Leaving Earth #2

Would you goddamn commies be interested in trading Saturn and Soyuz in return for Juno and Atlas? Dammit.

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I’ll hold for any trading, but the TTS save is up to date with three initial advancements each.

(Open to offers for Atlas and Re-Entry, not trading Shuttle.)

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@lalunaverde genunine offer, the Russians dont have much to offer but I would be interested in trading with the Chinese.

I forgot to respond: yes :grin:

Strategy? Absolutely… very deep. :sweat_smile:

OK, done the advancement swap. (It’s not clear to me just what can still be done this way and what needs a Joint Venture, though I think anything that involves money has to be a JV.)

If anyone has any sudden desires to trade or do more in 1956, speak up now. Otherwise:

Year 1957 begins

No change to map or mission board; see here. Everyone is back to ¤30.






Random turn order will be:

  1. ISAS,Japan,white,@yashima
  2. CNES,France,grey,RossM
  3. ОКБ-1,USSR,red,RogerBW
  4. NASA,USA,blue,Lordof1
  5. SAC,China,yellow,lalunaverde

I think the trade between Japan and France is missing?
Or am I misreading the board?

No, I missed that one - will sort it now.


I had to relearn a few rules…
and I set up the game on my spare table and just spent a few hours staring at it all. I hope that this somehow… you know… works. If I am making wrong assumptions please correct me

In any case, here is my plan:

  • Buy Saturn Rocket for 15
  • Buy Probe for 2
  • Buy 3 Junos for 3

Assemble Spacecraft

  • Stage 1: 1 Saturn
  • Stage 2: 1 Juno
  • Stage 3: 1 Juno
  • Payload: 1 Probe

Planned Trip:

  • Earth Orbit → 8
  • Lunar Flyby → 1
  • Earth Orbit → 1
  • Earth Re-entry with the Probe

According to my calculations this should at least work with thrust and payloads. I am probably wrong. I haven‘t played in a long long while.

Also: What could go wrong?

My setup:


Envious of the space mat!


OK, I think the mission plan works:

manoeuvre difficulty imass tneeded use tgiven omass
E → EO 8 23 184 Saturn 200 3
EO → LFB 1 3 3 Juno 4 2
LFB → EO 1 2 2 Juno 4 1
EO → E 0 1 0 - 0 1

imass = inward mass
tneeded = thrust needed
tgiven = thrust given
omass = outward mass

I can’t get at the outcome cards yet but I’ll sort it in a few hours.


First outcome (from Saturn) is…

a Major Failure. Spacecraft is destroyed on the pad.

You have ¤10 and one Juno. You may pay ¤5 to remove that Major Failure.

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I’ll pay. ah wellthere was some hybris involved in the mission plan but the 4 spacebucks were worth trying :sunglasses: let me think what i can do with 5. do i need to know right now? I’d be open to a shared research endeavor?

I’d be happy to go halves on a Joint Venture. (And you can keep the remaining cash for a later turn this year if you like.)

All players: I think, looking at the Stations rules, that those tech exchanges in turn 1 shouldn’t have been possible without a JV in play. I won’t retroactively cancel them, but let’s all bear that in mind.

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Okay I need to reread on joint venture rules… we’ve always played fast and lose here with tech trading.
edit And I am done for now. I’ll do something with the 5 spacebucks later.


OK, on to @RossM. (I have a variant plan for spending 5 on the JV or not.)

Build a Saturn, build 5 Juno’s.

Stick 5 Juno’s on top of the Saturn. Fire the Saturn to Earth orbit.

Pay off the Saturn outcome.

Any cash left buy 5 more Junos.

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Saturn outcome is a success, so no money left for more Junos.

ОКБ-1 1957.1

action cost left
Buy Shuttle 10 20
Buy Large Fuel Tank 6 14

Shuttle is named Лидия Литвяк (Lydia Litvyak, designated LL)

Combine shuttle LL and large fuel tank
Manoeuvre shuttle LL to Sub-Orbital Space

Total vehicle mass is 4+6 = 10, difficulty 3 needs 30 thrust, shuttle provides 75 thrust.
Shuttle outcome is a success. Pay ¤10 to remove that. ¤4 remaining.

I’ll keep that ¤4 back to contribute to a possible joint venture.

@Lordof1, your turn.

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Okey doke, let’s show y’all how it’s done. One Atlas, one Soyuz, two juno. Junos on the atlas and launch the atlas/ Juno and Soyuz (on its own). If both successful I’ll fire the HR guy and pay off the Atlas. Otherwise pay off both.