Ooh looking forward to this. I picked up that bundle and I always find it interesting to listen to books that I’ve got. I enjoyed the Pirates of Drinax and I picked that up after listening to it.
Listening to the session zero. As someone who played and GM’d this in the 90s, it’s interesting to hear 2300AD using the Traveller rules.
Although the site is massively out of date, and it’s unlikely to be of direct use in the Bayern campaign, might I point people in the direction of the Etranger website, for those interested in the mil-scifi aspect of the 2300AD universe?
P.S. oh, and the book-hopping appears to be a thing with Traveller-alikes. Paul Elliott’s/ Zozer Games Hostile Setting does a similar thing with the Traveller SRD.
Just listening to character generation, and Roger is still stiffing the players on skills. The second paragraph under Advancement starts off with “If you make a successful advancement roll, move to
the next higher rank and gain an extra roll on any of the skill tables available for your career.” (Emphasis mine.) So they should have gotten almost twice as many skill rolls.