Last game you bought?

I met Phil and Kaja when I was pretty young, at an event I definitely shouldn’t have been allowed into (XXXenophile demo, failed adult CCG). Lovely, lovely people. Still shouldn’t have been there.

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I may have cleaned up my wishlist and either decided I had a similar enough game already or am waiting for something new to do the same and then I proceeded to shop what remained. This splurge contains some expansions and several games that I’ve been drooling over for a while.

  • expansions for El Dorado and Architects of the West Kingdom
  • Decrypto–because it was so cheap and it was on my list before SUSD reminded me I needed it
  • Battle for Rokugan
  • A Feast for Odin

My wishlist is now down from “several pages” to a few more expansions, a few out of print games I may try to hunt down at some point and a bunch of new games that aren’t available yet some of which need a little more research done.

There is a handful of questions that still lack answers (which Azul or none? Castles of Burgundy or another Feld? How many deduction games do I need? Will I ever buy a Knizia auction game?) but for the most part I have clearer ideas what I want and what I do not want.


Strong haul


I ended up getting Fort and it’s on its way to my house now! It was just too cute a package at too reasonable a price/size to pass up. Haven’t missed a Leder game yet!


I’m probably going to grab this at some point. The Dice Tower review, especially Zee as he reviewed it at 2, was promising.


Traded Orleans for:

Manhattan which is an Andreas Seyfarth
Bottle Imp - had a go with some friends and enjoyed this trick taking game
Indian Summer - back with Rosenberg with me. Im in a Rosenberg mood lately.

Seems like an unbalanced trade, but I got money to pad the trade


I can say this: it’s a little box of delights in terms of components, art, etc.


Fort was essentially pitched as the exact game I’ve wanted, but I ended up falling out of touch with it. I remember hearing that they were struggling with bits and pieces, and then they had to redesign stuff. (The combat, I believe.)

I might look into it again now it’s finished. Watching it get made from afar was kind of killing the magic for me, but I’m hoping that it all turned out well.


I didn’t follow the development much at all, but it’s worth noting there is no combat in Fort whatsoever, so yeah, probably worth a fresh peek.

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You may be getting confused with oath. Both ledar games and both Kyle Ferrin for art so really easily done. As oath was made by Cole and he changed the combat multiple times.

The oath backer kit closed a few weeks back I believe

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Ahh, there you go. I know Fort was essentially retooled and reskinned from an earlier game, so I didn’t want to assume it never had some light combat at some point.

Incidentally we just got finished our first game (2P) moments ago and it’s made an excellent first impression.


Ah, thanks. I think I may have thought they were the same game and changed name, to be honest, so this is important information. :sweat_smile:


Picked up a copy of London last week, at an indecently low price on Amazon (£11 stg). I’d played it once before and thought it was a solid game with beautiful art, and at that price I couldn’t refuse.

To get free shipping I also picked up a copy of The Crew:TQFPN. I enjoy trick taking games, but neither my wife or son seem to be that taken by them… Sort of hoping a co-op angle will help change their mind. :crossed_fingers:


Just used my Jump Drive proceeds to buy Friese’s Fresh Fish. The throroughly lovely seller knocked a fiver off after discovering one of the stalls was missing a sticker.

Great person! 5/7 would buy from again.


I bought Jaws of the Lion. A corner has already split… and I’m not particularly surprised. :sweat_smile: Not sure if it happened in transit or during packing everything in. When will Cephalofair learn how much fits in a box?


Just wait until you punch the card and put everything into the little bags provided as suggested. Definitely speeds up set up time, but removes any chance of getting the lid back on the box!

Oh, I’ve done that. It fits better than I expected. About as well as Imperial Struggle at any rate. :sweat_smile:

Corner update - I’ve repaired with archivist tape. It worked really well!


I got frustratingly close to getting all of A Feast for Odin and the Norwegians in just the base box. Not close enough though so both still on the shelf.

The Jaws of the Lion box is really annoying. I don’t know why it’s just not a little bit taller.

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I made my peace with aFfO, in the knowledge that the Danes is coming, so need some extra room at some point in the future anyhow. Fortunately the Folded Space insert splits up really nicely between two boxes so it’s all well organised.

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I managed to do that by using the 3rd tray from the Norwegians, and discarding all the obsolete pieces like the base game action board