Wot are you playing (video games)

So I’ve been enjoying a second playthrough of Steamworld Heist 2! If you liked the first one this is a longer and refined entry in the series (and now my favourite in the line).

I’ve also discovered Powerwash Simulator, in proof that as I get older, I get more boring. My wife finds it hilarious that I spend my relaxation time cleaning (even virtually!). It’s quite fun. Kind of wish there was more variety in the upgrades (they’re mostly just a better version of a previous version) but the level variety is pretty great.

I’m also halfway through the final act of Tactical Breach Wizards, which is great fun and not too puzzly (outside of a few missions so far). Also unexpectedly has some of the best writing I’ve seen in a game for awhile (though seems fairly vegemitey - you either love it or hate it).

After getting it for free, and prompted by the new board game review, I had fun with Wilmot’s Warehouse. Definitely worth the price I paid. A sorting/puzzle-y game played solo, and hectic fun as side-by-side coop.

Also Sunless Skies, also free, and definitely worth that price. But the “legacy” mode is exceedingly silly. In a game about reading stories, dying causing any incomplete story to reset is… not good. Thankfully there’s a “merciful” mode, and you can play as if dying is final to maintain the tension.

I like how Wilmot’s Warehouse uses line-of-sight and colours - you can see the outlines of shapes much “deeper” than you can see their colours.

(I want to post the map of my final warehouse layout, but I think that’s too much of a spoiler for anyone who hasn’t finished the game yet. It’s technically impossible to completely spoil, because you only see 200 products out of 500 in any given playthrough, but developing layouts is a significant part of the game.)


Picked up Black Myth Wukong for the PS5. It’s excellent. A beautiful and really solid mechanically boss battler. It makes some very obtuse design choices (why would you not include a map) and the translation doesn’t seem 100% accurate but nothing that’s game breaking. The focus is totally on the bosses so far with some light exploration but nothing (by the end of chapter 2) at the same level of the exploration in elden ring.

I doubt I’ll make it all the way through it, the narrative is exceedingly disjointed, the chapter structure breaks some of the world building that you typically find in souls games and it’s just very very punishing but… being about 40 hours in and the end of chapter 2 I’m having a blast and glad I bought it.

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Finally got around to buying and playing Citizen Sleeper, and yes, it’s very good. At it’s best early on, when you are struggling to survive, but the writing remains strong throughout.


Oh yes. It’s really great. Sequel coming soon, although I’m very happy just as a one off experience personally.


Thank goodness you’re here is uuuhhh something

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I decided to treat myself to a Meta Quest 3S which just came out, as it was “only” $300, but came with Batman:Arkham Shadow, which is exclusive to the Meta Quest, and a game I am incredibly interested in as I love the Arkham series of games. It also has a 3 month trial of Meta+ or whatever, which I believe gives access to a bunch of games for free.

Only had it for a couple of days and not had much time to play it, but it is really cool so far! The device has cameras on the front so you can just see through them when you aren’t playing, or need to pause a game, allowing you to do things without having to remove it. The controllers light up when you look at them amd have lights in the VR space to show the battery charge they have.

So far I have played a demo of Beat Saber, which is fun and would have been better if my kid wouldn’t interrupt, a squirrel simulator which is just a silly time waster, and the one game I have purchased so far, Star Wars: Vader Immortal. I have only played the training so far, but it places you in the middle of a room with a lightsaber and training remotes and stormtroopers pop out of doors and attack you. You can block the shots with your lightsaber, and even reflect them back or at other enemies, use the Force to pull them to you for stabbing or slashing, or just throw the Troopers off their platforms. You can also Force grab a blaster dropped by a trooper and shoot with it.

It’s been a lot of fun so far, and the picture is really clear, though obviously a video screen. Hoping some sales come up with the holiday season approaching, as there are some really neat looking games in the store, but I don’t necessarily feel like paying $20-30 for some of them.


Beat sabre is excellent. I think it’s also really good for “hey try this” for anyone that wants a go at VR - I think the “guitar hero with lightsabers” is intuitive enough to jump right in.
Ignoring the issues with the company I do think the Meta headsets are the best headsets for 99% of users right now.


