Photos of our pets

A lot of my Instagram feed is pics of our cats interfering with boardgames and puzzles.


Cats have a thing for sitting on rule books or inside game lids i’ve Found.


Fixed that for you.


I’ve got pictures of Pomegranate interfering with board games! One of her favorite board games is A Feast For Odin: The Dexterity Game where she will jump up on the table and surprise us and mess up our carefully laid-out boards. But sometimes the board games get their revenge.


< redacted >


I have now extracted a bat from duct tape. That is the sixth and final bat I removed from my house over four days. The professional handled seven. All of his were asleep though. Three of mine were in the air.

I now have an extraction device in place and have been bat-free for three days.

Bats are not pets.

I am required to give full kudos to Lily, the cat. She alerted me to active bats and even cornered one. She is now considered useful as well as decorative.


It makes me happy to learn that you have been setting bats free safely. They’re beautiful animals and I wish for them to thrive.


I’m adjusting the budget for two Audobon bat houses and some oderant.

They are just trying to help out by eating our monstrous mosquitoes. Not their fault the chimney looks so homey.


We sometimes see the odd bat in our garden during twilight. +1 appreciation for capturing and setting free these fine creatures.


There are a lot of cats in this group.


There are indeed. Tread carefully, now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s my tribe: Mort of the left, Ted on the right and Po at the back


Meet Peni


Oh man, what a doll. That fur!

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Just back from the groomer!! Normally much more ringlety

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What’s her breed? She looks schnauzer-y.

Cockerpoo. With a miniature poodle as the sire

Ah. That explains those lovely ears. The beard threw me.

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The gorgeousness! But how are your stairs so clean? Mine are covered in B&W fur and catnip from the most recently destroyed toy. Being a slattern might also be a factor.
Such beautiful ginger cats! And a Dog of Character grumphing on the stair…


Our family got some good news. The agency informed us that next week we can pick up the dogs we applied to adopt. Yay! A visit involves the agency arranging with the foster home to bring the dogs to HQ (we only had the one visit so far). I wonder about fostering and what it would be like to host an animal that I should not consider my long-term pet. I think about a thread like this where the point is to look at a pic of a cute furry creature to say, “that animal is loved”. So I draw your attention to the number as well as the content of tiktoks of Mopsy & Patch. WHEN I WAS YOUNG WE HAD TO drop off our super8 film at a developer uphillBothWaysThroughtheSnow so maybe I put too much weight on ‘making a video’. I know these people committed to fostering and are documenting the process with a phone, but sheesh. I’m a little hesitant to take these two away from a family that has made 34? videos about how happy they all are.

The cats have been consulted with little response of note.

If you are curious, the agency (in Southern Ontario) is Dog Tales. They have a reality show. They took down their own pics of the dogs which seems a good sign. Otherwise I would have linked that too because, topic.