Airecon Northwest, 8-10 December, Manchester

Defintely, very keen on playing it! I have only played it once though…

Exactly the sort of thing that pool hustlers and card sharps say.

I am renowned for my poker face.

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I thought it was a shovel that did the remodelling.

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Camel Up 2e (I prefer the wooden camels, but the new pyramid works better, and the crazy camels are great)
Tinderblox in extra-hard mode (sunset plus marshmallows). Should bring this to things more.
Project L plus all expansions—love the rhythm Finesse brings to the game.
Nokosu Dice, don’t ask what “doing a Roger” is.
Chaos in the Old World, it feels a bit throw in everything, but I had a great time.
Furnace, cut short because the room was closing, but still good. My no-oil strategy didn’t work well.


No, do… You know you want to.

My no-brain strategy was a complete washout.


We’re in the blue section playing Eclipse if anyone wants to say hi. I’m the ginger one in the cool shades :sunglasses: (migraine prevention FTW)


Xia in the far red corner for the next little while.



  • Xia: 5p with two new isn’t ideal for pace, but I think everyone still had a good time.
  • Sentinels of the Multiverse: Haunted Fanatic, first appearance Bunker, scavenger Unity vs Terrorform in Megalopolis. Haunted Fanatic is still a powerhouse but there was a whole lot of damage being handed out. (“Injury. My one weakness.”)
  • Revolution: I continue to be a fan, one of the few no-randomness games I enjoy.
  • Njet: I played this at ACWest and found it OK but nothing special. They didn’t use the (optional?) rule that first player must pick a partner and they score identically. Which made it vastly more fun and now I’m keeping an eye out for a copy.
  • Piepmatz: nature red in beak and claw.

And Kabuto Sumo :beetle:

Thanks to the three non-new players of Xia for making it such fun. (Some of the pacing might also have been a reflection of the very late emergence of actual trading routes.)


I’ll pop by and say hello tomorrow. Can’t believe how quick today flew by with only playing 3 games!


Anyone for a game today?


No idea what others’ plans are (some of them have the great bad taste not to be on this forum) but I could fancy some Flash Point or V-Commandos.

Want to play a game this afternoon?

Sure :slight_smile: we’re 2/3 of the way through a game of T’zolkin at the moment. Sitting at the back red table


Oh! I’m to your left with Roger and co


Today’s slate for me was a couple of games of V-Commandos, more Nokosu Dice, and JP’s prototype Showtime (try to get your actor on the show that’ll be the biggest success). Then, having 4-ish hours on the road, we left.

(Now I want to know why SUSD!Tom doesn’t like Nokosu Dice. I’m sure he’s not being deliberately contrarian; I’m just curious.)


Two of them were Xia and Ark Nova. :slight_smile:


Home from the Rainy City after a fun weekend of games and burning to death in stars. Thanks everyone!


Thanks from me too, to @RogerBW, @Lordof1, @KIR2, JP and everyone. My first games convention, lots of new games and great fun. Bit brain-melty now (see ‘lots of new games’) but many I want to play again. Nokosu Dice, Njet, Xia (hugely less terrifying than it looks; I now have a favourite ship, so treat Puddle-Jumper right or I’m coming for you), V-Commandos although, as someone observed, it’s basically Flash Point with Nazis instead of fire. The Project L expansions are interesting and really change the rhythm of play. One day I might even get vaguely competent at it, but it’s such a satisfying game even if one is doing badly, I find. Obviously I imprinted on Tetris way back when.

Tinderblocx is evil. Correction: the designers of the tweezers for Tinderbox are probably minor demons.

A fantastic weekend, and I had at least one cigarette when it wasn’t raining, yet a quick check confirmed it was still Manchester. Weird.