SPRING 1220: The Saga Begins

A young man with a bright smile responds. “Hubertus of Jerbiton, filius of Warden Edward of Milton, but delighted to be back in Yorkshire. I am of the De Ros family, married to the De Percys, as I am sure you know. I think it is time I got to know my homelands better after too long away.”


“Well spoken, all.”

“We have invited you here to take up places in a covenant noted throughout the Isles for its scholarship and influence because that covenant, our beloved Voluntas, has suffered in the past year three blows that have cost it dear. Whether those blows are the result of actions of those who hold us their foes we cannot yet say. Perhaps you will be able to find out for us.”

“The three troubles began at the autumnal equinox last year. Our sodales Phessallia of Merinita had long been associated with the Fair Folk of the court of Winter as it manifests in the Forest to the north of here. It suited her temperament which was not… warm. Last year she resolved to explore further in the depths of the Other Realm, attempting to reach closer to Arcadia and to increase her understanding of Fairie. She had been invited to stand with the forces of Winter when they met in ritual battle with the forces of Summer at the Spring equinox and retire from the world when that battle was, inevitably, lost.”

“This she did but she did not return as she had planned when the summer faded. We have heard nothing of her and we cannot get even an equivocal answer from the Fay we have spoken to. Her sanctum remains sealed as she left it. We do not wish to lose hope… But none of us know anything of the issues or possibilities here.”

“The next disaster came at winter solstice, the day set for us to renew the covenant’s Aegis of the Hearth. We gathered in the courtyard at the appointed hour but no sign was seen of Desiderius the Necromancer. We went to the door of his Sanctum and pounded on it to no response. We sent his apprentice into the sanctum to fetch his master. He went down the corridor, which we all knew Desiderius had trapped against all but himself and his apprentice, leaving the outer door open and turned the corner at the end. A moment later there was a cry and Florian the Apprentice came back into sight. As we watched blue-grey pustules were spouting on the lad’s face and he said that his master was dead in some laboratory accident and that he had not long. At his urging we sealed the door and listened as the lad’s cries grew more feeble.”

“We have not opened it since, nor investigated further. What if it were no accident? What if there were still a danger from whatever killed our colleague and his apprentice? We must know what happened… But there are but three Quaesitores in Stonehenge and scarcely more in all of the Isles. The Senior Quaesitor is a member of Blackthorn, a covenant whose dominance of Stonehenge this covenant was founded to end. We thought it better to seek to recruit a follower of Guernicus who could investigate for us, rather than ask a member of another covenant when we did not know where any enemy may lie.”

“The final blow came when our supposed comrade in arms…” Julia paused as a wave of wrath passed over her face. “… our gallant Flambeau Kirist deserted us in the middle of the night leaving us with a note to submit his resignation saying he had been offered a position at another covenant.”

“So, you can see that we have two problems that we must solve and which two of you are clearly suited for. A Quaesitor to investigate a death, a Merinita to repair relations with the Fay.”

“But also there are tasks for the others…”

“And for our fifth recruit if he ever deigns to join us….” Murmured Corvus.

“Indeed. As a Jerbiton I have used up much of the good will I have built up over the past decades in recent years. In particular I have failed to make any inroads into gaining the friendship of the magi of Ungulus, a covenant approaching deed Winter if not their ultimate dissolution. When their members finally pass into Twilight there will be a feeding frenzy over their resources and the many treasures of their home. If we could but gain their friendship…. I attempted my utmost: the price of even getting an audience was the slaying of a dragon… I did my best and led our warriors… I was not… We lost…”

Her composure lost the maga cannot go on and the Cook went to pour her some wine and murmur some words of comfort. At a gesture from her, Corvus left off picking the wild life from his beard (and popping a few in his mouth and crunching them) and said:

“Finding a way to give us some leverage at Ungulus as well as rebuilding our alliances with other covenants would be the task of our new follower of Jerbiton.”

