Need suggestions - preteen and language barrier

My cousin is adopting a child from another country. The child is a preteen. My cousin has been working on learning the child’s native language. I don’t know if the child already has any English at all. I believe it is either none or very limited.

My cousin has asked me for board game suggestions. They need to be good for a preteen, easy to explain, little to no necessary language, and probably work well with 2 players (just my cousin and the kid). Any ideas?


Might be helpful to know more about the child’s interests and cultural background… but I certainly respect the privacy of the child and you and your cousin’s family.

Recently I was marveling at the lack of in-game text in Heat: Pedal to the Metal, because I’m always on the lookout for games I can play with my 6 year old (who sometimes seems to be in a hurry to learn to read, but other times I get the impression she thinks it’ll just happen without any effort). So that’s an option; additionally, it has rulebooks available in many languages (because: Days of Wonder)

And, along the same idea… a Ticket to Ride would be a good choice for many of the same reasons.

I think Jaipur has almost- if not no- text? Also Splendor

As far as “appealing to a preteen,” well. has your cousin checked out the game “sigh loudly and roll your eyes?” I hear that’s pretty popular.


More thoughts:

Classic games:

  • Crokinole
  • Mancala
  • Cribbage

These all have complete language independence, according to BGG:

  • Carcassonne or variant thereof
  • Santorini
  • Kingdomino
  • Lost Cities
  • Azul
And, the compete list I was looking at via GeekGroup to poke my brain on the subject:,2&weight=0,2.3&sort=rank&language.dependency=1,1

Name Best Players Weight Rank
Heat: Pedal to the Metal 5,6 2.19 50
Crokinole 2,4 1.23 51
Ticket to Ride: Europe 4 1.92 153
Welcome To… 3,4 1.84 170
Jaipur 2 1.47 173
Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries 3 1.97 197
Splendor 3 1.78 211
Carcassonne 2 1.9 214
Nidavellir 3 2.1 223
Nidavellir 3 2.1 223
Hanamikoji 2 1.68 238
KLASK 2 1.06 244
Flamme Rouge 4 1.68 249
Santorini 2 1.73 254
Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King 3,4 2.25 255
Kingdomino 2,4 1.22 278
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! 4 1.69 320
Century: Spice Road 3,4 1.8 322
Lost Cities 2 1.48 326
The King Is Dead: Second Edition 3 2.12 341
Takenoko 3 1.98 370
Ticket to Ride: Märklin 4 2.24 411
Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra 3 2 420
Biblios 3 1.68 442
Hanabi 4 1.69 512
Potion Explosion - 1.77 525
Railroad Ink: Deep Blue Edition 2 1.47 533
Port Royal 3,4 1.62 543
Through the Desert 3 2.2 597
Queendomino 2 2.05 600
Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers 2,3 1.92 613
Tobago 4 2.13 619
Formula D 5,6,7,8 1.98 663
Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig 6 2.18 687
Tokaido 4 1.75 727
Century: A New World 3 2.12 738
Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition 2 2.12 758
Century: Eastern Wonders 4 2.1 774
Menara 2,3 1.63 792
Blue Moon City 3,4 2.29 793
Railroad Ink: Blazing Red Edition 3 1.46 825
Blue Lagoon 4 2.01 855
Morels 2 1.74 886
Rhino Hero 3 1.02 907
The Mind 4 1.07 931
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival 4 1.55 966
Snow Tails 5 2.04 990
Flick 'em Up! 2,4 1.33 1021
Ticket to Ride: London 3 1.34 1034
Ticket to Ride: New York - 1.25 1065
Nations: The Dice Game 4 2 1088
Rallyman: GT 4,5 2.22 1100
Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise 4 1.36 1109
Loony Quest 4 1.2 1117
Coconuts 4 1.04 1151
Mysterium Park 4 1.45 1162
La Isla 4 2.25 1205
Claim 2 1.69 1226
Fairy Tale 4 1.77 1244
New York 1901 4 2.05 1272
Ticket to Ride: Germany 4 1.7 1428
Lost Cities: The Board Game 3,4 1.72 1467
Scotland Yard - 1.95 1519
Railroad Ink Challenge: Shining Yellow Edition 2,3,4 2.05 1553
Indigo 4 1.47 1589
Indian Summer 3 2.15 1593
ICECOOL2 4 1.07 1744
Samurai Spirit - 2.13 1771
The Great Heartland Hauling Co. 3 1.84 1814
Mountain Goats 4 1.07 1841
Ticket to Ride: First Journey (U.S.) 3,4 1.42 1972
Spring Meadow 2,4 1.78 1995
Cthulhu Realms 2 2.09 1999
Claim 2 2 1.57 2108
Ticket to Ride: First Journey (Europe) 4 1.57 2138
Gods Love Dinosaurs 3 2.21 2307
Mercado de Lisboa 3 2.06 2442
Harvest Dice - 1.33 2476
Coldwater Crown 2,3 2.23 2514
Tac Tac Jack 4 1.04 2546
Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam 4 1.58 2572
Whale Riders 4 1.83 2575
Mundus Novus 4 2.18 2612
Sonar 4 1.86 2640
Rook 4 1.86 2796
First Orchard 3 1 2798
Slide Quest 4 1.19 2863
Carcassonne: Over Hill and Dale 2 1.93 2881
Ticket to Ride: San Francisco 3 1.71 3049
Rory’s Story Cubes 2,3,4 1.11 3093
En Garde 2 1.39 3142
Parfum - 2.08 3268
Piñata 2 1.5 3306
Sequence 3,4 1.32 3308
Loopin’ Chewie 3 1 3452
Loopin’ Chewie 3 1 3452
Honga 4 1.92 3513
Guildhall Fantasy: Fellowship 2 2 3578
Counterfeiters 4 2.06 3784
Rory’s Story Cubes: Voyages 3,4 1.03 3981
Sheep & Thief 3,4 1.66 4044
Rory’s Story Cubes: Actions 3,4 1.19 4261
Guildhall Fantasy: Alliance 2 2.13 4407
Grog Island 4 2.19 4461
IOTA 3 1.91 4485
Guildhall Fantasy: Coalition 2 2.11 4608
U.S. Telegraph 2 1.71 4706
Costa Rica 4 1.33 4861
Mercado 4 1.88 5074
Fzzzt! 4 1.68 5353
The Lady and the Tiger 2 1.67 5419
Bohemian Villages - 1.91 5516
Purrrlock Holmes: Furriarty’s Trail 4 1.58 5605
BUS 3 1.31 5911
Robot Turtles 4 1.33 6220
Rory’s Story Cubes: Enchanted 3,4 1.09 6538
Scrutineyes 4 1.89 6806
Scrutineyes 4 1.89 6806
FlowerFall 4 1.04 6855
RUM 3 1.44 6935
Eriantys 3 2.27 7287
Rory’s Story Cubes: Fantasia 3,4 1 7809
Yura Yura Penguin 3 1 8015
Unicorn Glitterluck: Cloud Crystals 3,4 1.36 8957
Mastermind 2 1.79 10171
SOW - 1.89 10475
SPY - 1.71 12910
Castle Keep 3,4 1.21 15578
Enchanted Cupcake Party Game - 1 21435
Skip-Bo 4 1.21 23838
Friends Trivia Game 4,5,6 1.55 25270
Guess Who? 2 1.1 25621
Battleship 2 1.21 25631
Hungry Hungry Hippos 4 1.07 25634
Candy Land 4 1.1 25646

