Fortune and Glory - PBF Game 1

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
We begin this Adventure Phase with …

Duke Dudley and the Mines of the Sacred Stone!

The Mines are a Temple Artifact, with 8 Fortune and he is exploring it while competing against Herr Teufel and his 2 Axis Soldier bodyguards. The Mines (through the Sacred Stone artifact card) have a value of 5 Dangers, which will come in to play if any Danger tests are failed and go to Cliffhangers. Plus the Mines are located in the Great White North, which has the Ice and the Mountains icon, which may increase the difficulty of certain tests to be faced.

The Duke’s first danger is …

  • Ice Caves (Danger, Underground, Ancient). These icy and foreboding caves echo with the memories of the ancients, long dead. The test is Lore 5+ XX (so, 2 successes) but requires an extra X while at an Ice location - so Lore 5+ XXX.

So, let’s roll for Dudley, who has a Lore of 4 … 4d6: 6 + 3 + 4 + 3 = 16

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Of Dudley’s first roll, he got one success - so can roll again to try to add two more successes.

Dudley’s second roll is 4d6: 6 + 6 + 1 + 5 = 18

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Dudley successfully negotiates the Ice Caves, winning him (the team of Heroes) 1 Fortune and earmarking a reward of 3 Glory from the Caves when he Camps Down or completes the exploration.

He decides to Press On though, and as there is a Villain at the site, he needs to sneak past them!

Herr Teufel has a Search skill of 4 - and Dudley must pick one number between 1 and 6. He must Fight one round against the Villain and their bodyguards for each time that number appears.

Dudley selects lucky(!) number 3 - and attempts to sneak past! Herr Teufel rolls 4d6: 1 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 9.

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Two 3s! So that’s two Fight Rounds for the Duke against the Axis Villain!

The Duke has 6 Fight Dice (3 base Combat +2 against Axis for his special ability +1 for his Machete), 5 Wounds and 1 Defense.

Herr Teufel has 6 Fight Dice (4 base and +1 from each of his bodyguards), 8 Wounds and 0 Defense.

(Note that Heroes cannot escape from Fights against major Villains.)

So, Fight Round 1 commences!

  • Dudley rolls 6d6: 4 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 15
  • Herr Teufel rolls 6d6: 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 = 17

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
As anything of 4+ is a hit, the result is as follows:

  • Dudley takes 3 Hits from the Axis forces, taking 2 Wounds leaving him with 3 Wounds left.
  • The Axis forces take 2 Hits but as Herr Teufel has 0 Defense this eliminates both of the 2 bodyguards.
  • Dudley also gains 2 Glory immediately, one for each Hit done.

Onto Fight Round 2!

  • Dudley rolls 6d6: 5 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 20
  • Herr Teufel (now alone) rolls [4d6]

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:

Herr Teufel rolls 4d6: 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 7

At the end of that Fight Round:

  • Dudley is unharmed but gains 2 Glory more, leaving him with 4 Glory in total.
  • Herr Teufel takes 2 Hits and 2 Wounds, leaving him with 6 Wounds.

Dudley can now continue with his second Danger in this Adventure Phase … which I will draw after I get back in an hour or two after running a few errands. (Wretched timing!)

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Incidentally, I did some more upgrades, and you can now “pool” rather than “roll” when the total doesn’t matter but the count does.
{pool 4d6}
pool 4: 1, 4, 5, 6


@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Back to Duke Dudley with his second Danger, which is …

  • Perilous Bridge. (Danger) This old bridge looks to be weathered and crumbling… Time to go across to the other side. The test is Agility 4+ XX and the reward is 1 Glory.

Dudley has an Agility of 3, and rolls pool 3: 1, 4, 6

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
That’s two successes, so another Danger passed and a further 1 Fortune earned for the Heroes and 1 Glory more earmarked, making 4 Glory in total in reserve for him.

He is chancing his arm though - and will Press On, so time for another Sneak Test against Herr Teufel.

Dudley chooses lucky number 2 this time and Teufel rolls pool 4: 2, 2 × 4, 5

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
That’s one 2 - so one more Fight Round!

  • Dudley rolls pool 6: 1, 2 × 2, 4, 5, 6
  • Teufel rolls pool 4: 2 × 2, 4, 5

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Okay and after that Fight:

  • Dudley takes 2 Hits and 1 Wound, leaving him with 2 Wounds left, plus gains 3 Glory giving him 7 Glory in total.
  • Herr Teufel takes 3 Hits and 3 Wounds, leaving him with 3 Wounds.

On to the third Danger, which is an …

  • Ancient Trap (Danger, Ancient, Trap) The walls are lined with grotesque stone faces. As you proceed down the hall you must draw on your knowledge of the ancient culture to determine which are traps to avoid and where it is safe to move. The test is Lore 4+ XXX and the reward is 2 Glory.

Dudley’s Lore is 4, and he rolls pool 4: 1, 3, 2 × 5

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Dudley rolls two successes, leaving him one to get.

Dudley rolls again … pool 4: 1, 4, 5, 6

Another Danger completed, his third of the Adventure so far, earning the Heroes another 1 Fortune and himself another 2 Glory in reserve.

He then decides to Camp Down. He fully heals all of his Wounds and collects all of his Glory is reserve - 6 Glory - to add to the 7 Glory he got from the Fights, giving him 13 Glory. The Heroes now also have 4 Fortune of the 30 they need to win.

That did go well! (@RogerBW) Time for our next adventurer in … Doctor Zhukov and the Amulet of Power!

The Amulet of Power is in Western Europe which has no additional terrain icons, has a Fortune of 4 and a Danger rating of 5. So on to the first of his Dangers, which is an …

  • Assassin (Danger, Assassin) An assassin was sent to kill you! You must be getting close. Try to catch the assassin in the act, or outmaneuver them! The test is EITHER Cunning 5+ XX OR Agility 6+ X, and either way the reward for success is 2 Glory.

I’m sure I know the answer but have to ask: will you take the Cunning test or the Agility test?

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Cunning it shall be!

[poll 5d6] for 5+

[ poll 5d6 ]

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Helps if I can spell!
pool 5: 1, 2 × 2, 3, 4


@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Oh dear - a truly awfully unlucky roll - which leads to our first Cliffhanger! Zhukov’s turn ends and next turn he cannot move and resume his Adventure Phase with the Cliffhanger Silhouette of Being Stabbed!

On to Cartwright (@Chewy77) now, and … Alexander Cartwright and the Armor of Pharox!

Firstly however, being in the Deep Jungle of the Congo, you have to roll to see if you find the location of the artifact. We roll 1 die and on a 4+ you find it this turn and can start adventuring; on a 1 to 3, you are lost and have to try to search for it again next turn.

Cartwright’s search roll is pool 1: 3.

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Another poor slice of luck: Cartwright is still exploring the deepest jungle this turn.

Adventuring all done, we now enter the Villain Phase. This starts with the drawing of a Villain Event Card, which is …

  • Blizzard. (Villain Event, Terrain, Weather) Any Hero in an Ice Space immediately takes d6 Hits.

So, Dudley now takes pool 1: 1 Hits.

@gmwhite999 asked for a die roll:
Dudley is having all the luck - and as he has a Defense of 1, takes no damage from the Blizzard. Maybe he has a stiff drink with him along with his stiffer upper lip.

Now the Outpost and Zeppelin Step. As described on the Axis Outpost card, for the Secret Base we roll 1d6, and on a 4+ we `place 1 Axis Soldier in a random location.

Secret Base roll is pool 1: 5