[PbP D&D 5e] Recruitment and Discussion

I didn’t want to interrupt your game thread, but this is an interesting question in general.

Few random thoughts linked to that question.

  • Keeping characters poor is one way of creating the incentive to go questing.
  • Characters with money provide potential plot hooks with regards to thieves and the like.
  • Money can open doors with bribes etc.
  • If you are new to any game system, knowing what is useful is hard to guess.
  • The value of money can be quite dependent on the GM and the setting they are running.

My take on the question at hand - 100 gold should get you any simple upgrades in equipment and any odd items that the kits don’t provide. If you are content with your gear, it is worth stashing the cash for opportunities to get special items and as a fall back if plans go awry.