Antiquity, the most ridiculous game to PBF, beginners-only game recruitment and discussion

The most important decision!

Available player colours are blue, purple, red, and yellow.


Yellow. Or, really, anything but red.

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You’re absolutely doing us a favour by running the game! I just feel like I’m always jumping straight into PBF games and wanted to give other people the chance to get in on Antiquity, because it sounds amazing :grin:

I’d like to be purple in this sea of beige, if I may.



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Looks like I’m Blue

They said it couldn’t be done, but @Benkyo has put the Container band back together!

I’ll echo @Whistle_Pig, I really want to play this, but wanted to give others a chance because I’ve jumped at a lot of pbfs recently. I think I’m too scared to be Splottered IRL.


The game has started:

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Cue massive reading session. I’m first for city placement?


Technically yes, but it doesn’t really matter for this game, as you have been assigned starting tiles.

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I totally understand this. They just give you too much to wrap your head around, right from the outset.

So I’m thinking of plonking my city centred on 27-6.

That’s not too suicidal?

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It is pretty suicidal.

You really need as big a zone of control as you can get, and you’ll be giving up 11(!) hexes by hugging the board edge there. That’s space for almost 4 turns worth of pollution.

I highly recommend choosing a first city spot with a full radius zone of control, i.e., at least two hexes away from the board edge.

Hmm, making the two square zone most effective. Makes sense.

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25-5 seems more sensible.

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Float ideas as much as you like here, but I won’t act on anything until it is posted in the game thread or to me in a direct message.

Also, a reminder: I’ll be treating each phase as simultaneous until you start encroaching on each other’s territory and turn order starts becoming relevant.

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I’ve been in work this morning so am just beginning to digest the rules. I know with a Splotter you can lose in the first turn so I’m going to take my time with this.

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It’s good to have a plan - where are your carts going? Are you using an explorer? Where will you put your first four turns of pollution? What will you build first with your stone? Which Saint will you go with?

But it’s very hard to plan ahead in your first game.


An idiot question. What are we actually trying to achieve in Antiquity? I’m reading the rules about what I can do, but I’m not sure why I’m doing them.

I know the win condition is specific to your patron saint, but I assume I’m trying to build an economy and feed my population?

A short introduction summary might be good for all watching.

Well, there are certain things you have to do - get a steady source of wood for everything else, get 7-8 houses (for which you need food), get a source of food (fish and constant expansion, explorer for seed then farming, or biology for seed then farming), get stone, to at the very least build your cathedral, but also other key buildings and a second city, for which you will need two different luxury goods…

So yeah, you need everything, no matter which victory condition you pick. Your first priorities though, are securing wood, stone, food, then more long term a way to cope with then maybe outpace pollution and famine.

I think this post is probably a better summary of early goals though, as it takes you through the first turn. The next few turns are just like it, but build on whatever you get.

You can look at it this way: you get 6 wood to start, and everything else must be built from that. There are no more free inputs (well, there kind of are, from Explorer, Biology, San Giorgio, but they have their own costs).


Looking at the map - I’m thinking to centre my city on 21-6

Are the blue/ grey hexes (18-6 to 19-4) water? Some other hexes are a more vibrant blue.
I have a mountain range to my right (brown hexes)
I’m assuming the things that look like bushes/ trees are where wood is produced?
Not sure about the plain, light green hexes

Sorry, the rules don’t describe each hex type.