Star Trek Adventures "One Shot" Mission Thread

@WolfeRJ asked for a die roll:
So I’ll be the surly American who spends the momentum to try and push through this

Daring + security 15 Athletics focus

3d20: 8 + 15 + 9 = 32


(Ooh, 4 successes! I’m going to assume you meant to jump, since you only made the one roll…)

Like an eagle… like a majestic flying badger from Altair IV, Torlent leaps across the ravine, landing with a perfect tuck-roll and the far side. 9.7 from the Romulan Judge, 9.6 from the Human Judge… only an 8.5 from the Klingon Judge!? Scandal!

(You can roll your “Untapped Potential” if you’d like. If you do, roll 1d6 and on a 1 or 2, you gain that much Momentum, on a 3 or 4 you gain nothing, and on a 5 or 6 I gain a Threat)

@WolfeRJ In order to put the logs into place across the gap, you can choose to just accomplish the task, no roll needed, or you can choose to attempt a Attribute + Engineering roll against Difficulty 0 in order to gain some Momentum for future tasks. Your choice… just remember that on a roll of 20 specifically, things get more Complicated in some way.

Let me know which you’d like to do, and we’ll move forward from there.


@WolfeRJ asked for a die roll:
Untapped potential d6: 3

@WolfeRJ asked for a die roll:
May as well try Fitness and Engineering 12 perhaps survival focus for rudimentary support construction from Federation Scouting times

2d20: 8 + 8 = 16

Rad strips off the uniform tunic and engages in the requisite period of sweaty hefting in shirtsleeves which the network executives have determined will create a crossover demographic opportunity.

A couple of pieces get lashed together in a creative fashion from high tension survival gear pieces being pulled away in various unorthodox fashions.


(Okay, so no effect from your Untapped Potential, but you do gain Two Momentum from your creative shirtless bridge building)

(Crossing the makeshift bridge will require Control or Daring + Security at Difficulty 1. No risk of outright failure, but if you do fail the test then you will “Succeed at a Cost”, which may be a minor injury, or the loss of a piece of gear, or something similar. Each of you may choose to roll whenever you’d like, and the group has Two Momentum that you may spend to buy an additional die, and of course each Success any of you roll over the 1 required will turn into Momentum that your companions may spend)

Dr Simpson looks unsure at the makeshift bridge. “It looks like this makeshift bridge cannae take it. My weight that is…”

He takes a swig of his medicinal hip flask and shakily edges over it.

Control 8 plus Security 1

“Crivvens …”


@DJCT asked for a die roll:
2d20: 3 + 13 = 16

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“Jings - bless my soul I made it!”


@Snobbydolphin asked for a die roll:
2d20: 12 + 13 = 25

Zin smiles at makeshift bridge and makes eye contact with Rad, offering a grateful smile with wide eyes. He crosses with care, smiling the whole time before saying to himself, “This is going to be such a good log entry!”

Daring (10) + Security (4)

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(“Log entry”… I see what you did there…)

(We are up to Three Momentum, with Torlent, Zin, and Simpson across. Keli’i and Tray still have to make it over)


@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Keli’i has daring 8 and security 1, so will spend a momentum. Sorry, away from books and on a phone screen.
2d20: 12 + 16 = 28

@RogerBW Roll one more die due to Momentum.

Tests are usually 2d20, and buying a die let’s you roll more dice.

@RogerBW asked for a die roll:
Thanks, that was the reference i didn’t have to hand.
d20: 7 vs 9

By the skin of their teeth, friends and enemies! Keli’i weebles and wobbles but they don’t fall down!


@RossM asked for a die roll:
Control + security is a 12

2d12: 2 + 8 = 10

@RossM asked for a die roll:
Shall I use the right type of dice?

2d20: 19 + 3 = 22

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And with that, everyone is safely across.

(More information tomorrow when I get home from work… just finished a long DnD session and my creative energy is kinda… not… right now. Tomorrow! Thanks for your patience, all!)


About thirty minutes later you are hiking through lower scrubland, the scattered trees and rocky terrain replaced with sporadic patches of tiny flowering plants, mostly in reds and purples, and twisted vines that sprawl across the rocky soil.

The ion storm in the skies above is causing both beautiful aurora borealis, but also strong winds. The trees previously sheltered you from the worst of it, but now the winds swirl around you dramatically, tugging you as it howls around you. Flashes of movement around the corners of your eyes are starting to play tricks on you… or is that crack in the rock hiding venomous animals? Are the wind-whipped plants moving on their own accord, sneaking closer to you with each gust? You see the gnawed carcass of something beaver-sized, suggesting predators in the area… soon, you all find your hearts racing and your breathing heavy.

(I’m going to need everyone to give me a Control + Command Task with Difficulty 2 to maintain your nerves in these unsettling conditions. A reminder that you have Two Momentum available to spend to increase the odds of you succeeding at this test. Anyone who passes may then aid other players, but not until they have succeeded their own test. I would suggest @RogerBW and @Snobbydolphin attempt their checks first, since they have the highest stats for this test: they can then assist other players and/or generate Momentum that others can spend. As always, describe what you’re going to do to assist other players and what combination of Att + Dis you will use)

(If you fail this test, your more primitive instincts are starting to gain a hold of you: Paranoia, fear, fight-or-flight responses. Anyone who fails will have the “Paranoia” trait until further notice… this isn’t something that can be treated on the move. “Paranoia” increases the Complication Range of all future tasks by 1: on a roll of 19 or 20, things get Complicated, rather than just a 20. Not debilitating by any extent of the imagination, but not great either)

(Lastly, I recommend roleplaying a little, describing how you shake off the effects, or what form the paranoia takes for your character if you happen to fail)