I’m halfway through the podcast, the only one of these I’ve not played, including forum games is Bohnanza.
Part of the issue with their conversation is that the SUSD are very outgoing, sociable gamers who are willing to role play, table talk and make games an experience and they play with similar people. I don’t think that’s a true reflection of what a lot of the rest of the hobby is like.
Having not heard the reasoning for anything after TI4…
A Feast for Odin - I really enjoy this, but I’m not sure what the rationale is. It’s not a classic worker placement game with lots of blocking. It’s good but, should everyone play it?
Crokinole - excellent game. Lucky I own it, but it’s very expensive and that’s a high barrier. Carrom is a very similar beast and (in the UK at least) a fraction of the price.
King’s Dilemma is fantastic, but could die a death with the wrong group.
Roads & Boats - sorry @pillbox but this is madness. 6 hours of opaque decision making? It’s hardly universal
The Crew beats The Mind
T&E - fair enough, massively OOP but it’s on BGA.
Pandemic Legacy - excellent, but there is a barrier to a lot of people to play legacy games.
TI4 - probably fair enough. I’d like to give it a go irl.
Skull is excellent
If we’re doing alternatives. Top of my head…
El Grande OOP, but on BGA
Hansa Teutonica the euro’s euro
Dominion best deck builder imo
Decrypto this is for gamers, so this trumps Codenames
Carrom as above, cheaper than (and better than?) Crokinole
Tichu brilliant card game with a team game wrinkle
Tigris and Euphrates I prefer Yellow and Yangtze, but this is a classic
Spirit Island if SUSD can go complicated, this is the best co op
Agricola I don’t like this one very much, but I think it’s the quintessential worker placement game
11 - Times Up the best party game bar none