Been playing Balatro on my phone - the ridiculously popular poker-but-not-really-poker roguelite deckbuilding game. It’s good, or at least addictive. By playing sensibly, you can regularly win, but the temptation is always there to try and “break” the game with crazy combos. My best so far was a score of over 300 million, but I noticed that the targets in endless mode increase exponentially up into mad numbers, so I’m going to have to try and figure out/luck into ways of getting there.


I saw that Starcraft (yes, the original) is free to play, so downloaded that. And because I wanted it, paid $20 to get the remastered graphics, which look so much better. Played a couple of the first Terran missions tonight, and it was great fun, the game still plays well. I have fond memories of playing this with mates so many years ago. We all had our favourite side, I was always Zerg (loved burrowing the little buggers and then have them come up - not sure if it ever did me much good, but it was still fun. Truly a classic game, and became a religion in Korea I believe.


Been playing Batman: Arkham Shadow on the Meta Quest 3S, and…it’s pretty frickin’ good! The Arkham series of games has always been known for having good storylines, a revolutionary freeflow combat system, and a Metroidvania style map progression where you need to come back to old areas with new equipment in order to advance or obtain collectibles. I think when this game was announced, most people scoffed at the idea that a VR experience could maintain that kind of gameplay. Certainly my limited experience of VR to this point suggested such, as I had pretty much played silly simulators or games where your character just warped to various points and could be finished in just a couple of hours.

I’m pleased to report that the developers knocked it out of the park with this! It looks just as good as any Arkham game, the story is good, combat works differently but still has the feel of the freeflow system from previous games, and there’s just lots of little touches that really put the shine on this experience. Such as detective vision. Sure, they could have just had you press a button to activate it, but instead you put your right hand up by your head and then pull the trigger button, as if you are activating something in your cowl. To glide, you extend your arms and pull the triggers as if grabbing your cape and you can direct yourself a bit by leaning to one side or the other. It adds to the immersion.

Traversal and combat are the biggest changes from previous games. There are only certain grapple points that you can use, which makes sense in interiors, but when you are used to zipping all around the city using it, there was a section early in the game that felt very silly when you couldn’t just grapple over to the building you were tying to get to. Not a big deal overall though. I do get a bit thrown when moving from gargoyle to gargoyle as often the screen will go black and then reappear with you facing forward off the statue, rather than the direction I was facing before. Can be detrimental when you are trying to swing between a bunch of them so enemies lose track of you.

Combat is actually a bit of a workout. You have to pull both triggers on a controller to make a fist and punch, and then actually throw a punch and you will lunge at your target and hit them. Then you are prompted to either do a straight punch or a hook. Do it successfully and you continue your combo, but get it wrong and the enemy blocks. Hit them three times or so and they typically get knocked down.

If you see a warning that you are about to be hit, you just need to push a hand out in that direction and you will counter. You can also dodge back or to the side by tilting and clicking the left control stick. Pushing forward on the right control stick will make you vault over an enemy to let you attack them from behind, though since that stick is also used to turn in 60 degree rotations, I sometimes end up facing away from the enemy when I finish it.

You can cape stun by “grabbing” a corner of your cape out at the side and then swinging your arm forward, allowing you to pummel them unconscious, or you can jump on a downed enemy to do the same, both usually taking three to five punches and the faster you punch the more likely you finish without getting interrupted by another enemy. If you build up your combo meter you can do a finishing attack to instantly take out an enemy with a punch, uppercut, and then double downward strike on the shoulders. Dealing with knife wielders is especially fun, as you need to do a counter, then physically dodge by tilting your body one way or the other, or even ducking to avoid their strikes, after which you can hit them.

I’m not in the best shape, so after a combat with a bunch of guys I’ll actually be a bit out of breath. So yay, playing this doubles as cardio!

There’s still predator sections as well, where you are trying to take out enemies silently, which usually involves sneaking behind them and pushing your hands forward while clicking the secondary triggers on both controllers, at which point you then choke them out by yanking them back and forth a few times. Or you can hang from a gargoyle and just yank them up and toss them, burst out of a floor panel, etc. All the usual things from previous games.

