[PbP] Many Games, One Collaborative World

100% yes - You don’t need to justify yourself, you don’t need a reason and it’s your unilateral decision. If it’s something you don’t want to explore in play, say the word and it’s gone!

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Oh rats, I wrote characters I’d like to meet - I had a third idea I wanted to play. Card laid/card played - I’ll likely pick from someone else’s ideas.


Ah sorry, I didn’t explain that very well - so we will each play 2 characters - a major character and a minor character. A minor character consists of the following:

A name
A job or role description

A major character consists of the following:

A name
A job or role description
A want from the quest
A want from the major character on your left

Anything extra is very welcome, and extremely helpful

So you see, if we stop at defining two names and job titles, then you have the flexibility to elevate either of your characters to your major character by adding the two wants, I find it useful to wait and see all of the other player’s characters first before deciding.

You will have lots of opportunities to create characters you want to meet during play, but for now just create the two characters you want to play - the next thing I’ll ask is to decide which one of them is your major character and which will remain a minor character for the game start. If you want to take Serra the Elder, be my guest, go right on ahead but you’ll still need one more if you don’t want either that you’ve created. The same goes for everyone else - and apologies again, it was my rushed post that was difficult to understand - If you haven’t created your two personal characters that you want to play, set them aside for now and make two characters: they only need names and jobs - or roles, and a vague idea as to why they would be a part of the fellowship to save the colony for now.

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Just waiting on @RossM to create two characters, @GabrielH to convert Tubby to an adult (or keep him a child and have him as not a fellowship character, but then create a second) and @Sagantine to make the characters they want to play


I’ll just drop my two characters in now:

Jens is a police officer, a hard working, honest constable if he is to believed. He works under Masigonde. Rumour is that he is neither hard working or honest, but he gets the right result by the wrong methods.

Carrie manages the mines, she spends most of her day underground supervising the machines that drill ever deeper in search of useful material. She is criticised heavily, and most of the blame for every failure is usually attributed to her


I’m replazing Ganza (who is still canonical, please!) with:

Altun is essentially the local news, though she sees herself more as an indie documentary filmmaker. She has been vlogging the progress of this wave of the colony since day one, and is driven to get into wherever she’s not wanted no matter what. She delights in exposing anything negative or sensational that happens in the colony, and at this point most people are wise to her shenanigans (if not outright distrustful of her).


Hunk is a Sculptor. He believes in firm hand shakes and few words. He supplements his artistic work with brute force jobs.

De is technically a medic, a dab hand with a needle and thread. But really, De is a magician, an expert in the sleight of hand. She has what she lovingly refers to as ‘a past’.


@GabrielH can catch up when they are ready! Time to choose one of your characters to become your major character - To do so, pick whichever one you want and decide their two Wants:

What your character Wants from the quest - note, this must be unique, and shouldn’t be simply for it to succeed - for example “I want the quest to succeed because otherwise the colony fails and we all die” is not a good Want, in play it will simply manifest as "I want the quest to succeed. A very good example of a Want is “I want to be recognised and become famous as the person who was instrumental in saving the colony.” If we have two people with the same wants, then discuss between yourselves, find the differences. For example, if we have two people who want to become famous for being the person who saved the colony, maybe one wants fame for riches and the other for power. That way we make two unique wants from the same core.

The other Want, is you must want something from the person on your left (I’ll repost the seating order below). This needs you both to discuss, and importantly the person on your left should be unwilling to give it to you. When you both agree, then your Want is decided!

Seating Order

@Sagantine, who is seated to the left of:
@RossM, who is seated to the left of:
@Cokho, who is seated to the left of:
@Captbnut, who is seated to the left of:
@GabrielH, who is seated to the left of:
@ABitWhippet, and I am seated to the left of @Sagantine

So for clarification:

Sagan’s major character wants something from Ross’s major character that they are unwilling to give, Ross’s major character wants something from Cokho’s major character etc.

The examples for this quest from the book are:

Want from Quest:

  1. Change. Start fresh, don’t just imitate the society we came from
  2. Tradition: We should respect the values of where we came from
  3. Power: I should be in charge
  4. Escape: Leave my past behind
    5: Environmentalism: Be careful not to harm the natural ecosystem
  5. Glory: Tame the land and build a proud shining city

Want from another

  1. Support: My plans, ideas, authority or place in the community
  2. Responsibility: I could be doing more (Or you could be doing more)
  3. Teach Me: Something you’re good at (Or something you’re not, let me teach you)
  4. Forgiveness: For a bad decision, for hurting someone, or damaging supplies
  5. Truth: About your past, why you’re here or what the data really said
  6. Love: Return my affections (or forget about me)

Finally, a quick note to say that the idea doesn’t have to be perfect, just something you can get your teeth into!

