Mothership One Shot - The Holl-E and the Iv-E

Would you like to try?

(Always a loaded question when spoken by a GM!)


The wise but cheesy choice would be to get Clarke to do it. However that’s cheating. Go on then, I’ll give it a go…


Isaac presses the button…

Nothing happens.

Bridger, the bloodied thing has dragged itself into view, about 3 metres from the door.

You can see one of the cleaner robots behind it, trying to remove the smeared trail of blood and entrails it leaves…

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“Clarke, Isaac, if you’ve got any smart ideas, now’s the time. Otherwise I’m going to shoot the damn mainframe and see if that stops this thing…”

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“Clarke! Get the door closed! Buy me some time to work on the main frame.”

Isaac will attempt to connect the CDS and see if he can hack in to enforce shutdown.

Bridger is going to take aim at whatever limb or body part is currently being used to provide momentum, and see if he can shoot it away to slow it down further.

Are you in the server room or the corridor?

Bridger would have stopped by the door and shouted in at Isaac and Clarke. He doesn’t like the thought of being shut inside the room, but will shoot and then retreat into the server room.

Clarke will then have to wait for Bridger before he can attempt to shut the door.

PMs being sent to both of you. (Eventually)

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The light on the top of the server begins to fade, and the lighting returns to normal.

In the corridor the Christmas music stops and at the exact same moment the scrabbling abomination collapses, like it’s strings were finally cut.

In the relative silence you can all hear yourselves breathing. In the distance other sounds are now noticeable, such as the slow escaping of air from the grenade damage and the sounds of the cryopod and manufacturing systems.


Manufacturing systems?

The machine shop. (Top left room.)

And was that running before?

It was certainly powering up after you turned the server on.

Actions? ?

“Clarke, lead us to where the EVA suits are stored. Let’s get gone from here asap.”

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Clarke nods moving quickly down the corridor…

@Gungeon do you immediately follow the other two?

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Yes indeed. No hanging about.

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As Clarke runs past the door of the Machine lab it swings open suddenly, catching him on the shoulder, the force flinging him into the central wall. He sprawls to the floor, unconscious.

Increase stress by 1

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