All in all, this is a full Arkham experience, just tweaked to take full advantage of the VR interface. I also really like how they’ve tried to give most of the items and environment some permanence. I mean, often in these VR games, you reach into a wall and your arm just moves through it. On most surfaces in Batman, while your physical hand may keep moving, the image of your hand stops on the wall, even flattens out your fingers when you push. Sometimes to an excessive bendy degree, like if you run you finger over a bottle while trying to push into it, the finger bends backwards in an bit of an unnatural way, but the overall effect is still pretty cool.

There are a few bugs, but nothing that cannot be overcome. The worst is occasionally when you grapple, you normally push forward on the right stick to mantle up, but sometimes it glitches and puts you up but not forward onto the platform so you fall. Usually a restart fixes this but I had one section where it didn’t. I had to get past it by “physically” grabbing the edge of the platform and “pull” myself up. Other than that, there’s been just a couple of hiccups when loading new sections of the map, everything else has been smooth.

So, longwinded review over. Awesome game. I’ve played for many hours and I’m still only 54% of the way complete, and there’s also a few challenge arenas for combat and predator included, plus I’ll want to go back and try to collect anything I’ve missed once I finish the story, so I’m definitely getting my money’s worth. Moreso since the game came with the system. Also the developer has announced further content to come, so that’s exciting too!


It’s a great time to be an indie publisher, at least in my game library.
Here’s what I’ve been playing in the last month. The play time is lifetime total not recent play:

  • Soultstone Survivors: best of the Survivors bunch, 82h
  • Shapez 2: so good, but I am stuck using the wires etc to be more efficient 26 hours
  • Noita: was on sale, OMG I suck. 76 minutes + 15 deaths? Oops
  • Slipways: I always go back to it, so good 148 h
  • The Banished Vault: fun but very hard puzzle, 4h
  • Wilmot’s Warehouse: thought I’d try it. Fun but gets stressful, my warehouse is at almost 100 items after 4h
  • Moonligher: only just bought it because sale…
  • Realm of Ink Demo: downloaded and then played Noita instead (was recced to me because of Hades and Slay the Spire?
  • Terraformers: another boardgamelike I love and I already tried it on my new Linux desktop, 57 hours
  • Dungeon Alchemist: 3D map maker for my aspiring online RPG sessions that aren’t happening. It’s cool but I am glad it was on sale and I didn’t give them all my money in the KS: 67 minutes
  • Dwarf Fortress: I heard so much about this and … sale … Steam … I don’t think this game is for me. But the idea of it is fascinating 64 minutes
  • Slay the Spire: this is just the PC Version, total is probably more than Slipways but my main play system is the Switch. 32h

Other than those, in July+August I played a lot of Satisfactory, in June Dyson Sphere Program and Balatro and in May Hollow Knight and Hades II


I’ve got a universal shape cutter and sorter, and a one-level shape assembler including gaps, but no paint stage or consideration of crystals.


I haven’t reached crystals yet. I was experimenting yesterday. It’s really not the way my programming brain wants to think.


Lol, yes, that’s how Noita starts. Apparently you can even win the game in under 5 minutes, but I play slowly and very very carefully.

I liked the theme, but it’s not a hard puzzle to crack, tbh, and once you do, the game is done.


Wilmots Warehouse was a game first? cough yeah I knew that


Got the new Dragon Age yesterday. Played it for 9 hours. Enjoying it so far.


It is all Satisfactory for me right now. Great game, has this “just this one thing” effect. Also interrupted my great time with Tactical Breach Wizards, but I am coming back to it as soon as Satisfactory lets go of me :smiley:


Played Silent Slayer: Vault of the Vampire on the Meta Quest 3S. You go through a progressively more difficult series of booby trapped coffins in order to stake the vampires inside, coached by a magic book.

Make a mistake and you are usually okay if you wait quietly for a moment, but if you mess up again too quickly, the vampire rouses and strikes.

Starts out pretty simple, just having to remove some sliding bars or use a pry tool to remove nails to open the lid without being too loud as the noise can get you killed, but it gets much more challenging with wires to cut, magic amulets to remove, sensor dolls that wake up and detect any movement, etc.

You also have to assemble a relic before each go, as it shows a ritual to disable that vampires wards.

Fun, but a bit short, only taking me a little over three hours total, and that factors in the retries if you fail, which I did from time to time. Nothing like spending 10 minutes opening a coffin, just to miss staking the heart because you stab poorly and have to start over.


That’s an awesome concept!