Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Yesterday my copy of Legacy of Yu arrived either on time or early, who knows with these Carphill Games campaigns. As is to be expected, I have already played 2 games and have an opinion.

Legacy of Yu is a pure solo campaign game by Shem Philips.

I think his train of thought must have been: people who want to play Paladins never find other players because the game is so complex only hobbyists with a very puzzly mindset want to play and they really want to concentrate on that puzzle and not have to run a fiddly automa, right? And they probably donā€™t want to teach this and sheperd new players through it eitherā€¦ What if I made a game for these poor Paladins players that they could actually enjoy? What if I added in a campaign with numbered cards that wasā€“for onceā€“not a hassle to deal with?

There is nothing I donā€™t like about this game after 2 plays. Except maybe the box could have been smaller, but it is standard Shem Philips format and there is a usable insert that hides the fact that there is a bit of air beneath it by putting pictures of what goes where on the bottom of the box (the insert is clear). But that is really being nit-picky. The back of the rulebook serves as a player aid, but the iconography is so nicely done that I have not had to look at it much.

Learning the game is easy (though I caught myself in a dumb rules mistake that made the game needlessly harder), setup is a breeze, so is teardown. And it is NOT a table hog. Everything is very neatly organized so much so that I immediately want to play again when I am done, except that this is a game that feels much shorter than it actually is (this is a good thing!) and so when I am done it is too late to play again.

Pure solo games that were designed as such have not always been a hit with me. Sprawlopolis and Oranienburger Kanal play more people in theory. I am talking about Falling Skies and Hostage Negotiator.

In this game you play against the flood that is pushing up the canal you built, forcing you to just keep up the tempo or else. But the faster you play your cards the faster the flood rises and the more you built the more aggressive the barbarians becomeā€¦

A round goes like this"
  • Harvest (aka collect income) from your huts, your farms and your basic incomeā€“this includes drawing a hand of (usually) 4 cards from your deck. Possible resources gained are:
    • Cowrie shells for trading
    • Cards representing townsfolk (itā€™s a Shem Philips game, cards are people)
    • Provisions used to buy cards or fund campaigns against the barbarian horde
    • Various colors of workers
    • Wood or Clay used for building buildings
    • Resources are finite in this game! If you ever run out and gain more better rethink your actions.
  • Take actions:
    • play cards for resources to your discard, give them up to the general discard for more resources, play them as income in an open income slot for following rounds
    • build one of 3 building types that give you additional income, versatility for your workers or action slots and additional income slots
    • Use provisions to gain new cards from the townsfolk row to your discard or send them away to gain some resources
    • Attack some barbarians ā†’ most barbarians need 3 workers (aka troops) of specific colors to be fought off and also your troops need provisions to get to the barbarians
    • Spend Cowrie Shells and workers to build a section of the canal giving you additional building slots and better trade options for your cowrie shells
  • Then after the action phase you suffer barbarian attacks. Or you could bribe them with some resources. Damage is dealt to your deck, sending cards back to the general discard.
  • The top row of cards is then refilled with some new barbarians and if there are empty slots also townsfolk
How to win or lose

You win the game by building all 6 sections of the canal (canals are a thing this year) and surviving the following Barbarian attack.

You lose the game if you ever need to suffer damage and have no more cards in your deck or discard, if the flood moves onto an unbuilt section of the canal (it moves every time you shuffle your discard into your new deck) or if the barbarian horde has chased off all the townsfolk in the top row.

I lost my first game to the barbarians and barely won the second after realizing the workers sent to the worker slots from the huts return to me after the round oO.

So what's with the campaign?

The campaign is actually a deck of numbered cards. And some cards when you ā€œdealā€ with them have a number that sends you to the little campaign booklet which tells you what happens next which is usually ā€œshelve the card in the history section of the insert and get one or more new cards to add to the townsfolk, the setup cards or the barbarians.ā€

At the end of a each game you get either a victory card or a defeat card from either deck. At the bottom of both of those decks is a golden card when you reach that the campaign is over. Victories lead to more complications while defeats give you a bit of a bonus for your following games.