“As to our crafter, our follower of Verditius, there are also tasks suited for his skills. We have added a new tower to the two that held all our sanctums before last year. It lodges our kitchens in the basement, a dining hall for the grogs and servants on the ground floor and three empty sanctums on the top three floors. The sanctums need to be equipped and made decent as work and living quarters. We would ask that you see to making yourself and the other newcomers comfortable, endowing each with some token of your ingenuity. And before that there will be the task of beginning again the collection of vis that has been neglected during this period of disruption.”

“As you will see if you examine the copy of our charter laid on the table here, we require a period of probationary status before a new member is given a permanent home. This is common in most covenants. The two of us and the Tribune are in agreement to offer you the chance to show us what you can do.”

“Do you accept? Do you have questions? Come, nothing shall be hidden from you. Ask what you may.”

Uillorard speaks first. “That seems reasonable. To be clear, are you asking me to perform full laboratory setups for everyone? Or just the creation of the various tools and equipment?”

Hubertus thinks for a while, then says “Good - very happy to see what can be done. I’ll write to the others to seek to visit them, and later you must tell me all you know about Ungulus, so I may think about our best approach.”

“If possible, I would like my quarters to be as accessible to others as it can be. I wish to encourage all to come and let me know their news.”

Acerbus smiles and turns his bright, amber eyes upon his sodales.

“I would like to ask the most basic of questions that are always asked when someone considers joining a covenant: what responsibilities come with the offer, and what resources are at our disposal? Many covenants require a certain amount of time spent on duties for the common good, and I would like to know how how much we are required to perform. In addition, knowing how much vis we have to draw upon will be vital for any colleagues with an interest in enchantment or ritual magic.”

Diligentius: “Clearly, my duty to Guernicus is to resolve this… unexplained death before other matters may be considered.”

(Diligentius appears by his expression to rank “unexplained” somewhere around the level of “blasphemous”.)

“As to the terms of our Covenant’s Oath a copy is laid before you. Let us pause while you have the chance to peruse it.”

Lemme just do a Thing:
The Oath of Covenant of Voluntas.pdf (143.7 KB)

“Glad to sign, or seal it” says Hubertus casting a cursory glance then smiling winningly.

Uillorard waits patiently for others to finished with the document, then he reads it carefully, and signs it.

Diligentus reads in excruciating detail, sniggering at the loopholes he sees, then signs.

After looking at the sections where it refers to Rosalba instead if Voluntas near the beginning, Acerbus decides to sign.

{{The words seem to swim before Acerbus’ eyes and the references to Rosalba vanish as if they were never there… Pass along. Nothing to see here…}}

“As to the question of quarters,” Julia says to both Hubertus and Uillorard, “therein lies a problem and an opportunity. We currently have one vacant and ready to use Laboratory in the western square tower. It used to belong to our former colleague Kirist. It has a few features to make it more suitable to a Flambeau who fancied himself as a monster hunter but those can easily be removed and a few days work will restore it to a basic configuration.”

“We have kept the sanctum of Phessalia involate and intend to do so in the hope that she may return to us: the Peripheral Code allows seven years, I believe, before a maga may be declared lost and she retains all rights to privacy in her effects until then.”

“The case of Desiderius’ sanctum is more complex. We have every reason to believe him to be dead but the room is both below ground and much more adapted to the long term use of an enchanter with a specialisation in necromancy. It may take time to make it safe… or it may take no time.”

“Then there are the three new sanctums in the round tower. They have the walls and doors in place and little else. We have the wealth needed to fit them out and have ordered all the needed supplies: they should be delivered over the next two seasons. It is a task any Gauntleted Magus should be able to perform to make a Laboratory ready and one that will take two Seasons unless one chooses to use magic to accelerate the process.”

“What I would ask of you, Uillorard, is that you come up with a plan to get all this done as expeditiously as possible and to gift each laboratory with something of your own crafting to show us your skills. The Shields of the Sun” and here she gestured to a large, round object made of glass that hung above the table, “that you will see about the covenant, in every working space that needs light, were made for us by Desiderius’ parens Radamanthus ex Verditius. Perhaps you have ideas of your own?”

