Finally got some gaming in, after a couple of weeks off!
The Key: Royal Star Casino Burglary, another of the Key games, rated at medium difficulty. Definitely not as hard as Escape from Strongwall Prison (which we all failed at). Still a bit tricky, with some new features like trying to work out which levels our crims accessed. I got an answer, but it wasn’t correct. Still good fun, and now we have played all of the games in this series.
Cascadero, new game from the up and coming designer Reiner Knizia. Pretty straightforward, on your turn you place one of your envoys on an empty space. If you place next to a town (and you have a group of at least 2 guys), you score for that town, and move up on that coloured track. Points for scoring are from one point (if you’re the only one connected to the town), two points (if another group is connected), and three points if it’s a specially marked town. Multiple points are very important, because each scoring track has two forbidden rows, which you can’t stop on, you have to be able to move past them in one go. You also get extras from the track, like an extra turn, or being able to move one of your envoys to an adjacent space (this is important because you can move back to a town and score it again. There are various achievements possible, for example for connecting all five colours of town, or multiple of the same colour.
And the most important coloured track is the one in your player colour, because if you don’t get to the end, you can’t win the game. I realised towards the end of the game that I wasn’t going to be able to do it, because towns of my colour were already surrounded by myself and other people. You can score a town again, but it needs to be a new group connecting to it, not an existing group. As it turned out, our game leader was leading by a good margin, but, like me, he couldn’t finish his own track. One player managed it, and they got the win. Good, thinky game, easy to learn and fairly quick to play.
Auf Falscher Fährte, a trick taking game. You’re trying to win by either winning the most tricks, or the least. At the start, everyone plays a card facedown, and these cards will be shuffled in revealed one by one. If the total of the cards is less than or equal to 13 (for 3p), then it’s a minus round, meaning you want to win the last number of tricks. Anything above that threshold is a plus round, where you want to win the most tricks. Good fun, enjoyed it!
Luz, another tricktaker, but you can’t see your card values. You start by organising your hand by colour and value, and then handing that hand onto the player on your left. But they can only see the back of the cards, not the front. So you know what colour they are, and can deduce information from seeing other peoples hands, as well as card you might have already played. Every trick is an adventure! Another easy to play trick taker.
Dorfromantik, went ok, didn’t score as much as our last game (barely).
Harvest X 2, ideal filler to finish up.