Stationfall, anyone?

I wish i had the brainspace right now. but i don’t. hope it’s a good game for every one :innocent:


Cool, game is a go. If anyone else is interested, maybe they can negotiate pairing up with an existing player.

@RossM @mr.ister @COMaestro any preference on keeping this as a discussion thread and starting a separate game thread, or just having everything in this one?

Rules are all here:

I’ll provide single -post entries for each of the 12 characters for reference and drip-feed the launch manual, so the only one of the three rulebooks you might really need is the reference manual. Feel free to read the others though, but you might not want to spoil the scripted bot play in the tutorial from the launch manual.


No preference either way regarding the number of threads.

Likewise. No preference

OK, new thread started for the game.

While there’s a good chance this was just a colorful turn of phrase, helmets are not normally smashable. Indeed, helmets are one of the best ways to avoid having a human head caved-in.

(Currently waiting on RossM to take or not take one more action with the Cyborg after seeing the Kompromat)

So move the android again into the forward hub. (Can I double move!)

Setup symbols not used in this game (all the small icons are setup symbols, I have tried to cover up the ones I can with actual pieces)


What is the white triangle the daredevil’s Adrenaline ability is referring to?

Any hazard, i.e., fire and asphyxiation.

In general, when there’s an icon outline with no image, it means every possible type of thing that the shape corresponds to.

Currently, I think the reactor room and space both have asphyxiation hazards. So the daredevil can, for example, free move into space, from an airlock, and re-enter from the aft or forward airlock, without a helmet and all for 1 action.

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You passed the test to see if anyone was reading, congratulations!

(Copy-pasting the tutorial, my mistake, edited out now)


Something I just realized that should have been obvious, but maybe isn’t:

on all those agendas doesn’t mean “at the Station” or “on the Station”, and instead means “at Stationfall”, which is how the game always ends. So, “at the end of the game” is the intended meaning (except in at least one case, where it means “X has never been true by the end of the game”).

Specifically, the Troubleshooter agenda includes “2 points if Antimatter is not has never been Armed at Stationfall”.

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24 hour-ish re-ping of @RossM

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Thanks. To confirm, is picking something up and throwing it one or two actions?

Any action is one action. You also get one free pick up or drop.

So you could step, free pick up, and throw, for example.

Thrown items end up on the ground, and are not “caught” by a designated recipient.

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Just a general FYI: I’m going to assume that people are ending their turn after posting a full move for an activated character. If you want me to wait until after seeing kompromat and deciding whether or not to use it, please state so in the post.

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In my efforts to dig through all the rules and omissions and errata, I found another one: the TTS images that I based my own images on lack a qualifier for the “rocket wings launch” action: the action requires a helmet if the character is human (which should only be relevant for the Daredevil). If I get a better image I’ll update it.

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1 day-ish re-ping of @RossM


I’m camping, so expect a response in about 12 hours

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I haven’t been at home for the last 36 hours either, so it’s not like a fast turn would have made any difference. 24 hr re-pings are just a thing I’m going to do for this game regardless.

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