General Asynch Recruiting Thread

Oh sorry, I didn’t see this. My week was a little hectic.

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Anybody want to try Caïrn?

Play Caïrn for free with me: Play Caïrn online from your browser • Board Game Arena

There’s a tutorial that can be played first to get the gist of it.

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Round 2 of Wolves if anyone wants in at the fourth seat.

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I think at least one of these links should work. If you’re not already my “friend” poke me here with your username.

  1. Play Automobiles online from your browser • Board Game Arena
  2. Automobiles #475609766 • Board Game Arena

One more slot for Automobiles.

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Now there’s this!

Edit: read the rules. It looks like there’s a microdecision by all players after each roll. So pretty easy to stay on top of it via phone, etc, but the game will require a lot of checking in, even if light on the mental overhead.


Not sure if this fits, but anyone interested in a game of Solium Infernum? It’s a recent remake of a digital boardgame to be played async over about 50 turns. Fiends fighting to be the next ruler of hell, making demands and hurling insults to claim vendetta.

It’s getting a lot of buzz in discord communities, seems interesting, but with terrible AI, so strictly multiplayer.


Anyone keen on Pax Porfiriana in Yucata DE?


Generally interested in some of the Yucata titles - there’s a dozen great games on there that can’t be played elsewhere. I’m not up for learning a new pax right now, though.

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I need some lighter but gratifying fare. Anyone in the same boat?



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I played the old version but not very much and not for years, I’d be keen to try it at some point though.


Anyone interested in Federation (similar to Bruxelles), Anachrony, Barrage, or Carnegie? I have capacity for exactly one of those right now :slight_smile:

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Anyone want to give Aegean Sea a try on Aegean Sea | thewhaleshark |

I’ve never used the platform before, or played the game before, but I’d like to give it a try.


Yeah, kinda. I’m always interested in anything chudyk makes. But right now I just can’t fork myself in a new direction. I’m sure I’ll be moving very slowly.

Let me know how it is!

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I’m the target audience for this, but I have been very slow and confused whenever we play games like these async online


Not a problem for me if it’s not a problem for you. I literally have no idea how to play the game, and I get the impression it’s pretty impenetrable on a first play.


I’m in. I’ve be meaning to learn the rules to get this to the table.

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Im in as well

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Cool, I think 3 is enough. Random sides?

As I understand it, I can start a game and just leave it open indefinitely. It’s a basic tabletop thing, no rule enforcement, just all the bits for us to manipulate freely. I suppose messaging each other on here when turns are complete will be necessary, and I also imagine there’s no logging function, so probably best to tell the other players what you did if there’s any need to do so (depends on how Aegean Sea plays).

In other words, it’s not nearly as good a platform as BGA or Vassal for async, but at least it’s all in-browser.