General Asynch Recruiting Thread

New York Zoo round 2?


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Okay folks, I need me some gaming as a distraction from things going on. The one PbF and two BGA games I am currently in aren’t enough.

I would be up for Yokohama, Feast for Odin, Heat, Deus, The Wolves, RftG (either), GWT, Shogun, Troyes, some trick taking, really just about anything.

Anybody interested in anything?

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I’m up for Yokohama or Heat :+1:


I’d be up for most of those

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Anyone up for round 2 of Aegean Sea?

@lalunaverde @mr.ister @anyone


Always happy to play Heat or Troyes

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I would go for Feast for Odin, but they don’t have Norwegians implemented :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

I’m always always keen for RTFG

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Yes they do, its been in alpha for a few weeks now


Okay, anyone feel free to jump into any of these:

Play Troyes for free with me: Play Troyes online from your browser • Board Game Arena

Play Race for the Galaxy for free with me: Play Race for the Galaxy online from your browser • Board Game Arena

Play Yokohama for free with me: Play Yokohama online from your browser • Board Game Arena

Play Heat: Pedal to the Metal for free with me: Play Heat: Pedal to the Metal online from your browser • Board Game Arena

I have set them all to friends only, so if you can’t join, message me your BGA name and I’ll add you.


That sounds super but I need to cool my boots for a week or so. BGA is a bit of an escape rather than recharge at the moment and I need to stop escaping a few big tasks…


One last seat for Heat (nudge @Whistle_Pig).

Two seats for Yokohama.

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Last call for Yokohama, one seat open.

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I have joined. Will attempt to learn as I go …


I’ve only played it once before. It looks complex, but it’s pretty easy once you get going. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.


I’m curious about these sharing links. @COMaestro has a much cleaner post here. I know there are two interfaces for opening tables - one via “Play Now” at the top of the page and one via the game page. If I open via the game page it just leads to trouble. How are you all doing it?

Anyway, Bunny Kingdom for 4 (there is a tutorial) if anyone else has had this on the try list:

Arnak for three:

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Open the table, then click the first “Available” slot for players and it should offer the option to make an invitation link.

This many black cards is good right?


Troyes just went co-op again.


Working on it


Anyone up for a game of Indonesia to celebrate the upcoming reprint? I’ve only played it once years ago and remember being completely lost, but I’m keen to give it another go.