Uillorard is a small man, just under five feet in height and skinny, with a mass of bright red hair, carefully coiffed into dozens of tiny braids, themselves braided into larger braids, and the larger braids tied up and orderly. He’s handsome, but his face and body are pock-marked with dozens of round, coin-sized burn scars, and his countenance is dour, rarely smiling. He has bright blue eyes, and a piercing, inquisitive gaze.
Uillorard is a bit standoffish, but more out of caution than dislike. He is always interested in learning new secrets, or new magics, and is less lab-bound than many Verditius. He is proud of his own abilities, and enjoys using magic to craft beautiful objects and massive edifices. He covets treasures, be they gold, precious gems, vis, or magic items, and is highly motivated to seek out valuables to add to his hoard.
The boy was born in a mining town in Cornwall, where his mother was a prostitute. She abandoned her baby in an old mineshaft, one of the oldest in the county, unknowingly leaving him near the gateway of a regio. He was found by a faerie dwarf, who brought him home as a gift to his wife. As the baby grew into a boy, the dwarf began to teach him the arts of crafting, and the boy became something in between an apprentice and a slave. As the boy got older, his Gift began to manifest, and the dwarf became crueler and crueler to him, beating him frequently and burning him with coals from the forge.
He would be there now, or would have come to a bad end, were it not for the magi of Semitae. Spending some time in Cornwall, they followed a vision Gerfallon of Criamon had had, of a magus wandering, blindfolded and hands tied in a deep dark mineshaft. Searching the place with magic, the magi discovered the regio, and the faerie smith and the gifted boy. Junius of Verditius bought him with a magic ring, and took the boy as his apprentice.
The boy’s education had been severely limited. While he knew of crafting, and of the fae, he knew little else. Junius was not equipped to teach him, but he wanted to do right by the small, scarred boy; so he arranged for him to spend time at Cambridge, getting an education while splitting his time between Schola Pythagoranis and Semitae. The boy’s gift made tutelage difficult, but the Jerbiton there had private tutors and other ways around the problem of the Gift, and the boy (who had been baptized Piran Smith) attained a degree in laws.
The boy created a masterpiece – a ring shaped from a single diamond, strengthened against breakage and containing an enchantment to ward the wearer against metal – a ring to pay back the price that was paid long ago. Junius was pleased, and declared the boy a magus. The new magus took the name Uillorard upon passing his gauntlet. As a mobile covenant, Semita was abreast of tribunal news, and Junius suggested Voluntas as a place for Uillorard to build his sanctum, as he knew his former apprentice was not interested in joining the nomadic life.