Also I think it is one where resetting the campaign is easily done and worthwhile because even though the game changes a little bit with each ā€œsceneā€, the gameplay is satisfying from the first turn and it stands well on its own, the campaign just gives a few added incentives to do things to unlock a new piece of the puzzle possibly or reward you with something.

I have mostly played the West Kingdom trilogy from Shem Philips and of those games Legacy of Yu most reminds me of Paladins as mentioned above. It is really quite thinky and the game gives you the time to think about it by staying out of your way for the most part. It is far less fiddly than playing Paladins solo. There are less chances to mess up your resouce accounting or the card play. And it is a challenge. I barely won my 2nd game.

I am definitely quite happy with this and canā€™t wait to play more.

If you like solo games and have ever enjoyed a Shem Philips game, have a closer look.


On Sunday my partner and I traveled to St. Catharines to visit our ā€œco-op friendsā€ (the couple that we historically play co-op campaign games withā€¦ weā€™ve completed 50 playthroughs of Gloomhaven, 1 Imperial Assault campaign, Mechs vs Minions, Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay, Mice & Mystics, Gen7, and probably a couple others Iā€™m forgetting). Weā€™re working on our Oathsworn campaign right now, and finished Chapter 7.

Frankly, we found this one both short and easyā€¦ none of us were particularly close to being knocked out, which is unusual. I also think that we may have played with all the rules for combat correctly for the first time, soā€¦ yeah, I dunno. The game continues to be good, although my partner isnā€™t enjoying her character class so much (The Blade) because itā€™s too generic and the rest of us are pretty specialized.

Then Andy went off to meditate and Chris, Jen, and I played a game of Arboretum which I love. And lost by a lot. Then Andy returned and we played a game of El Dorado, the new pretty version, and I managed to leap into the lead but then got bogged down near the end and Chris was able to leap ahead for the win.

Then last night we played the next mission in Andy and my Descent 3rd Ed campaign, playing the 2nd Vaerix (the Dragon Hybrid) mission and doing pretty well! The final boss, a Centurion, was a tank, but we managed to complete it without either of us getting injured, which I think may mean that weā€™re getting pretty good at the game. Andy always plays the dwarf (Kehli) as a sort of tank/DPS, and I played Vaerix with a long-range attack that did little damage but leaped onto other targets, letting me put a few points here or there throughout the adventureā€¦ which was great, because Kehli has an artifact that gives her bonus damage against wounded enemies!

My only complaint remains: I wish you got to roll more than 1 die more often. Like, just make everything a little harder/higher armour, and make all attacks a 2-die affair. Way more satisfying.

Tonight I play Battletech with Eric (4500BV per sideā€¦ heā€™s bringing a light, 2 mediums, and a heavy, and I have 4 mediums), and Iā€™m going to propose a mini-campaign ruleset for our next 3 plays. Just for giggles.


I havenā€™t reported much after a full weekend of gaming with my little one (she is beating my sorry ass at Love Letter now very often, proud gamer dad here) but on Monday night we had another session of ISS Vanguard. We had a decent time, considering how much is that game beating our sorry derrieres lately.

After receiving a good walloping on our last mission, we had a chance to collect ourselves and sort of restart. We went to a different system, even though we have lost quite some technology advances damaged in the last barrage, and we found a planet that looked sort of tolerant with us visiting. We had the best landing so far in the campaign, and we still had to leave before finishing due to lack of supplies.

The game is still a bit frustrating in revealing what is needed to be done sometimes, we actually were given a card in a location where accomplishing a dice roll, we could go to a new location that, once opened the log, it was unclear if we needed to do something else on the previous location. I believe things like these are convincing me more and more that after this campaign is done I am likely to sell the game. Play testing should have dealt with these issues.

The main issue I have is that I havenā€™t had one single session where I have finished and felt accomplished. I understand the game tries to be realistic, but the rewards are always way too little against the amount of stick the game likes to hit you with.


I beg your pardon.


