[CHARACTER] Uillorard ex Verditius

If you’re uncomfortable, I don’t want to be a problem-child. I can take something like minor magical focus: rings, or jewelry, or chains, if that’s more satisfactory.

Honestly, now that I’ve thought of it, I think I’d rather do that anyway. Are you ok with it?

Yes, fine!

One thing I’d point out is that you will be asked to create something for the covenant as your ‘qualifying task’ for permanent membership. I had better start making decisions about what among the ‘standard’ list of housekeeping enchantments they will need. Hmm… Light fittings…

would building a tower out of stone (using ReTe) qualify? Only problem is that he’s prone to making it a bit obviously magi over there.

But enchantments are cool too :slight_smile:

Well, my plot involves them already having built the New Round Tower… But what is my plot against the willingness of a player to volunteer.

(Incidentally, today was my day to try to start mapping the covenant. Campaign Cartographer is parenthetically a bitch to relearn.)

honestly it would take him so little time that it probably shouldn’t count anyway. It might turn out more like a conversation of Julia talking him out of building a 100-pace-high tower because it will ruin the low profile they’ve kept.

FYI, character revisions are done.

OK. Tell me where I find sympathy traits.

And I’m a little unclear about where the points from Educated went to. Latin has to be 5 or better.

Sympathy traits are from Realms of Power:Faerie. It effectively allows the character to replace their specialisation bonus of +1 with the bonus from the sympathy trait where they apply - so in this case, it potentially allows a +3 to crafting skills and to using magic theory when enchanting jewellery.

Sympathy traits do cause extra bookwork because you have to track xp gains and losses in them.

Not really that much extra bookkeeping.

For Educated the 50 xp all went to Latin. 4 is enough to read anyway, but with spec it’s 5 in Hermetic content.

Edit: BTW if you have a problem with Sympathy traits I don’t mind dumping them.

Part of the Problem is that Metacreator doesn’t yet support RoP:Fairie.

I could create an Ability for Sympathy traits but I’d be happier if you developed them in play. And where does the Warping come from? You don’t have a Flaw that gives warping that I can see.

I also got an error message when entering Woodsman’s Bounty in the system:
“Creo + Herbam + Int + Magic Theory + aura must be at least 49.” The local aura is 3 so unless you can claim you apprenticed at a place with an aura of ummm…20 then we have a problem.

The rules as written seem to indicate that every Hermetic Magus should normally have Latin 5 not counting the Hermetic Use specialisation.

The warping was from Faerie Background. But since Sympathy traits don’t work the way I thought, I’m getting rid of them and it. It’s a free flaw in Realms of Power: Faerie, but I now have nothing out of that book.

Woodsman’s Bounty is 2 Base, +1 Touch, +0 Mom, +0 Ind, +4 size, +1 complexity (because of being able to make any type of wood)

so that’s 2, +1=3, +4=15, +1=20

Page 32 of ArM has the required abilities for Magus as:

Artes Liberales 1
Latin 4
Magic Theory 3
Parma Magica 1 (should be no higher if the magus is just out of apprenticeship)
Total Cost: 90 experience points

That said, if you’re making a house rule, I will scrounge up the points somewhere.

No, I wasn’t trying for a House Rule: I have definitely seen the Latin 5 requirement somewhere… Possibly applied to some other task in the great mess that is The Rules.

My bad.

As to the Spell… Oy!

I have tried every which way to get the system to do this and it won’t. I agree that you should be able to create this spell as level 20 ritual and according to my understanding of the rules you should be able to do so in a single season. But…

First of all I tried the Design Spell dialogue (which worked fine for all the other spells you submitted):

This is the screen for when I had entered the spell:

Woodsman's Bounty 1

And when I pressed Next I got:

Woodsman's Bounty 2

With some tweaking I got the level of the spell down to 32 at this stage but I have no idea why it says the level is 20 in one dialogue and either 45 or 32 in the next.

So then I tried the Invent Spell dialogue which tries to do something similar but as if the character was trying to make the spell in the lab rather than having it at spell creation. Eventually I got this:

Woodsman's Bounty 3

Why six seasons to invent it if it were only a level 20 spell?

I do not have a clue what is going wrong at this stage.

I need to be able to use the Metacreator to manage this campaign… But if I can’t get it to work I’m going to have to have Serious Thoughts.

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Further Data.

If I don’t tick the Ritual box then it works. But if it’s not a ritual you can’t create the material permanently can you?

Right, it has to be a ritual. I do see that you’re putting Per instead of Touch, but that shouldn’t matter? But I can’t understand why one of my rituals would work and the other one wouldn’t, so maybe that’s the problem.

The reason it’s saying six seasons is lab total 28 minus spell level 24 gives you 4 points of progress per season, so takes 6 seasons to get a level 24 done. But spell levels 24 or 32 are impossible so that’s weird.

If it has the spell level as 24 (which I still don’t understand) to invent the spell in one season would take a lab total of 48. But that doesn’t really make sense as a software bug, so may be a red herring.

No, that Per is a mistake but it isn’t a mistake that should lead in the direction of taking much, much longer.

Lemme see: Ritual has a minimum level 20: OK and clear so far.

Starting from a base of 2 + 1 Level for Touch takes us to level 3. Plus two more levels for Target takes us to five and then it’s three more increases of Magnitude after level 5 to level 20. Right?

Which is the minimum for Ritual so why does ticking the Ritual box raise the level of the spell?

Looking at the rules for Inventing a new spell and how much difference it makes from learning a known spell from a teacher or a Lab Text, I’m thinking I should probably in future require all apprentices to start with known spells since it would cut into their apprenticeship time too much to invent their own.

Don’t worry I’m not planning on making this retro-active.

No idea. I’m not a fan of Metacreator, but if you need it to run the game I’d like to make it work.

Custom spells don’t have to be ones invented by the apprentice; they could be spells that their parens invented and taught them.

Well, I’ve got the spell in place and for the right number of character points so let’s not worry about that quirk now.

There is a remaining difficulty but one I think you’ll like.

Metacreator says you’ve only used 755 of 770 available build points.

I don’t know why!

Here’s a screen print of the character summary. Can you spot anything I’m omitting?

Well, a number of the skills are actually higher than they should be. But also, my available points aren’t 770, unless you gave us all a freebie that I wasn’t aware of - it should be 45 Childhood, 150 Later Life, and 300 Apprentice. (So 495).

Here are the right numbers for the ones that are off:
Finesse: 4+2
Magic Theory: 6
Metalsmith: 4
Stonemason: 2
Jeweler: 4
Woodworking: 3

Are those including the bonuses from Puissant Magic Theory and the bonus from Dwafishness on Craft?

no, that makes them match up, sorry.