Async Beyond the Sun on BGA Recruitment

Could I use the professor’s guild to research a level 3 military tech now?

(And would it be stupid to do so?)

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Yes you can as the level 1 you’re on goes straight there.

You can afford it, and will have people left afterwards so I don’t think it’s a stupid idea. It means you get to pick what goes down. The level 3&4 techs are more powerful than 1&2.

If you’re going with a tech tree strategy you need to go wide as well as tall. If you’re going military and looking to colonize lots of planets you may get an action from that tech that lets you do that cheaper.

I’ve only played 4 games, so am no expert, but I would go for it

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The TTS mod actually has a tech overview thing that allowed me to take 3 screenshots of available tech:

Tech Tree Possibilities

The available level 2 techs:

The available level 3 techs:

The available level 4 techs:

I haven’t looked at anything yet. Just took the screens.

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This is the sort of game at which I reliably come last (and sure enough I did), but generally enjoy myself apart from that. I probably focused on the tech tree too much, and could definitely have done with some colonising, particularly to get more resources; one of my usual failings is to ignore part of a game while I’m getting the hang of the other part.

I could probably get competent if I played a lot of it. But I don’t see myself rushing to play it again, and I certainly won’t buy it.

That said, thank you all and I’m really glad to have tried it.


I spent most of the game digging myself out of the resource shortages I kept creating for myself. I had way too many ships until I finally managed to colonize a bit. As I see it one needs to generate bonuses and those are from either colonies or from discovering new things.

I also played on TTS which has less automation but was equally quick to play.

I am happy I have this on preorder for whenever that printing happens.

My level 3 tech gamble paid off. Then I just sent fleets out and colonised on loop.

The way population works is interesting, and seems to make colonisation (slow VPs, competition) competitive against tech (fast VPs, not so self-sustaining), but you need tech for better colonisation…

I think the setting is the main selling point for me. I’m a sucker for space.

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And here I thought you preferred historic settings… :slight_smile: … ah I forgot about Race for a moment.

And this one is a bit faster than those big 4x games or Leaving Earth.

Also Galaxy Trucker, Space Alert… and Impulse I suppose?

I think historic settings have no intrinsic appeal for me, there just happen to be a lot of good games that draw on them.

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I had this exact experience with Everdell last night

You like Impulse? Bought it (I suppose on an impulse) and couldn’t gel with it, but need to play it again.

I got stuck colonising. A complete response to not doing enough of it in my last game. I should have pivoted to try to hit the top of the tech tree.

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I think that loop, and the way they complement each other is what I’m interested in. I’m really glad we all played the way we did

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I think I could have scored a lot more by spending my last two ship build+colonise actions on a level 3 and level 4 tech, but I didn’t realise at the time that tech 4 was so VP heavy, and I wanted to get the +4 bonus from my colony conditions (2 of A, 2 of B).

Impulse is a funny beast. I see a few ways that this game is maybe inspired by it. I’ve only played around with the rules experimentally, and never actually in a real game. I can see potential, and I’d like to try it out.

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Oh, and, if a game is worth playing once, it’s worth playing twice? Anyone interested in taking Roger’s place?


I’d happily play again.


I am thinking I could do better in another game :slight_smile: (or maybe not.)

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Looks like a quorum. A premium member will have to start the game.

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If @mr.ister can give me their BGA nick I can probably(1) oblige.

(1) for all that I usually feel competent in dealing with websites BGA time and again manages to confuse me

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It’s mrister.


Second attempt is it… first time round I forgot to put down turn-based. My bad. So I wait until all of you have joined then I can start the table? The previous game was my very first turn-based game on BGA :slight_smile:

If you set the right number of players and then invited them all, the game will auto-start when they’ve all joined. There’s a big scary warning about “you haven’t opened this table for joining yet”, but that’s intended for games where you’re allowing random strangers to join.

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