Sherlock 13: game "test3"

That was my one action for the turn, so we’re back to @pillbox .

Ahh, my bad.

@RogerBW how many :skull: do you have?

Apologies, RPG session. I have no :skull:s.

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@InkyBloc to play

I’m not optimistic about it getting back around to me, so J’ACCUSE! Inspector Hopkins!


You should have had a private message from Maria giving the identity of the criminal.

I was correct! It is Inspector Hopkins :face_with_monocle: :policeman: :eye:! I had a 50-50 between that and John Watson being in pillbox’s hand.


I thought I was doing moderately well until then. :slight_smile:

My notes look like:

:face_with_monocle: :bulb: :fist: :policeman: :bookmark: :woman: :eye: :skull:
5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3
pillbox 1+ 1+ 0 1+ 1+
Inkybloc 1+ 0 1 1+ 0
gmwhite999 1+ 0 1 1+ 0 1+
RogerBW 0 0 2 3 2 0 1 0
unaccounted 3 3 3 2 0 1 1 1

as I had

Inspector G. Lestrade :policeman: :bookmark: :eye:
Inspector Gregson :fist: :policeman: :bookmark:
Inspector Bradstreet :fist: :policeman:

and I was able to eliminate Mycroft and Mary with the :bookmark:.

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My notes looked like this:

Blue means all accounted for, yellow means minimum of that value, black means a certain card in hand. The reds were my 50-50.

I wonder if the advantages of your cards (having two out of three :woman: meant I got one of gmwhite999’s cards on the first turn) counterbalance the advantage of first player. Since not everyone gets the same amount of turns I could see players later in the turn order not getting their chance to guess if everybody works it out at once.


Good game!

I learned very early on some do’s and don’ts. I was close to but ultimately not close enough to having enough information in any particular icon. I should have hammered in on icons that a) I held at least 1 of and b) have a low total count

By starting with a high-count icon, I really set myself behind. I’m guessing Inky was holding an :eye: and a :bookmark:?

- :face_with_monocle: :bulb: :fist: :policeman: :bookmark: :woman: :eye: :skull:
- 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3
pillbox 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 1
gmwhite ! ? 0 ? 1 ! 0 !
Roger 0 0 ! ? 1 0 ! 0
Inky ? ! 0 ? ! ! ? 0

Oooh, no :eye:! Interesting!

:thinking: Then your guess was even better than I originally gave you credit for!

Bleh, nevermind. I looked at the wrong character. The lack of Inky :eye: is the key to their victory!

I definitely read too much into your question to gmwhite999 about :bookmark:.

I based my guess off of what pillbox asked - I figured if he didn’t have any :policeman: then he’d be less likely to ask about it, since it would be more likely that he’d just get the answer that everyone but him had one.

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Well played everyone and congratulations @InkyBloc. My logic process was like this at the end, and I was hoping one of you and @pillbox had questioned each other to help me narrow down from my last three suspects.


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I wasn’t looking that far ahead yet! I was trying to at least count out a complete icon before analyzing that layer. So, again, well played!

Also: I did hold John H. Watson.

Sebastian Moran :fist: :skull:
Sherlock Holmes :face_with_monocle: :bulb: :fist:
John H. Watson :face_with_monocle: :fist: :eye:


Then I’m glad I got lucky in the 50-50!

@RogerBW Is the bot scripting available for anyone? If you share with me how you did it I’d be interested to see if I can get a PBF Sleuth game going (which can hold up to 7 players).


A bot needs an API key, and I’ll be happy to set one up for you, though I think it’s probably best done with a separate bot account per (human) user. has the API documentation and I’m happy to share code; the stuff I’ve written so far is in Perl.


Oh! Fantastic!

Most of my servers are still offline pending me moving stuff around in the unfinished area of my basement, but that should be resolved in the next weekend or two. I’d definitely be interested in making my own bot. So this is very good to know

I’d like to see it to estimate the effort. Does it have to be Perl or does Python work?

Looks like a pretty normal HTTP API, so it should be language agnostic.

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