Wow, that’s awesome, thank you!
The three-game thread is great, but often has “I like this type, so here are three games of that type” instead of a spread, and I’m still researching what my weak spots are. Also, half of it turns into TI4
I’m surprised to see Dominion come up so much - the verdict from a lot of reviewers online is that it started off the genre but has been replaced by much better games after people built on the idea. I know there are big fans of it on here, and I can get a copy to play really easily so I’ll try it out for myself.
>>Nusfjord not Agricola
Yep, Nusfjord is mentioned so often I think I’ll go for it. It’s that or Feast For Odin.
Mind you, I’ve also seen it said that Caverna completely replaces Agricola, but some people still prefer Agricola, so I’m up for hearing everyone’s opinions.
>>The Crew
Youtube has been screaming at me about The Crew, and I’ve just realised it’s a classic trick-taking game. I have played a lot of Hearts in my time. I’ll give it a go.
Here’s a short list based solely on “What I already know I’ll like / What my friends will realistically play”:
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion (Can’t afford the big one, everyone says this is an excellent intro)
Inis, Viticulture
Sushi Go Party, Hive Pocket
El Grande, Everdell
Obsession, Diamant
Brass: Birmingham
Nusfjord, Nemo’s War
Wonder Woman: Challenge of the Amazons (as a gateway Spirit Island)
Shobu, Calico, Photosynthesis, Santorini
And probably Taverns of Tiefenthal or Quacks, if I could find two reviews which agreed on either of them being brilliant or terrible. Similar for Wingspan.
I’m not planning on buying ANY of that soon, and at most once a month, but that barely covers any bases! I need more suggestions!
Does anyone have a “Well, X Game isn’t in there and I think most people would like it / it never fails?” Any big classics? Any “best of their genre”?