How are you today?

I was given some kind of opiate painkiller, but I prefer not to use it if I can manage it with OTC meds. Back when I had my tonsils removed, I was given Vicodin, which after just a couple of doses made me feel kind of queasy and just bad, so I stopped taking it. Pain killers do no good if they make you feel ill in other ways. So, just OTC for me if I can help it.

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I had some fairly extensive dental work done a few years ago and the dentist sent me home with 800mg ibuprofen which, at first, seemed woefully inadequate but, starting around day 2 or so, was just fine.

Then again, the dental work itself is nothing compared to the years of dental pain I endured before finding a dentist that I trusted to help me. By that point, my pain tolerance was fairly high.


Great news! That must be a weight off you mind.

I’m getting a tooth pulled on Monday and I’m rather scared. Getting an implant after, the whole process takes half a year. I’m so off balance, I was 100% sure today was Thursday. I somehow lost a complete day this week somewhere. On top of ot all I have a migraine and desperately need another prescription for the medicine that works.


Don’t be scared, it really is not that bad of a procedure. They will inject the area with an anesthetic which will numb it completely, so all you will feel is pressure as they remove the tooth, and maybe a little soreness in the jaw from holding it open so long. In your case, since you will be getting an implant, I don’t know if there is more involved there or not, but the extraction part should not be that bad. And in my case even afterward the pain has been almost non-existent and I am just using OTC meds. So try not to worry, it will be fine.

Unfortunately, I can’t help with the migraine. :frowning:

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Had two teeth removed a few years ago to accommodate some orthodontic work, strangest part of the whole procedure was being offered my teeth right after they were removed!


It’s only fair, you don’t want them being used for witchery. :slight_smile:

(I seem to be Geek of the Week on BGG. That was a bit unexpected.)


Migraines are the worst :confounded:

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I’m never sure how I feel about these sort of awards/honours


Today I drove home and it was light!


I was the GotW back… oh gosh, some time now. Upside: I got recommended by our very own Quinns! I tried to volley it back to Paul as my recommended GotW, but he declined (wanting to spread out the love a bit), so I think I recommended the designer of Space Empires 4X.


I had a meeting with my new line manager, and it sounds like a) she’s equally baffled by the way things have been running here (I was off sick for months) and b) we have similar approaches to tracking and documenting things, unlike the senior staff who came in to help last year. So that’s got me feeling a bit more positive.

There seems to be a party next door, and the folks slamming doors, spilling out into the street at intervals etc. are keeping me awake, so that’s not so good. I was hoping to be energetic and sprightly for my anniversary.

I managed to go for a lunchtime walk and it was both light and sunny! Incredible scenes.


I’m feeling really rather low currently. Over Christmas I had Covid-19 for a second time. My lungs are ruined. They didn’t fully recover from the first round but was managable. Now I get out of breath going up the stairs. There’s so much fatigue. I walked for 1 hour on Sunday. As a result Monday I couldn’t get out of bed all day and felt sick.

Equally pernicious is the whole brain fog/anxiety thing. Plus side I realised what went on last summer where I could suddenly barely code. Downside, I’d just got my second commision for a commercial site to build a portfolio/get paid and now I can barely code again. Now, unlike last summer, I’ve started a degree. Trying to do some working out about applying my aglebra outside the steps has gone beyond me. It’s a bit terrifying of how long it will last. I lost around 5 months of last year to this and the potential of losing the same amount of time or longer is really getting to me. After years of struggle and fighting my way back in to mainstream work Covid has been turd timing, hitting when I was really ready for my next stage.

Away from big picture views my days are mega boring now. Even thinking hard wears me out and films/tv become difficult to focus on. Being in some weird fugue state makes days drag. Being bored, scared for the future and losing the ability to exercise and manage my mental illness is just turd upon turd upon turd. Not enjoying this whole covid times at all.


So sorry to hear that, it sounds horrible. Hopefully you will recover from this bout of it sooner. Are there any medications that can help?


From what I can gather, no. It’s too unknown and it’s more after effects rather than the virus itself. Maybe a lingering auto immune response, maybe just damage to organs form the disease, maybe some combination of the 2 or maybe something else all together.



That sounds totally dreadful and I hope it won’t continue much longer.


So sorry to hear this. I have heard so many bad things about the long term effects. I hope for you and everyone who has these that they will go away and you’ll get better. And that someone will start studying these and find some way to help.

The whole brainfog thing… is probably worse than what I experience from my migraines and that is bad enough. When it hits, I look longingly at my board game boxes, yet thinking about getting one on the table is just too much. Thinking of programming or writing: My brain starts overheating. I feel like Taravangian, knowing I can be smart but suddenly I am not. It’s a shitty thing.

I found this week that (very) light fiction reading helped me focus a bit and pass the time with escapism instead of the awful boredom. But if even watching TV is too much reading is probably not helping you either.

I wish you recovery from the fatigue and the fog and that you can get back to your projects and all your plans soon.


Good news! I got my first covid vaccine! The stage my state is in DD parents/caregivers are eligible. We (as a family) waited a couple of waves (of vaccine opportunities) to let others get a chance.

For me the fear wasn’t getting it, but the kids getting ill and not being able to be there to advocate for them.

There have been cases in my state where the quality of life of individuals with disabilites have been seen as less then others, and care has been withheld to different extents. Like pushing to sign DNRs or not giving them a vent. These have been adults and my kids are younger, but still.


Jealous. Japan is totally dropping the ball on vaccinations. The idea that it’s looking increasingly likely we’ll have to put up with at least another year of no socialising is mighty depressing.

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Original estimates were that my risk group (phase 5 of 5) would be estimated to begin in July/August. I have serious doubts. Phase 2 was supposed to be seniors 65+, but I hear they changed it to 75+ recently?

It’s going to be a while~

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