UKGE Plays
Quartermaster General 1914 - 2 player and it was fun playing as the Central Powers. Manage to capture Paris and nearly knocked France out of the war, but failed. Serbia was knocked out and dominated the Balkans. The u-boat warfare was successful. And pretty much ran away with it.
18GB - strong decisions on early game allowed me to have a strong lead by at the time we reach the permanent trains.
Had a try with Arcs - I like the basics enough that I want to buy and try the full game and explore it more.
A demo of Knizia’s Rebirth. Really enjoyed it, but I don’t think I can put it in my shelf (and therefore, have to eject an existing game.
Cubitos - we played with the basic setup and it is fun. It’s dice building. Though my fear is that it will overstay its welcome if we go for the more advance setups.
Sumo - 2 player trick taker. I found the game too tight that it end up with a serious flaw where the game can be an auto-win just by looking at your hand of cards, and there’s nothing that the other player can really do.
I’m concern now that with more plays, there’s not much decision in this game, and you’ll be on auto-pilot.
I finally tried Simonsson’s Pax Penning, which is pretty much a Pax game, despite the lack of a card market. Pax Penning has the same tension where players are deciding if they want the Jarls (the players) to remain dominant or to pledge their support to the King. The game could end either way: the most dominant Jarl (player) will win, or the King wins and the player with the most support will win. There’s also shared incentives on the board on where you want to placed your rune stones.
Big Top - Taiki Shinzawa that isn’t a trick taker. Instead, it’s an auction game
Blood on the Clocktower - still one of the best
Courtisans - game of the con!
Pass the Pigs - the most hilarious part of this game is that the outcome of your rolls have their own terms.