Last game you bought?

Bought Arkham Horror - the RPG Starter Set


Interested to know what you think of that.

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Trio, because I was close enough to a free delivery threshold that it actually came out to about ÂŁ3.


Nice :).

I managed to buy my copy of Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth for ÂŁ2 in the same manner (it was on sale, but it currently retails for ÂŁ25 (which I imagine was at least ÂŁ20 at the time)).

I wonder what the best value free-shipping acquisitions have been in the forum?


I bring it up a lot, but I’m never going to beat $17.77 for Tigris & Euphrates, new, shipped to Japan.


Bought Nomids which I can’t find in the UK and Colorado Midlands, one of the new Cube Rail releases from Rio Grande Games

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I went bananas over the bank holiday.

Got fulfilled Foundations of Metropolis (cheapo foundations of Rome). Then bought the exit advent calendar, ticket to ride Iberia (plus Korea), Faraway, Expansion to sea salt and paper and Da Da Da.


A nice little package via royal mail from Radical 8 games…

And here is Forks!

Though I imagine if @MarkSP had known which package was mine the wet ink signature would have included “You suck at La Granjaz LOLOL”


No way do you suck at La Granja! Really glad it’s arrived safely


It’s so beautiful


Also, Beacon Spot-rolls:

(B.P. is a significantly larger box than I was expecting… I must have seen pictures without a frame of reference, and gotten the wrong impression. Totally blaming you lot for that purchase, btw :).


there is an expansion announced for Beacon Patrol so i hope it’ll fill up that box :innocent:


My package from the Netherlands have arrived:

Nomids - one of those Looney Labs plastic pyramid abstracts for 2 players. Homeworlds was the most well-received title and this one was the hardest to find.

Colorado Midlands - continues with my acquisition of Rio Grande Games’ Cube Rail titles. More to come, apparently. SNCF aka Paris Connection is the one I’m keen to get. Age of Rails is being fulfilled by Capstone. It is with no exaggeration that more than half of my collection now consists of trains.


Well, not bought, but I did acquire a new game yesterday. I had a few minutes before picking up my kid from school yesterday so went to my FLGS to browse the used section. The clerk was the person who runs events at the store, so I know him a bit and he mentioned there was more in the back if I wanted to look. Too Many Bones was back there and tempting, but I can’t justify $78 on a game right now. There were also some bins of games and he mentioned they were getting rid of some of their demo games and if I saw something I wanted, I could probably just take it. Holmes: Mycroft & Sherlock is one I had glanced at before and it looked a bit interesting, but never enough to justify a purchase.

Free, on the other hand…

It came home with me.


Ugh. Nerdzday.

I had committed to not buying anything between last November and Nerdzday this year. Which I did not succeed at, but it was a goal which did temper and focus what purchases I DID make during that time.

Yesterday was Nerdzday. And I still did pretty well from a budget perspective. I really don’t have anywhere reasonable to put the boxes that are coming, though.

I need to cull, which means I need to play, which means my family needs childcare. Right now there is just zero time after watching kids all day, trying to find a job during the naps, and keeping up with essentials after they go to sleep.


But uh…what did you get? :smiley:


Purchased Revive; and someone gave me Machina Arcana: To Eternity with player mat and all expansions. (I know nothing about this game!)


I was tempted by a few things on Nerdz Day, but successfully resisted purchasing anything. :smiley:


Heat and Nucleum were the primaries. White Castle and Forest Shuffle were cheap enough to take a chance; I’ve been mildly interested in them. Ark Nova Marine Worlds expansion.

I’ve rarely met a Suchy I didn’t sell, but I got Evacuation with the plan to solo a few times and sell for a few bucks profit. Nerdz Day is like that (prices).

Then Sea salt & Paper came along for the few shipping and they were practically giving away Terra Nova.

I think that last was a mistake but it was the price of a sandwich and these things happen.


Saw Spots in a shop while on holiday, and bought it. It’s nice.

(What’s nerdzday?)