And at that cue Anna the Cook, observing that the twilight was begining outside, got a wooden pole from the corner of the room and used it to turn a bronze ornament on the rim of the ‘shield’ which caused the light of the sun to begin to glow from above the table. The seneschal looked up from where he was scribbling notes and smiled with gratitude.

Hubertus consider, as yet unfamiliar with the layout. “I care not for the state of my quarters - new or otherwise, but would prefer one closest to where the common-folk of the Covenant come and go. I am happy to take time to build my laboratory - I would imagine it would take time for my correspondence to be answered, and visits to other Covenants to be arranged.”

“Unless, that is, the situation with Ungulus means, in your estimation, that my time is better spent on intelligence and application rather than interior decoration.”

Julia snorts with amusement at that.

“I think I shall ask you to sit by me as we take supper together and I can fill your ear with what I know of Ungulus and its problems: you may feel it better to tend to matters locally first. Are there further matters that we should discuss before we call the staff to bring food, or shall we call this first meeting of Council together at an end?”

Diligentus sits back in a “nothing to raise at this point” sort of way.

Hubertus nods assent, eager to hear the gossip at dinner.

Uillorard nods, "I understand. I have a couple of ideas, I will consult with those whose labs will benefit from my work, to see what aesthetics please them the most. If nobody objects to my adoption of Kirist’s laboratory, I would be able to start on my work that much sooner; and you may be surprised to hear that I am not averse to monster-hunting myself, though it will be some while before I feel ready to take on a dragon.

I have nothing else I need to ask the council, although may I ask for an Aegis Token? And I presume I will be allowed to use some vis for the benefit of my gifts to you all?"

“Ah, forgive me,” said Julia: “That is one more matter to be completed before we dine. Or rather two. Ethelwald, if you would be so kind.”

The Seneschal went to a door and unlocked it, revealing on the other side a small chamber lined with books and scrolls. He returned a moment later with a set of leather tokens bearing the covenant’s device on them and handed them out to the newly arrived magi. He also put on the table a scroll which he unrolled before Julia.

“You are entitled to draw on the covenant’s vis reseerves a portion equal to the other members per year but if you are going to be using it to complete tasks for the covenant then that should be assigned first and not count against your personal share. This lists the covenant’s current stocks. We are slightly low on Terram vis after completing the new tower. Herbam too, for some reason.”

Creo 10
Intellego 20
Muto 15
Perdo 20
Rego 25

Corpus 20
Animal 30
Aquam 25
Auram 15
Herbam 5
Ignem 15
Imaginem 12
Mentem 20
Terram 1
Vim 40

“I would think it best you come up with a plan for the preparation of the laboratories. Bear in mind that we all owe the covenant some tasks each year. And yes, as you have the first task it would be suitable for you to take the one spare and complete laboratory, if no one else objects. Let us clear the tables and prepare for supper. Anna, if you would be so kind.”

The cook nodded and took her leave letting in by the door she departed through two young children, accompanied by a brisk looking young nun. These proved to be Jenna, Corvus’ apprentice and Harold, Julia’s, accompanied by their tutor. The two youngsters were to serve at the supper.

Uillorard takes the token, and starts fiddling idly with it.

“Well, since everyone will be setting up their own laboratories, I thought to share with you all a Verditius practice - one that’s no secret, but not often pursued by those outside my house. Some sort of sculpture… the choice varies depending on the individual’s needs and sensibilities. For example, my own might be a granite anvil, inlaid with gold filigree. Not a working anvil, but a symbol. It is opened for enchantment, then magics can be invested, and while the object is within your laboratory, it will be enhanced in whatever way you wish, based on the magics you’ve chosen. I offer to make you each one of these, opened for enchantment. I could make another tower, too, if you wished it; such things need not be done with vis.”