2023 Board game challenges

I have played solos:

  • Cascadia 22/10
  • Grove 12/10
  • It‘s a wonderful World 10/10
  • Naturopolis/Agropolis/Sprawlopolis 27 + 10 + 8 /10
  • Sagani 10/10
  • Terraforming Mars (App) 10/10
  • Trailblazers 20/10
  • Ark Nova 7/10
  • 51st State 6/10
  • Food Chain Island 6/10
  • Spirit Island 5/10 (this is #11, it might well overtake one of the others)
  • Red Rising 4/10 (I‘ve been having some fun with this recently, it might make it in yet, games are quick)

Multiplayer is just not happening enough. I had to cancel a game-night just yesterday because I don‘t want to spread my runny nose to anyone. Maybe next year… things will finally calm down. For now I am so glad I have solos to play.

Oh and because it came up elsewhere on this forum recently: only 2 of these solo modes are automas: 51st State has a very simple opponent. And Red Rising has one of the easier automas I have encountered without edge cases or complications that so make so many of these stressful to handle.


November Results

? X ? = 100 Challenge

Game Month Total Status
Wingspan - [21/10] :white_check_mark:
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn - [10/10] :white_check_mark:
Dune: Imperium - [8]
Baseball Highlights: 2045 5 [7]
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 1 [7]
Radlands - [5]
MicroMacro: Crime City - [3]
Biblios - [2]
Res Arcana - [2]
Alchemists - [1]
Flamecraft - [1]
The Isle of Cats - [1]
Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road - [1]
Terraforming Mars - [1]
Total (excluding exceedances) 6 59

Probability of 100% completion = very low, with 41 plays in one month required :grimacing:

Keyforge 4 x 25 Challenge

Deck Month Total
Unruly “The Wiper” Dmitrii - [28/25]
Elias, Geologist of the Grasping Clubhouse - [26/25]
Autoene, the Baron of Information 1 [24/25]
Rumpleadder, the “Protector” of Curses 1 [9/25]
Total (excluding exceedances) 2 83

Probability of 100% completion = high, motivated to fully achieve at least one of the three challenges! :muscle:

Opportunity 50 x 2

Game Month Total Status
Grove: A 9 card solitaire game 1 [18/2] :white_check_mark:
Palm Island - [12/2] :white_check_mark:
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn - [10/2] :white_check_mark:
The Fuzzies - [9/2] :white_check_mark:
Sunset Over Water 1 [9/2] :white_check_mark:
Dune: Imperium - [8/2] :white_check_mark:
Baseball Highlights: 2045 5 [7/2] :white_check_mark:
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 1 [7/2] :white_check_mark:
Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erb - [5/2] :white_check_mark:
Illiterati - [4/2] :white_check_mark:
Avenue 1 [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Cascadia 3 [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Crumbs!: The Sandwich Filler Game - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
La Crypte de Sedlec - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
MicroMacro: Crime City - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Mini Rogue: A 9-Card Print-and-Play Game - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Valletta - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Agropolis 2 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
7 Wonders Duel - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Birdscaping 2 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Champions of Midgard - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Fallen Angels - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Final Girl: The Haunting of Creech Manor - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Journey to the Center of the Earth 1 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Mindbug: First Contact - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Mint Delivery - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Punto - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Res Arcana - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Suburbia - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Tiny Towns - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch - [1/2]
Au Griffon fonffon - [1/2]
Bohnanza - [1/2]
Concordia: Gallia / Corsica - [1/2]
Fury of Dracula - [1/2]
Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde - [1/2]
Pluckin’ Pairs - [1/2]
Terraforming Mars - [1/2]
Progress 70%

Probability of 100% completion = low, ain’t nobody got time for another game of Fury of Dracula this year.

Have a dazzling December of gaming and festive fun everyone!


In the end, missed my soft 10×10 by two Xias… or three Just Ones or Nokosu Dices or Tsuros.

