Shogun by Queen Games (GAME 1)


I’ll take the 6 army card pls


There must be some mistake. This was supposed to be the winter event! :stuck_out_tongue:


@HOLYWOLFMAN7 chose Attack bonus
@COMaestro to choose next…

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I will take the defense bonus.

@DJCT is next.

War chest please (if I have understood correctly…)


Turn Order has been established.
Four Region Bonus given as follows:

Yellow - 1 army into tray
Purple - ? @lalunaverde
Red - 2 chests
Black - 2 chests
Blue - 1 army into tray

While they are deciding about that…
This was the initial court status based off how many cubes came out of the tower initially.

So, I think I failed to mention a possible variant that we do for Tenno’s Court. And that is when it states remove armies to be used as court officials; It does not have to be exactly 1, 2 or 3 armies (from the particular Province). We give you the option of “up to that amount”. I don’t think it will matter this first round.


2 chest as bonus pls

So, in turn order those cards are revealed and players have to make a decision how many court officials they do want to send; but sometimes the current situation of who is already present might dictate changes of what they’d like to commit.
So… revealing what everyone has chosen… in Turn Order:
1 - Noto
2 - Bluff
3 - Shimotsuke (which he will send 2, to give him a max of 7 total at court)

Purple (pass)

1 - Hitachi
2 - Bluff
3 - Bluff

Black (pass)

1 - Shimosa
2 - From Tower Tray (there is only one there)
3 - zero chest card

That will give us a result of

Since Yellow has the most, he will choose first and take Card 3, turning in 2 court officials.

Next person to choose will be a tie between Black and Blue, however it then reverts to turn order, so Black gets his choice before Blue. He will choose the Shrine; turning in 4 court officials.

Blue @COMaestro to choose next. But he doesn’t have to take anything. All court officials not used are then saved for the next turn.

Only one card left which will cost 3.
(you are able to keep the card and parry one revolt marker)

Sure, I’ll take the card for 3 Officials

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The final result

Moving to the action phase. Everything is preplanned up to Battle B.
Yellow - pass, Purple - Tosa, Red - pass, Black - Izumo, Blue - pass

Yellow - Suruga, Purple - Shima, Red - Kai, Black - Etchu, Blue - Tamba

Yellow - pass, Purple - pass, Red - pass, Black - Pass, Blue - Bitchu

Battle/Move B.
Yellow - Omi.
@HOLYWOLFMAN7 to decide to battle or move units.

okay. @HOLYWOLFMAN7 is going to attack Settsu
The 3 yellow in the tray were put in from earlier events. The green farmers in the tray must have fallen from the tower previously. Yellow attack bonus is one army and he is fighting a neutral province which means 1 green is also added.

so, I made an error, and I will try my best that it doesn’t happen again.
I forgot to add the one army from Omi to the drop. I’m doing that here…

So, the result as you can see…
Yellow 5, Green 3. (others: blue1 and purple1)

Yellow wins and gets the province with 2 of his armies there.

Next up is Purple @lalunaverde who will be attacking from Musashi.

I would like to go ahead and use the card I got from Tenno’s court to remove the revolt marker from Tamba.