New Bug? New Feature? Can't "Unlike" Posts

Quite by accident, I noticed that when hovering over a :heart: on a post that I’ve already clicked, my cursor changes to a “general prohibition sign[1]” a.k.a. :no_entry_sign:. A click made with this cursor to “unlike” a post results in no action taken.

EDIT: just tested by :heart:ing a new post and was able to immediatley un-:heart:. But I’m still unable to un-:heart: other posts.

Has their been an upgrade or other maintenance since you liked it?

That’s what I was wondering. Perhaps a database schema change made past likes immutable.

Or perhaps you’ve never been able to unlike something after a certain amount of time and I am just now noticing it.

That’s it - there’s a ten-minute window to undo a like, after which it becomes fixed (“post undo action window mins”). I don’t know which version this came in with, but I certainly saw it before the most recent upgrades.

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