Episode 139: Press Twice For Amputation

This month, Mike and Roger once again attempt RPG-a-Day as RPG-a-Minute.

We mentioned:

Mongoose 2300AD at the Bundle of Holding (until 2 September), our episode about 2300AD, the Starfire setting, the CoDominium, Dungeon Crawl Classics Dying Earth (until 9 September), RPG a Day 2024, Architect of Worlds, Dungeon Fantasy RPG, They Came From Beneath the Sea and the Whartson Hall sessions of it, It Came From the Late Late Late Show, RuneQuest Adventures in Glorantha, Reign, Unknown Armies, Risus, QuestWorlds (formerly HeroQuest), QAGS, our diseection of Blades in the Dark, GURPS, All Rolled Up, 3d-printable scout ship model, Ars Magica, Exalted, Space 1999, Transhuman Space, going to the Moon in a chariot drawn by swans, Troika, Mothership Over the Edge, The Dracula Dossier, Tékumel, Ptolus, Feng Shui, SJGames forums, tekeli.li forums, Glorantha forum, Ars Magica forum, The Perishing of Sir Ashby Phipps, Whartson Hall playing Masks of Nyarlathotep, The Enemy Within, the guided tour of Roger’s dice box, RuneQuest GM screen, GURPS GM screen, and Traveller Map.

Here’s our tip jar. (Please email or leave a comment as well; they don’t always tell me when money’s gone in.)

Music by Kevin MacLeod at incompetech.com and other royalty-free sources.


Appears to be Episode 130

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I see no error here. Any perceived errors are due to faults in your visual and auditory systems, to be corrected by therapeutic execution.


Seems reasonable.

Is Mike aware of Matthew Cole’s Virtual Pavis project which he has been demoing at the last couple of Continuum conventions? (Can’t remember if Mike was at last years?)

I have missed the last two CONTINUUUUUUMS but I hope to make next year.

(2023 clashed with my nephew’s wedding which then clashed with my cat being very sick. This year I just decided it was the Worldcon that had first call on my spare cash and my dwindlng stock of physical energy.)

So no, I wasn’t there and I wasn’t aware. Is there a website where you can see work in progress?

(Yes, the cat is better.)


I knew you weren’t here this year, I couldn’t remember if you were there last year (I didn’t recall specifically speaking to you, but that just have meant we were never in the same place for long enough, or that I had forgotten the specific conversation).
Matthew has been posting pictures taken from his 3d VR Pavis on one or more of the RQ/Gloranthan FB groups, and is planning to do a “coffee table” style art book of the city through the Jonstown Compendium on DriveThru. I’m not aware of any way of accessing the VR other than when he has demoed it at the conventions.
(Glad to here the cat is better)