Tickets are still available as I write, but the Telford one sold out quickly.
Oh cool, thanks for posting this!! Local to me. Bought a ticket My first con
Excellent! This is the first one on this site, but original!Airecon* is my favourite gaming convention: rather than the heavy-handed commercialism of something like Expo or SPIEL, the primary focus is on providing space so that people can play games. (And ancillary things like a games library, ways of finding people who are looking for players, etc.)
* I love the way the idea of UUCP bang paths has survived in the fanfic community and adjacent spaces.
We’ll be there! Not quite as local as main Airecon but the Pennines aren’t too much of a barrier
Yay! See you then.
Ooh well this is interesting!
Hopefully I’ll have got my act together enough to actually, y’know, go to this one!
So who’s going??
I have made zero plans haha. Think I’ll roam around and find games to join to learn something new.
If I bring along a game it’ll be Dawn of Ulos and/or Ark Nova.
I will be there. Look for the black camping trolley full of games (“Roger’s Rolling Game Library”).
I ran out of holidays. Y’all have fun.
Also, when did Airecon branch out? Was it this year?
I will definitely pop by! Can’t believe we’ve never met after all these years haha. Just don’t melt my brain with Leaving Earth again
I’ll be there too - happy to play some games I’m curious about Ark Nova
Happy to teach it! It’s a good teach - fairly intuitive, makes sense after a few turns, and the scaling means it’s difficult to totally screw yourself over in the first round.
Not had a chance to play with the expansion yet so new stuff for me too.
I’ll be there too! Will be nice to actually get beaten in person .
I can laugh in your actual face!
Yes, ACWest in Telford a few weeks back and this one.
Are open/close times on the website? Can’t find them anywhere. Just event times. Thanks!
I think it’s open 1400-2230 today, 1000-2230 tomorrow and 1000-1800 tomorrow. I’m going to try to get there around 1400 today.
I think I’ll be down about 6.30 tonight and midday tomorrow
Chaos in the old world??? Still never played it. Will you teach please?