Several things need decided here:
- Communal decision on power level of the game: Childer or Neonates. The whole party has to be the same power level. See below.
- Communal decision on coterie type. Basically the in-game reason the party hangs out together.
- Who the individual characters are.
- Finally… do people want to do chargen on their own before we start playing? Or do you want a session zero which is online character creation and (time permitting) a run though the combat system?
Childer are new vampires. You could have been turned into a vamp (embraced) anything from a few days ago to 15 years ago. You can only play a Thin Blood vampire if the Childer option is picked. In terms of points for character gen, the official rules say 0 freebie points, but Dr Bob is house-ruling 6 freebies for most clans and 3 points for Tremere & Banu Haqim.
Neonates became vampires between 1940 and a decade ago. Freebie points: 15 for most clans (12 for Tremere & Banu Haqim).
Because this is an Anarch game, most of the usual social restrictions which apply to Childer characters do not apply.
CLANS to pick from:
- Banu Haqim also called Shango (and called Assamites in early editions of the WoD).
- Brujah
- Gangrel also called Akunanse and Wah’Sheen
- Malkavian
- Nosferatu
- Toreador also called Ishtarri and Ray’een al-Fen
- Tremere
- Ventrue
- Caitiff
- Thin Blood (fewer vampiric ‘superpowers’, but can pass as human and might be able to go out in daylight).
- Guruhi (not statted up in the VTM 5e books, I’m swiping info from Ebony Kingdoms).
- What was your character’s name in life? What is your name now? (You don’t have to change your name).
- What did your character do before they were embraced?
- When and where were they embraced?
- Why did your character join up with your Kindred companions?
- Why do they stay together? (Coterie type may influence this).
- Blood Cult – You entice mortal worshippers, reveal some supernatural truths, feed them vitae or enslave them. It violates the Masquerade and attracts the Inquisition (humans who will shoot you all to death).
- Cerberus – Exists to protect a certain spot or important location, e.g. a grave or priceless relic.
- Champions – Exists to fight for a cause. Possibly even one mortals would recognize as worthy.
- Commando – Exists to fight its master’s enemies. A vampire ‘special ops’ team.
- Day Watch (you all have to be Thin Bloods with the Day Drinker merit). Guard the undead city from mortals, especially in daytime
- Fang Gang – Criminal gang, burglars or con artists. Disguised as organised crime. Or perhaps you’re the Baron or Prince’s liaison with organised crime?
- Hunting Party – Specialises in hunting and capturing humans with particular qualities of the blood (humours and resonances).
- Marechal – Serve and guard the Prince or Baron, doing their bidding as attendants and hatchet-men. The direct access to the ruler means influential elders often try to have their progeny added to this coterie.
- Nomads – Travel from place to place: a band, theatre troupe, refugees from the Gehenna War or just ‘kings of the road’.
- Plumaire – United by ties of social prominence or common enthusiasm (music, fashion, etc).
- Questari – Exists to accomplish a great enterprise or objective, out of desire rather than by edict. Chase a target, hunt a relic, solve a mystery, etc.
- Regency – Chosen or created by an elder of the Camarilla or Anarchs to guard their legacy as they were Beckoned to the East. You hold the elder’s vote, or have a watching brief on the Council.
- Sbirri – Disguised as another type of coterie, but are secretly serving the Prince or Baron of another city (or spying on a faction within the city).
- Vehme – Vigilantes tasked to protect the Masquerade at all costs. You have the authority to arrest and subdue violators to bring them before the Prince/Baron.
- Watchmen/Committee for Public Safety - Patrol the city and protect it from intruders, especially werewolves and vampires of another faction.