Nova Luna costs time based on task difficulty. In the former you are trying to get more points over fixed turns, while in the latter you are trying to take more, more efficient turns while completing a fixed number of tasks.

Habitats also has animals.

Probably just play whichever one is in front of you. I’d nudge Habitats if you had a choice. It seems both harder but more obvious, while Nova Luna removes some of the puzzle but replaces it with some obtuse (meaning hard to optimize, not hard to understand) systems.


Some games over the last week and a bit:

Air, Land and Sea, close game of this.

Hanamikoji 2 rounds in and I managed to maintain control over one of my geishas from round 1 which got me the win.

Quacks, I got hosed this game - consistently had crap draws and ended way far back on the score track. This is fundamentally unfair. Luckily its also fast and fun even when things are going poorly.

Biblios, this one came down to the last card when one of the other players just managed to steal one of my dice and then the last auction, which we were all ignoring, he bid a couple of gold on and then won scoring for that category - that the rest of us had been ditching. Such a fun little game.

Finca four player game of this. It’s a little chaotic at 4, I do prefer it at 2 or 3 but it still works. Our winner won off of the finca tiles they’d won, simply by grabbing lots of smaller tiles.

La Granja, so friend brought this - the big deluxe version. I’ve been wanting to try it for awhile. Seems like you could be super clever. We were not as it was new to three of us. We fumbled our way through. I’d love to play it again now that I have a sense of how it works. It did go a little late for a weeknight gaming sesh, so it might get pushed to friday night or on the weekend. Lots of fun though - love the multiuse cards. The mean interactive bit in the middle is weird, where poor play can award shrewd players opportunities for big paydays.