Regicide PBF recruitment

Both were tempting, but took the tactical option in case there was a hidden royal in wait. :wink:


Thanks everyone

I can’t believe we won that, and at such a stroll in the end.

I think I messed up 3 of my first 4 or 5 turns, but then just kept pulling great cards. The Ace of Spades to combo with the Queen of Hearts on the last King was just bonkers.

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You guys still powering through this? You are crazy! You’ll have to get on TTS or Tabletopia and play it without the visibility of other player’s cards for pro level :slight_smile:
I won’t give you the victory screen but here’s an official thumbs up to validate your victory.



This was another game that we played with closed hands

Yep, like @Captbnut indicates, this last game was “pro level” :slight_smile: – closed hands, with no discussion of hands, except for a couple of minor accidents (which I believe didn’t affect the game at all), and the decision to openly display the information which all of the players already knew (a concession we made to the fact that turns might be something like 24 hours apart, and expecting players to keep that open information in their heads over those time-scales was not workable).

(Big thanks to @RogerBW for making that possible – you put so much effort into running that for us, and did a great job!)


COMaestro, Captbnut and Phil should now contact Mark of SVWAG and tell him that it wasn’t too hard, don’t know what he’s making all the fuss about.

Ancient and Unteachable, abide—abide the Trumpets!
Once again the Trumpets, for the shuddering ground-swell brings
Clamour over ocean of the harsh, pursuing Trumpets—
Trumpets of the Vanguard that have sworn no truce with Kings!



I heard that podcast : )

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Thanks for running this, @RogerBW! It was fun!


One of the most dramatic sequences of events for me was how cheaply we got the King of Spades. We hadn’t dealt exact damage against the Queen of Clubs, but from the turn when she went into the discard pile (at which point it contained 27 cards!), it took just four turns (a sequence of hearts, diamonds, hearts, diamonds) to get her into my hand, and another four turns after that I was using it to exact-kill the lethal King of Spades after it had managed only a single attack against us! And I then got to play a juicy 5♦ 5♠ combo to get the king into my hand immediately. I was really elated by that whole sequence of play.

But then, to my even greater surprise, especially given that we didn’t get the King of Clubs in hand, we never actually needed to play the King of Spades to win. Having that strong card in my hand sure did help with the stress levels, though : )


Do you know we only took 44 damage from all of the Kings combined? Each one only got in a single attack, and only one of those was full strength.

20, 10, 4, 10


Jacks dealt 0, 5, 0, 15

Queens dealt 6, 48, 30, 30

The Queen of Clubs dealt more damage than all of the Kings together : )


So obviously we are masters of the game and should retire while we’re ahead!


Well my most sincerest of apologies oh great destroyers of card games! That’s a great result. See, not too hard right once you know what you’re doing!!?

Nice work on blazing through those Kings… they aren’t that bad :wink: