A good month for the KeyForge challenge. Elias is an instant favourite and has pulled off a number of wins against more highly ranked decks.
Opportunity 50 x 2
The Fuzzies
Grove: A 9 card solitaire game
Dune: Imperium
Palm Island
Sunset Over Water
7 Wonders Duel
Baseball Highlights: 2045
Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erb
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game
MicroMacro: Crime City
Mint Delivery
Tiny Towns
Champions of Midgard
Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde
Pluckin’ Pairs
Terraforming Mars
Some good finds on the shelf of opportunity. Lady Richmond was a huge hit with its inheritance shenanigans and avoidance of poodles and pickles. Also loving the calm city building of Valletta.
Sold the game for silly money and reprint is unofficially announced
Go 365 Challenge
Race for the Hundred Galaxies
Through the Twenty Ages
Five Carriages But No Horses
Horseless Carriage 2/5
Unlock Scenarios:
24 scenarios left
Levee En Masse - DONE Beat Pandemic Rising Tide on highest difficulty
Spanish Boo-Boo
Beat Pandemic Iberia on highest difficulty with the advance variant
Ark-cough Horror
Beat Pandemic Cthulhu on highest difficulty
Got a new tablet which allows me to play RFTG during my free time. Allows me to explore Brink of War without being anxious of the rules weight as I am playing with AI, not with my friends.
Not a great month for games on the list, but I did get to play a game of Twilight Imperium 4th Ed (without Prophecy of Kings, sadly), so much is forgiven. It was a great game, albeit a learning one for the other three players… I love playing the Barony, but their 2 Commodities is a huge handicap for a race that relies so heavily on Trade Goods for their more significant racial power to matter. Still, I managed to leverage the Jol-Nar’s racial promissary note into Assault Cannons (which helped for the 1 significant battle all game), and I had Warsuns before anyone else, but the game ended before I could really flex them too much.
We continue our slog through Oathsworn, which is still a very fine game, and I’m hopeful that I can get a bunch of Legion and Battletech games in before long.
The playthrough of Merchants of Venus from last month confirmed that, while good, I don’t need to own it (thankfully!). It’s a pretty watered-down version of Xia. And I’m almost finished painting all my SW Legion models, which means I can start (and probably finish) my Battletech models (33 on the painting table at the moment), and then I can assemble and maybe play my copy of Shatterpoint.
Turing Machine 8/10 (I have no motivation to take it out again, I think this game may have severely reduced my interest in pure deduction game. For all that they are not really, the puzzles are too simple—there is no thematic dressing to distract me and so it just feels a little like work. It took me a few to realize this.)
51st State Ultimate 6/10 really need to get back to this, but the theme fits better with the rainy months
Food Chain Island 4//10
Distilled 3/10
Evergreen 3/10
Oranienburger Kanal 3/10
I played over 10 games of Next Station London/Tokyo combined on BGA but decided to exclude games I don‘t own from this. While my other challenges counting BGA plays is fine. I feel like the solo challenge must at least be on the table.
I need 2 more plays still to get to H-index 17
My multiplayer Top 10 is stuck at 39/100 with most of those games being on BGA. Very few occasions for multiplayer games. I expected this year to be „slow“.
Escape Plan Yokohama
Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar Gaia Project
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space Scythe
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile Food Chain Magnate
The Great Zimbabwe
Teotihuacan: City of Gods
The Taverns of Tiefenthal Root SHASN
Sidereal Confluence:
On Mars
New York 1901
Fields of Green
Awkward Guests
Bärenpark Forks
Import / Export: Definitive Edition
Caverna: The Cave Farmers
Play all my unplayed games:
1775: Rebellion
Airship City
Canopy Cloud City Concordia The Crew 2
Flying Colours Ginkgopolis
The Great Fire of London 1666 IKI
In a Grove Inkling
John Company 2E
Napolean’s Imperium
Polarity Super-skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!
Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down
Twins High Society Sub Terra 2
East India Co.s
Lacrimosa Scout
That Time You Killed Me String Railway A Fake Artist Goes to New York Cat in the Box
A good month! Learned Ashes with the Red Rains solo expansion, which was a lot to take in. Think I have the rules under control now for Aradel Summergaard and the Chimera’s Shadow aspest. It remains to be seen how things go with a different Phoenixborn or the other Chimera aspect
Keyforge 4 x 25 Challenge
Unruly “The Wiper” Dmitrii
Elias, Geologist of the Grasping Clubhouse
Excellent progress with both decks, and it’s time to choose a third. Doesn’t sound like Winds of Exchange will arrive in time, but hopefully it’s on its way
Opportunity 50 x 2
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn
The Fuzzies
Palm Island
Grove: A 9 card solitaire game
Dune: Imperium
Sunset Over Water
Lady Richmond: Ein erzocktes Erb
Mini Rogue: A 9-Card Print-and-Play Game
7 Wonders Duel
Baseball Highlights: 2045
Champions of Midgard
Final Girl: The Haunting of Creech Manor
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game
MicroMacro: Crime City
Mint Delivery
Tiny Towns
Fury of Dracula
Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde
Pluckin’ Pairs
Terraforming Mars
At the half way point, 23 previously unplayed games are now played and most of them more than once, which is pleasing.
Fury of Dracula was an entertaining all day epic, as expected, but it seems unlikely that it will get a second play this year.
Final Girl hasn’t lived up to the hype so far; perhaps it will become more thematic and less mechanical once the rules are more familiar.