Plays? In 2018 we played it once a week, every week, missing only the first and last week of the year.

Now that I can believe :sweat_smile:

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Heheh, I read it the same way initially, ran the math real quick in my head, and decided I was 100% confident Marx meant 50 sessions. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Iā€™m super looking forward to getting my copy! There have been some delays in Australia, so weā€™re still waiting, unfortunately :frowning:

I do like Paladins and struggle to get it to the table (and find soloing it fiddly), so I think iā€™m in the right audience for this one!


Games meet-up tonight. We played:

  • 6 Nimmt (x1 with 6p)
  • Incan Gold (x2 with 7p)
  • Regenwormen (x2 with 7p)
  • Ra (x1 with 3p)

Lots of fun and laughter. Excellent evening.


So my Battletech game went well, albeit indecisive.
Eric brought a Dragon, Griffin, Wasp, and Phoenix Hawk, with an Ace in the Griffin (-2 to hit with his PPC, and Sandblaster on the LRM). I brought an Enforcer (with an Ace that let me have a -2 to hit while jumping), a Kintaro with buckets of SRM6s, a Dervish, and a Hatchetman.

Long range exchange of fire didnā€™t accomplish much except to immediately overheat my Kintaro, which then spent the rest of the game firing only 1 or 2 SRMs to avoid exploding.

My Hatchetman closed to axe range of his Dragon, smacked it around while pounding AC10 shots into it: lopped off both arms before the Dragon kicked one of my legs clean off!

Mental note: 60 ton mechs kick like a mule.

His Griffin has a pilot that gave his PPC a bonus to hit, and it melted a lot of armour from my Enforcer, while his Phoenix Hawk got behind my Dervish and blasted through its rear armour. Meanwhile my Enforcer blew off the Waspā€™s torso and pinged some damage into the Griffin, and the Dervishā€¦ well. It basically did nothing aside from soak some shots.

End score was 0-0, with Ericā€™s Wasp and Dragon both heavily damaged and my Hatchetman on the floor but still alive and my Kintaro at 21 heat after heatsinks.

Next time: mini campaign!


Played Priest of Ra. Very much like Ra that it plays the same way except with double sided tiles and you choose which one to place. However, I have not explored both titles enough to tell whatā€™s the subtle difference between the two. The set collection of Ra and Priest of Ra arenā€™t really exciting to me. I much rather prefer to play Strozzi, or Medici. And I would rather play Modern Art, or Das Letzte Paradies, or The Estates than the former two.

Keyflower - fun! I have played it a good amount and I get to learn how to evaluate tiles better. Great game!

Texas & Pacific - has 95% of rules as Chicago Express but subtly different! I would still play Chicago Express over T&P or Irish Gauge, but this is up there.

Won a 6 player online game of 1830: Railways and Robber Barons. Was pretty ecstatic with the win.


My wife and I played Star Wars: the Deckbuilding Game tonight. This time the Empire was victorious, but only by a mere 2 health on my final base. Easily could have gone either way.


Some games over the last week and a bit:

Hadrianā€™s Wall x2, couple of solo games of this one, still my go-to solo game. I should make another attempt at the solo campaign. I failed pretty dismally last timeā€¦

Arboretum, game of this with my wife. She doubled my score - I had a very poorly planned arboretum at the end.

Railroad Ink Challenge:LG, I did great on most of the goals and scoring criteria. Unfortunately the dice were not cooperating so I also ended up with a huge amount of minuses :frowning: So my opponent took the win.

Kingdom Builder, first time to the table in awhile. Setup is slightly annoying with two expansions in the box but the game is still terrific fun, if a little unfriendly to new players in terms of strategy.

Ticket to Ride Switzerland, my friend requested this one and itā€™s the map Iā€™d go to with 2 or 3 players most of the time. My tickets were higher value and since neither of us ended up drawing new ones, and we both completed all of them, I won by a decent chunk. We also mused about how you could do a Ticket to Ride Australia (or maybe one of their little ones for Melbourne and our tram network :stuck_out_tongue:) as there is definitely something cool about having been to the places represented.

