I’m in. I currently have it in my shopping cart, can’t hurt to try before I pull the trigger.
I’m in. Going to get a few on order soon
What’s your BGA handle? I don’t have you in my friends list yet.
I’d be happy to give it a go.
I confess I’m quite proud, in the Just One game, of getting “sugar” from “beet” and “tax” after two clue collisions.
I didn’t notice the second clash.
Sugar Beet is a really big thing where I’m from but I wasn’t sure if it was widely known.
mrister on BGA
Okay, that gives us a full four. @raged_norm, I had to cancel the game to up the player count, so please rejoin the new one.
Anybody interested in kicking some beginner butt (i.e. mine) in Tichu? I’ve read the rules and I’m keen to give it a go.
I love Tichu. Seeing how you battered me in Haggis you’ll be fine.
Just a warning - it will take ages async! But I’m in if you can get a table together
Always! Agree it is a real time game but I’ll give it a whirl!
Great, one more seat available. Anybody else interested? @lalunaverde @raged_norm
I think I’ll pass on async tichu.
One I’d love to play irl though
Okay im keen
Fantastic! Invites are out.
Will we be done before Christmas?
Only one way to find out.
Oh wait a minute, how does the implementation handle out-of-turn bombs? Does everybody need to decide actively if they want to bomb after every single set of cards played?
I’m not sure. Although when I’ve played, bombs have been relatively uncommon
Yes, it felt a bit like Matt’s (?) comments on Quacks, some explodes and everyone laughs - and you lose that energy in async.
Regarding Gang of Dice: Yeah I agree, this didn’t really work asynch. But I’m also wary of the game itself as it occasionally seems to disincentivize what is fun in the game: chucking a lot of dice. At several points in the game, when I was late in turn order, somebody already got the best possible result given the active card that round, for example a 12 when you’d bust with 13+. You can try to beat them by using more dice, but there’s a high probability that you’re just giving them more points. So the reasonable thing to do would be to just roll the required single dice to cut your losses, which is no fun in a game like this.