Escape Plan Yokohama
Troyes Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar Gaia Project
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space Scythe
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile Food Chain Magnate
The Great Zimbabwe
Teotihuacan: City of Gods
The Taverns of Tiefenthal Root SHASN
Sidereal Confluence:
On Mars Altiplano
New York 1901
Fields of Green
Awkward Guests
Bärenpark Forks
Import / Export: Definitive Edition
Caverna: The Cave Farmers
Play all my unplayed games:
1775: Rebellion
Airship City
Canopy Cloud City Concordia The Crew 2
Flying Colours Ginkgopolis
The Great Fire of London 1666 IKI
In a Grove Inkling
John Company 2E
Napolean’s Imperium
Polarity Super-skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!
Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down
Twins High Society Sub Terra 2
East India Co.s
Lacrimosa Scout
That Time You Killed Me String Railway A Fake Artist Goes to New York Cat in the Box
The King is Dead
Clash of Cultures Cloudspire
The Red Cathedral
Europa Universalis
Passing Through Petra Hiroba
Wok and Roll
Wingspan Asia Broken and Beautiful Ducks in tow
Imperial Steam
We have a game of Europa Universalis planned this weekend and I’m also going to try and get Orléans knocked off the list
Chances are fairly good I’ll get to 10 on Piepmatz and Project L, and it’s guaranteed for Rallyman and Dirt. Not playing anything like enough Crokinole; oh dear whatever shall I do about that?
Highest-value X×Y is still the ×1: 92 distinct games 1 time each.
Sold the game for silly money and reprint is unofficially announced
Go 365 Challenge
Race for the Hundred Galaxies
Through the Twenty Ages
Five Carriages But No Horses - Abandoned Horseless Carriage 3/5
Unlock Scenarios:
24 scenarios left
Levee En Masse - DONE Beat Pandemic Rising Tide on highest difficulty
Spanish Boo-Boo
Beat Pandemic Iberia on highest difficulty with the advance variant
Ark-cough Horror - DONE Beat Pandemic Cthulhu on highest difficulty
Indonesia is lagging behind but so far it’s alright. Still ahead of schedule. I don’t think I can play Horseless Carriage as it competes with FCM, TGZ, and Indonesia’s time.
Well, a pretty slow July, sadly. A few games in there, but nothing really noteworthy. I have a game of Eclipse 2nd Dawn scheduled for Thursday, but it’s not on the list, soooo…
Oh, and I’m heading down to London (Ontario) to hang out with an old gaming friend. Means I might actually get a few games of SW Legion and/or Battletech in. The plan is to hang out for about 7 hours and cram as many games as humanly possible into that time.
So I did manage to finish painting all my SW Legion models (I have since purchased a few more… Ewoks, Han Solo, and an A-A5 Speeder Truck… oh, and two units of Commandos), and then managed to finish all my Battletech. I am currently working on my Shatterpoint models (I’ve finished 8 of the 9 Good Guys, will finish Anakin today, probably, and then start and hopefully finish all the Bad Guys this week… I don’t really care to do a very precise job with the baddies, since I’m really only painting them for completion’s sake, and so if anyone wants to come over and try the game I have painted models to use). After that I’m going to blitz a bunch of terrain, and then after that… I dunno? Either finish painting my Legion (again), or paint up Oathsworn or Stuffed Fables, both of which we are playing through with different groups.
I have one game currently set aside for me at work (Spots, which I think the SU&SD folks said was “quite good”).
So the solo challenge rests at more or less the previous state except that It‘s a Wonderful World has replaced Turing Machine which I am not planning to play again solo. Well, until I decide that BGA plays just don‘t count at all (but they fit into boring meetings or coffee breaks)
Next month will not be any better. I am holding out for September and the colder months following…
I have 1 play left to get my H-Index to 18. Considering I have only been tracking plays for a few years I am not unhappy about that.
I haven’t been posting here because I did not make an official challenge this year, but per my usual “play more of my unplayed games” goal, I did rather well this month, getting Nemesis, High Society, The Quest for El Dorado, Maquis, and Resist! to the table. And if you include June, I also got Star Wars: the Clone Wars and Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest played. July also marks the highest number of game plays in a month for this year with 33 plays. So, rather pleased with that.
Today will be day 715 of the “play a game every day” challenge. I wonder if I might stop soon now that I’m back full speed on the Steam train with the new pc added to the existing steam deck.
Escape Plan Yokohama
Troyes Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar Gaia Project
Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space Scythe
Tiny Epic Dinosaurs Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile Food Chain Magnate
The Great Zimbabwe
Teotihuacan: City of Gods
The Taverns of Tiefenthal Root SHASN
Sidereal Confluence:
On Mars Altiplano New York 1901
Fields of Green
Awkward Guests
Bärenpark Forks
Import / Export: Definitive Edition
Caverna: The Cave Farmers
Play all my unplayed games:
1775: Rebellion
Airship City
Canopy Cloud City Concordia The Crew 2
Flying Colours Ginkgopolis
The Great Fire of London 1666 IKI
In a Grove Inkling
John Company 2E
Napolean’s Imperium
Polarity Super-skill Pinball: Ramp it Up!
Tsukuyumi: Full Moon Down
Twins High Society Sub Terra 2
East India Co.s
Lacrimosa Scout
That Time You Killed Me String Railway A Fake Artist Goes to New York Cat in the Box
The King is Dead
Clash of Cultures Cloudspire
The Red Cathedral Europa Universalis
Passing Through Petra Hiroba Wok and Roll
Wingspan Asia Broken and Beautiful Ducks in tow
Imperial Steam
535 Enemy Anemone