Airecon Northwest, 8-10 December, Manchester

Tickets are still available as I write, but the Telford one sold out quickly.

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Oh cool, thanks for posting this!! Local to me. Bought a ticket :+1: My first con :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Excellent! This is the first one on this site, but original!Airecon* is my favourite gaming convention: rather than the heavy-handed commercialism of something like Expo or SPIEL, the primary focus is on providing space so that people can play games. (And ancillary things like a games library, ways of finding people who are looking for players, etc.)

* I love the way the idea of UUCP bang paths has survived in the fanfic community and adjacent spaces.

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We’ll be there! Not quite as local as main Airecon but the Pennines aren’t too much of a barrier


Yay! See you then.


Ooh well this is interesting! :thinking:

Hopefully I’ll have got my act together enough to actually, y’know, go to this one!


So who’s going??

I have made zero plans haha. Think I’ll roam around and find games to join to learn something new.

If I bring along a game it’ll be Dawn of Ulos and/or Ark Nova.

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I will be there. Look for the black camping trolley full of games (“Roger’s Rolling Game Library”).


I ran out of holidays. Y’all have fun.

Also, when did Airecon branch out? Was it this year?

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I will definitely pop by! Can’t believe we’ve never met after all these years haha. Just don’t melt my brain with Leaving Earth again :sob::sob:

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I’ll be there too - happy to play some games :slight_smile: I’m curious about Ark Nova :+1:


Happy to teach it! It’s a good teach - fairly intuitive, makes sense after a few turns, and the scaling means it’s difficult to totally screw yourself over in the first round.

Not had a chance to play with the expansion yet so new stuff for me too. :+1:

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I’ll be there too! Will be nice to actually get beaten in person :slight_smile: .


I can laugh in your actual face!


Yes, ACWest in Telford a few weeks back and this one.

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Are open/close times on the website? Can’t find them anywhere. Just event times. Thanks!

I think it’s open 1400-2230 today, 1000-2230 tomorrow and 1000-1800 tomorrow. I’m going to try to get there around 1400 today.

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I think I’ll be down about 6.30 tonight and midday tomorrow :+1:

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Managed to find a seat phew! Currently in the back of the main hall in the ANGRY section.


Chaos in the old world??? :star_struck: Still never played it. Will you teach please? :face_holding_back_tears: