Last game you bought?

Goodness, that’s a big box absolutely full of cardboard (and an entirely unnecessary extra cloth mat).

Nemo’s War Ultimate Edition arrived.


Gonna be honest, the two rulebooks are so densely written that I’m slightly afeared.


I’ll hope they’ve improved some elements of the rules with the Ultimate edition, but rest assured there are ample responses to any question you might have on BGG.

My best recommendation is to remember it’s “just” a threat management game and roll with it for your first playthrough. It’s not long enough to warrant being meticulous and slowing things down at every question, and you should find most things work out anyway.

You reminded me that my first game or two was a bear, but you’ll be duly rewarded for the effort.


The Dead Eye. Twice (kinda), because the first place just told me, two weeks after they’d confirmed the order, that they don’t have it. Speedy stuff.

This is a solo game with an optional 3D gimmick (glasses included) and therefore sounds awful; and yet many of the comments are about how the 3D works far, far better than the commenter had expected, and is actually kinda great. In the end, my curiosity won out.

This is possibly a terrible decision, as I dislike 3D glasses a great deal. The recent fad for 3D movies was something I went well out of my way to avoid (I’m dreading the Avatar sequels – not because I’m going to see them, but because I’m worried they’re going to kickstart another wave of this nonsense); so I can’t imagine I’m the exact target audience for this; but it’s an optional feature, the comments were pretty intriguing, and I decided to find out for myself. I’m at least confident that the second place I ordered from has it in stock – I noticed it on their shelves in person a few days after placing the original order, and had felt slightly irked that I was currently waiting on an online delivery for something I could have picked up there and then!

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I stopped buying games until UKGE unless it’s a holy grail.

Just before this cut-off I bought:

  • Both MicroMacro: Crime City
  • Gang of Four yet another tricking-taking/climbing card game. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
  • The Duke: Lord’s Legacy - a semi-holy grail
  • Ascending Empire - a 4X flicking holy grail game :star_struck: :star_struck:
  • David & Goliath - a rare trick-taker
  • Menara: the Chameleon - a promo expansion for Menara

Where from? I opted not to buy this back when I simply didn’t understand that things might very well never be reprinted. I’ve kicked myself for this a number of times. The mythical second edition seems as insubstantial as ever, although I’m hoping that this time it might actually eventuate. I’ll believe it when I see it though. I’ve played the original version (a colleague owned a copy) and had a really great time – such a fun design.

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I got it from eBay

That sounds substantial. Give it a year max.

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I … messed it up. The buying. “So Kleever” came back in stock at last, and this one was already on my must-buy list and accounted for in the collection count. But to get to free shipping… I was going to add Gutenberg but at last minute replaced it with Anansi and Coyote because we already haven’t managed to play Spicy and apparently my brain went “oi nice art, I’ll just say these aren’t games but art”. Ah well, at least if I do decide they aren’t keepers at some point I can make a package deal. “Collection count” is still below 200 and future-Ra and Doomrock are already accounted for as well.


Spirit Island came in! Hurray!

For the record, this is now our Table of Opportunity:

Fun to be had!


Some quality games there! What is the third one from the bottom up?

EDIT: I managed to magnify the image, Ghost Stories, nice one…

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Ghost Stories has been sitting there for almost a year now, I had a rather miserable time trying to learn it, so although I’m aware that it may not be the game’s fault (circumstances were less than ideal, so I don’t know how much of my bad time was me not clicking with the game and how much was the environment not being conducive to me clicking with the game), it’s not left me in a hurry to play it again. I want to, though. Gotta give it a fair shot.


Ghost Stories isn’t too bad to learn, but many people do complain about the rulebook. So that may have contributed to your difficulty. Hope you give it another go, it’s a great (if punishing) game.


No Pun Included made me do it, but I got the Japanese version of Winner’s Circle


Hmm. I bet Ghost Stories would be PBF-able. I’ll see if there’s a TTS mod I can use for the graphics…


One of the club members sold me his Roborally - 1994 edition, Washington’s War, and Friedrich. £20 each. Can’t say no to those. I remember Washington’s War from Matt Thrower’s intro wargames posts in SUSD written articles. I have played Maria halfway and found the game very rich in positioning plays and bluffing. Friedrich only made me curious. Also it goes up to 4 player, compare to Maria’s 3 player.

EDIT: also, another club member gave me a copy of Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction for free.


At a casual glance, that looks like the games are on the floor, which would make the boxes HUGE


What’s needed there is a standard reference pear.


Now I am starting to dread the KS avalanche… Tiny Epic Dungeons just arrived at work…

Too much of a good thing…?


I just got home with my second bundle of (retail) faff for Wolfenstein. I missed the Kickstarter (I think it was running just about when I stopped looking routinely), but that doesn’t seem to matter all that much. Probably more important is that there is nothing to go on post-launch in terms of reviews, at least from reputable sources (shills don’t count), and the only detailed impression I have managed to collect is from someone I explicitly dislike.

Didn’t seem to stop me at all. The miniatures are pretty spectacular and will make for a fun project; The “whole game is terrain” thing sold me hard (and it’s so cool); The missions look nicely varied and carry the promise of stealthy goodness mixed with moments of over-the-top badassery; Enemy units are both plentiful and highly varied.

I have an unreasonable amount of love for the franchise and, while it doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything too novel for the genre, it does appear to be leaning pretty hard into its source material and for that I’m pretty darn excited. Long-term hobbycraft aside, I’m 5 drones away from having a first mission prepped for play, and hope to get it tabled within the week to give it a proper spin

Meanwhile, boy, is my clipper arm tired:

[EDIT] Is this ever gonna look good painted up.


Dammit, Norm!!

Also, I bought Yura Yura Penguin too. Might as well.

EDIT: These are both “grails” to me, so I’m allowed to purchase them, officer…