Point Salad x2, this game can be pretty chaotic at high player counts but the two player game is delightfully tense and vicious. Lots of fun.

Anansi, finally got this to the table - itā€™s a rather cool trick taker where trump can change mid round and bidding for tricks won is also done mid round. I did poorly in the final round, tanking my score. Great presentation and it plays quickly too. Look forward to giving it some more plays.

Granny Wars x2, so my gaming partners for this weeks game night brought along a couple of op-shop (thrift shop in the US i believe?) buys. This was fine. Pretty chaotic and quite lucky but at least didnā€™t outstay itā€™s welcome. The presentation is kind of ugly though.

Pass the Popcorn, this one is a movie trivia game where you can ask for specific clues via tiles that are randomly assigned each round. It was decent for a trivia game. Some types of clues are definitely better than others (ā€˜storyā€™ generally is a lot more useful than the others, especially ā€˜castā€™ā€¦). Not awful though, Iā€™d play it again.

Incan Gold, I got off to a good start with this one, but we all bailed early on run 2, leaving our 3rd player to score a crazy amount of gems that we just couldnā€™t catch up to.

For Sale, overpaid for some rubbish properties in phase one so I wasnā€™t in a great position for the second half. I turned it around a bit in the second half, but not enough to catch our winner.


Of course we played Frosthaven. And things went south almost immediately, our tank (Bannerspear) managed to lose all of his health in the first round and had to burn a card. The scenario had some archers which were making things difficult. I, of course, stayed in the back out of danger. Then, in the next room, we had two enemies who were enemies to each other, so we had to do more damage and kill one of them. And they both had really strong attacks. We had a chance at the win, our Germinate player nearly did it, but missed on his full damage (not a complete whiff, just a minus 2). Unfortunately, we also forgot we had an extra ally from the last scenario, we remembered half way through. That could have made a difference. In the end, we just needed one more hit and we would have won. So now we have to do it again.

Also, looked up some Frosthaven rules using this, and it seemed to work quite well. No idea how many games it works for.

Search for Planet X, our first game on the expert side of the board. I really struggled to figure anything else, ended on a miserable two points (yup, that bad). Made an absolutely stuffup on one theory, just chose the wrong token. Wouldnā€™t have helped me much. Scores were 28,18,8,2.

Perfect Alibi, another underrated deduction game. Thereā€™s been a murder (recreated in awesome detail on the cover) on a sea voyage, and of course it was one of the guests. You ask other players questions about their cards, and you have various roles that give you a special power.

Fantasy Realms to finish off the day.


Not many games played recently, but we did play a few games of Sprawlopolis and Hive on holiday. We played Hive with the pillbug (or woodlouse/slater/sow pig) which was an interesting variation.


For Sale

Oceans - 4 player game and it went nuts as usual. Nature is under development, and doesnā€™t seem to be released any time soon. Sad face.

Lords of Hellas - oh god. Iā€™ve been spoilt by good games. This is so boring.

Witchstone - Knizia co-design which made me question how much input he made here as itā€™s more of a Feld-ish design. Iā€™d rather give Chiacchiera credit here.

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I was momentarily confused because I thought youā€™d only just bought Oceans. Then I checked which thread I was readingā€¦


I once tried looking for For Sale on eBayā€¦


Played Ra yesterday, two player with the 6 year old. Itā€™s fun, new edition is gorgeous and very playable.

Then 3 player 7 Wonders Architects. 10 year old won, with me a distant third place.


Had a get together with old board game friends I hadnā€™t seen in a while yesterday.

The Fuzzies - Kicked off with this as Iā€™d just bought for one of them as a gift. Very fun and possibly beats NMBR 9 to being the game with the quickest setup (definitely quicker to pack away though).

Cat in the Box - I think every round ended in a paradox this time, but thatā€™s probably to be expected with 5 players.

Crokinole - Didnā€™t get to any more games as we just played this for this for the rest of the night. Just quick 1v1 games where the first to 50 points won and then played whoever was next.