I’ll start off posting my wants, for Jens


Jens is a police officer, a hard working, honest constable if he is to believed. He works under Masigonde. Rumour is that he is neither hard working or honest, but he gets the right result by the wrong methods.

Do feel free to claim any of these for yourself, I’m happy to put them first as examples, but don’t mind if you want them for yourself!

First of all, I’ll say that Jens wants access to someone important, the chancellor of the colony - more importantly her files as he is trying to bring her down for pocketing public funds. He feels that getting involved in this project will bring him this opportunity.

@Sagantine - My initial idea (assuming Altun is to be your major character) is that Altun has found out that Jens is corrupt, and has been covering up one of Jen’s colleagues planting evidence against the person they suspected to be a gang leader. Jens would very much like Altun to bury the story.


I’m going to play as Jock (but I’m changing his name to Davy)


Jock is an out of place hard man. He was a king in school; captain of the football (soccer team), dating the prettiest girl. He didn’t work because he didn’t need to, knowledge was for plebs. As he’s got older the football glory has diminished, his wife left him and his kids don’t want to know him. Now he’s mid 40s, angry and with nothing left for him at home. He’s tough, handy with his fists and not scared of anything (for better or worse).

Davy wants to escape, there’s nothing left for him. But apart from escape, he wants to rediscover his glories - he wants this colony to be hard, where the real men are kings.

I’ll work on my want from @GabrielH when the character is ready.


Okay, so for my replacement and Major Character, I’m bringing in Tubby’s dad:

Augustus Merlin Vincent. He is a member of the colonial Council, and in charge of all the city’s infrastructure. He stands firmly for the “common good”, but his ambition is to gradually transfer all control from the other councilmembers to his own sector, so that his son, Tobias Lucianus Vincent[ius], will be able become sole ruler of the colony, and pass this title through his superior lineage. For the good of the people, of course; democracy is hardly efficient, and the appropriation of resources will be much more effective under his complete authority.

He wants Jens to get control over the police (and potential militia) as well as the criminal bosses, so that in the event that some try to subvert his control, he will be able to prevent any unnecessary chaos.


My major character will be Carrie


Carrie is eighteen year old, and does not talk much. She learned to keep quiet since she became old enough to understand that she was regarded as the fifth reincarnation of The All Mighty Eyes, as it was explained to her on her fifth birthday. She does not know what that really means, but a small and very vocal group seem to really care, and everything she says has had some kind of repercussion before. So now, she tries really hard to keep quiet, and spend her days looking through her shielded windows at other teenagers, wondering how their life is.

Carrie wants to be forgotten in this new colony. To live in a place where she is not constantly looked at and scrutinized. She wants a new name, a new look, a new life.

If that’s okay with you @Captbnut ; I think Carrie has a one sided deep crush on Davy, and want to have a married life, kids and all that, with him. (Although, I realize it’s deeply in the weird zone, with her being eighteen and him being forty. I think that’s why it is her want that he does not want to give her. We can turn that into more platonic “she wants his admiration” if it is too creepy)


Cool! Shall we say Jens is resistant to this because Masigonde is like a father to him (with @Sagantine’s blessing) and even though he has betrayed him in oh so many ways, he never wants Masigonde to discover what he gets up to, even if it is for the right reason. Taking control from under him - well, he’s not going to exactly be able to hide that!


Davy sees Augustin (@GabrielH ) as a useful tool to further his own goal. If Augustin can begin to tear down the council then maybe Davy can cause some mayhem and make sure that talking isn’t the only thing that matters here.

Go for it @Cokho. It sounds very realistic


Sounds good!

Also good!

@RossM who is your major character out of Hunk and De?

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@RossM asked for a die roll:
1 is Hunk, 2 is De [roll1d2]

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@RossM asked for a die roll:
d2: 1

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Hunk is main character.


@Sagantine asked for a die roll:
@RossM So, I’m trying to think of something good that Altun might want from Hunk. I’ll roll on the chart:

d6: 3


Hm. Perhaps Altun keeps pestering Hunk to teach her sculpting (we’re both artists!), and it seems like a huge bother to practical and focused Hunk, plus she doesn’t do anything without some kind of ulterior motive - so he keeps turning her down.