Discussion: PBF Roads & Boats "The Valley" 4-player

Aha. So a wagon factory becomes a truck factory. Got it!

An interesting illustrative example is if you have a transporter on a steamer factory someone else built and you research rowboat factories. Yes, you can “upgrade” the steamer factory to a rowboat factory…

I assumed they were pioneers of some kind, but they are named after cricket players? Cricket playing donkeys…

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I’d pay to see that.

Yep, England bowlers

First time I’ve seen a sawmill that isn’t on a home marker, hence the mistake - I’ll fix it soonish.

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I am nothing if not eccentric!

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OK, now you all committed your non-brick turns, I’m going to say that 5 WP that no-one can take away from you for the low low price of one board is such a bargain!

I’m sure you all have excellent reasons for not building the wonder, and there’s no need to explain them to me. I’m just sayin’. Of course, there is some self-interest in this advice, because the bricks are also the game clock…


Makes joke about being an England fan in the 90s

@RossM has built a woodcutter on 6-5. Is it one building per hex in total, or one building per hex per player?

Total. One building per tile.


Roads, bridges and walls don’t count.

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Also, I think this bears reiterating: The only things that are yours, are the things in your colour: transporters, home token, and walls, and the goods currently carried by your transporters.

Your question does not make sense if you understand that no-one has ownership of any buildings.

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You know Feta does not have to remain in 2-6, right? If the intent is to get the geese to reproduce…

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Ahh, thank you! I merely forgot to move Feta back to 2-5


In your last two turns, you have used singular “brick” and singular “log”. In both cases, I assumed you meant 2 of the goods referred to. I hope my assumptions were correct. In future, please specify how many of the goods on a tile should be picked up.

If the resolution is too low, let me know and I will post higher resolution images.

To put something on the wonder, does it have to be on a transporter

No, but a transporter must be present.

More generally, a transporter must be present for building, research, and bricks onto wonder. Wealth is only counted if carried by a transporter. But secondary production happens regardless of whether or not a transporter is present. Only goods on a transporter can optionally be held back from secondary production. An interesting wrinkle from this is that leaving goods at a transporter producing building will result in the goods being used up, but with no-one around to claim the output, the resulting transporter is destroyed. This is a bit like the “research into metaphysics” that happens if you leave geese unattended with paper.

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Yes, an empty transporter can pick up another empty transporter that has not moved (for example, in the production phase).

The transporter can be unloaded at the start of a subsequent move phase (for example, in the move phase immediately following the production phase in the same turn).

In this way, you could pick up a docked raft in the production phase, then unload it in the river in movement, then move both transporters freely in the move phase.

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Only 1 good required.