How are you today?

My wife just got rickrolled.
By my daughter.
in actual conversation, about songs.
At some point, I might stop laughing.


I have just texted the wikipedia article on rickrolling to my wife, who was previously unaware of it.
I may stop laughing when I asphyxiate.


You can’t be telling me that the link pointed to the article rather than back to the video again…

Seems like a massively missed opportunity.


Feeling down that another artist whose art I really liked is apparently a skeevy dangerous predator.

(To avoid vagueposting, the artist is Neil Gaiman, but don’t tap that unless you also want to feel depressed.)


Isn’t this old news? or there new details I don’t care to know about?


I had no idea it was old news. I assume there are new details, which is why people are talking about it (again?)


I’ve been massively upset by the information about this artist as I was (am?) a massive fan of his work. Whether this is “news” likely depends on definition of old vs new news. There have been rumors of vaguely unsettling but likely not truly terrible behavior for years. Credible allegations of truly terrible and possibly criminal behavior came out in July with minor new details and allegations periodically since then.


I tried reading Sandman and, while I was deeply impressed by the craft, I was even more deeply disturbed by the content. Very similar to bouncing after the first two books of Game of Thrones.

I have no insight into the details or truth of anything people are talking about. But I’m rarely surprised when someone whose head is generating such deeply unsettling ideas winds up also doing deeply unsettling things.


Deeply unsettling ideas? Honestly, without thinking too hard about it, my gut reaction is that that is a bizarre take. There seem to be well-established patterns between many things and sexual predation - positions of authority, particularly religious authority, money, fame, etc. - but producing fantastical art that contains “deeply unsettling ideas” has never struck me as being one of them.


Got the extra car seat out of the attic. Some mice have been using it as a chew toy and poop trough. I could replace the upholstery, but they chewed through the straps.

Two problems for the price of one (new car seat and mice treatment). FML.