How is Patchwork not on this list!? Just need to be able to read numbers.


Because I don’t own it! :wink:

Sorry, the list was so long I thought it was comprehensive. I should have realized it was just your collection. :stuck_out_tongue:


I know nothing about interests. Cultural background, best I can do is Eastern Europe. My cousin, like me, is USA.

I was wondering about Dixit for beginning working with a new language. Cards can be described with pretty basic vocabulary like colors or shapes. Doesn’t work with only 2 players so maybe a suggestion for a little down the line when more people could be around.


Chapeau to your cousin.

Blaze is a reworking of Durak, which is an Eastern European card game.

The potential issue with any new game is that either your cousin or their kid is going to have to teach it to the other one, which is going to be a bigger language barrier than actually playing the game.

Chess is probably the only game where you can guarantee finding the rules in any language.

I’d buy an old Xbox and a copy of FIFA tbh


We just got Dixit for my daughter at Christmas that was well received and may work although not great at 2. Also dexterity games could be fun. Hamsterolle and cat and mouth is popular with the kids, the latter is 2 player only.

Uno extreme although not a board game is again a fun language independent game for kids and the extreme mechanic of the card shuffler spitting out cards at you can be fun although again could be limiting for 2 players.

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I think these are all games that my nieces and nephews have enjoyed that are fairly simple and don’t have much reliance on language:

  • Qwirkle
  • Hey That’s My Fish!
  • Dobble
  • Cobra Paw
  • Scout
  • Hive

They are all playable with 2 players, although I don’t necessarily know how good they are at that player count.

Perhaps one of the simpler roll and writes might work too? My wife and I have played a lot of Railroad Ink, I’m not sure if that would be too difficult to explain.

Patchwork and Ticket to Ride mentioned by others also sound like they could be good ideas to me.


A reminder since it hasn’t been mentioned: BGG’s “language dependence” field is quite handy.

I have no idea about suitable ages for games but Tsuro and Onitama are both fairly straightforward in rules and need no in-game text.


Patchwork and Carcassonne would be my first thoughts. Maybe The Game?

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Lots of 2-player game suggestions in Good two-player games (some of which are language-independent).

Hive, Jaipur, and Patchwork are go-tos for me at 2p, language-independent, and easy to learn and play.

Caesar! Seize Rome in 20 Minutes! could work if the theme is ok, although might be complicated depending on the kid’s actual age (“less than 13” covers a pretty enormous range of cognitive capabilities).


Sleeping Queens was designed by a pre-teen child, and my niece used to enjoy it…