How are you today?

I hope you aren’t feeling too terrible :crossed_fingers: for a quick recovery


Hope you’re ok with it


Get well quick, @yashima. Hope it’s as mild as when I got it.


Someone I saw at the thing last weekend tested positive afterwards too. So far I have no horrible symptoms…


Get well soon! Plenty of liquids and boardgames should do the trick :wink:


Sorry to hear this. Hope you kick it quickly and with as little discomfort as possible.


In the surgery recovery room. I think I took the time to articulate last time. This time, just, it’s rough. Rough putting your little one to sleep, knowing they are afraid but there’s no way out but through. Rough when they wake up all disoriented and panicked. We’re in second nap now and the next waking should be smoother?

And all this because of hope for the future. That’s good.

Right now she is at peaceful rest and there’s a rainbow unicorn snuggling in the hospital sheets with her. That’s good too.


Hope you’re doing okay with the COVIDs. I caught it in June during a week in London, and it wasn’t too bad. Definitely less bad than flu. But I’m sure that’s thanks to being fully jabbed-up.

Get well soonest.


Rainbow unicorns are the best protectors–only second to caring dads. Thinking of your little one and hope the surgeries will help her.


I hope she recovers swiftly. I cannot begin to imagine what would be like to put your little one under surgery, good energy vibes sent your ways (and mum’s) too.


All the best from Québec, my dude. Your kid is lucky to have you to look after her in this world and the unicorn to protect her in the dream realm. With that kind of protection, what could prevail against her?

All will be well.


Im not feeling great - emotionally - in the past few days. Today was better though. Dont ask why. Because I really dont know. That’s all :grin:


Sometimes, I’d even say often, the why of it doesn’t matter. Only the “feeling better” part. I’m glad you are. :smiley:


My symptoms have relented a lot. The high fever was a bit scary especially the speed with which it rose at times…

I have also turned on my fitness watch‘s oximeter. And it is fascinating to see and also very helpful. I can see a distinct dip at the times when I cannot breathe through my nose. And today I feel better and the watch says „yes, you do“ :wink: I didn‘t think this would be very accurate at all. So a welcome surprise.

Today however my partner tested positive after feeling under the weather since yesterday… we tried hard to keep apart but I had an hour after returning home between the onset of serious symptoms and that hour was enough to catch it. Note: no welcome home kisses in the pandemic. Meh.


Not gonna lie. Its been a real bitch of a 24 hours.

She’s in pain and disoriented and scared. The medicine to manage the muscle cramps that often come for a day or three tastes awful and she won’t take it. Oh, and she has a cough, congestion, and fever from school.

Haven’t slept much. I’m exhausted in body and spirit.

But I was working out some foot cramps and did some exercises on her legs. There are some really good things that changed. I do think in a month we’ll be celebrating.


Can they flavor the medicine? This is often over looked by people who should know it’s an option.


Tablets, we crush them to powder for a 4yo. Internet suggested mixing with sweeter and sweeter things but it didn’t mask the bitterness.

Last night I undertook human experiments on myself and concluded salt and soy sauce did a better job masking. Doctor suggested coca cola, kind of a sweet umami.

We’ll be working it out.


Glad kiddo is on the mend. The medicine can be so strong tasting.

That is such a hard one. I first realized this with my youngest and the pink bubblegum ear infection medication was his kryptonite. I had to get a second bottle because of lost doses.

No to overstep, if possible I recommend giving a small treat or something right before that will affect the taste.

Like a salty to encourage drinking. In one case I gave my kiddo a couple of chocolate chips because they might not notice if the drink tasted odd, cuz everything tastes odd after you eat chocolate chips.

Now I just bargain with slices of salami.


Love the suggestions. Yeah, we’ll find a system eventually. The in-laws recommended the plug-the-nose-and-dump-it-in strategy - better 10 seconds of madness than a 20 minute battle. We have tried that before (not quite so aggressive) and end up losing the medicine and two meals worth of food as well as a half hour of laundry and stain treatment.

Let me help you!

So far today is many steps ahead of the last 48 hours. Healing.


Exciting start to today. As I was grabbing some breakfast this morning there was an incredible flash of light through the window followed by an almighty boom. Then my power went out.

In my barely awake state, I initially thought we were under attack but then more rationally that there had been a gas leak. So I was half expecting to look outside and see buildings missing given the apparent proximity.

Nothing quite as bad, just a mega storm during which lightning struck the train station about mile from my house.

Got dressed in the dark and the power came back on as I was leaving for work. Definitely no need for the alarm clock this morning.