Game Plays
Ensemble 38
Rallyman: GT 28 (+2)
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition 24 (+1)
Rallyman: DIRT 14
Terraforming Mars: The Dice Game 13
Astro Knights 12
Piepmatz 11 (+2)
Rallyman 11
Project L 10 (+1)
Xia: Legends of a Drift System 8 (+1)

2022: 381 plays of 326 games
2023: 415 plays of 323 games

and I’m up to Eddington 22 overall.


I only went up to 5/20 of TTA. Oh well! Not an issue but tackle TTA at Medium difficulty was very fun


End of Year Report

? X ? = 100 Challenge

Game Month Total Status
Wingspan 1 [22/10] :white_check_mark:
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn - [10/10] :white_check_mark:
Baseball Highlights: 2045 3 [10] :white_check_mark:
Hadrian’s Wall 10 [10/10] :white_check_mark:
Dune: Imperium 1 [9]
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 1 [8]
Radlands - [5]
MicroMacro: Crime City - [3]
Biblios - [2]
Flamecraft 1 [2]
Res Arcana - [2]
Terraforming Mars 1 [2]
Alchemists - [1]
The Isle of Cats - [1]
Kashgar: Merchants of the Silk Road - [1]
Total (with 10 cap) 17 76
[ Total (no cap) 88 ]

A big finish to the year, helped by loving Hadrian’s Wall from the first play. Hard to get ten plays of anything that doesn’t have a solo mode, so will learn from that when deciding on the list for 2024.

KeyForge 4 x 25 Challenge

Deck Month Total Status
Unruly “The Wiper” Dmitrii - [28/25] :white_check_mark:
Elias, Geologist of the Grasping Clubhouse - [26/25] :white_check_mark:
Autoene, the Baron of Information 1 [25/25] :white_check_mark:
Rumpleadder, the “Protector” of Curses 2 [11/25]
Total (excluding exceedances) 3 86
[ Total plays of these decks 90 ]

Only a few games of KeyForge in December but, overall, a good result for the year. Rumpleadder is the best of the four decks, so will get plenty more plays in 2024.

Opportunity 50 x 2

Game Month Total Status
Grove: A 9 card solitaire game - [18/2] :white_check_mark:
Palm Island 1 [13/2] :white_check_mark:
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn - [10/2] :white_check_mark:
Baseball Highlights: 2045 3 [10/2] :white_check_mark:
Hadrian’s Wall 10 [10/2] :white_check_mark:
Dune: Imperium 1 [9/2] :white_check_mark:
The Fuzzies - [9/2] :white_check_mark:
Sunset Over Water - [9/2] :white_check_mark:
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game 1 [8/2] :white_check_mark:
Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erb - [5/2] :white_check_mark:
Illiterati - [4/2] :white_check_mark:
Agropolis 1 [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Avenue - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Cascadia - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Crumbs!: The Sandwich Filler Game - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
La Crypte de Sedlec - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
MicroMacro: Crime City - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Mini Rogue: A 9-Card Print-and-Play Game - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
Valletta - [3/2] :white_check_mark:
7 Wonders Duel - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Behind the Iron 2 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Birdscaping - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Champions of Midgard - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Fallen Angels - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Final Girl: The Haunting of Creech Manor - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Finca 2 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Journey to the Center of the Earth - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Mindbug: First Contact - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Mint Delivery - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Punto - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Res Arcana - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Suburbia - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Terraforming Mars 1 [2/2] :white_check_mark:
Tiny Towns - [2/2] :white_check_mark:
A Game of Thrones Catan: Brotherhood of the Watch - [1/2]
Au Griffon fonffon - [1/2]
Bohnanza - [1/2]
Concordia: Gallia / Corsica - [1/2]
Final Girl: Camp Happy Trails 1 [1/2]
Fresco 1 [1/2]
Fury of Dracula - [1/2]
Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde - [1/2]
Pluckin’ Pairs - [1/2]
Total 79%
[ Total plays 170 ]

Quite chuffed with these results: 44 unplayed games now played, and some new favourites found.

Good fun all round :slight_smile:

Well done everyone! Now to choosing the challenges for 2024…


Wow well done! you even got a graph!! :100::100::100: