Recent Boardgames (Your Last Played Game Volume 2)

Yesterday marked the first aniversary of Maryse’s cancer diagnosis. What I expected to be a very somber, emotional day turned instead into a celebration. It’s true that things are going WAY better. We also played some games:

Three of Pandemic, one regular one with three characters we ACED, and two with all seven. We lost the first one and won the second, only just.

Then we broke out Terraforming Mars, where, despite playing with Phobolog and getting the Security Fleet out TURN 1 with an ample supply of titanium, I managed to lose 136-94. I am GREAT at losing.

Finished the day (after a celebratory dinner of rotisserie chicken delivery) with a nice game of Everdell, which I won 67-65. Stuuuuuuupid tight. It was, as always, fantastic.

What a great day!


I just won my first game of Brass: Birmingham EVER!!! 115-114, the tightest of margins. Holy crap. There are now only two games where I’m winless!

Next up, we’ll be playing some Great Western Trail!


I’ve started a tradition of taking Sunset over water - pocket edition with me on holiday, after the time I was stuck in a hotel room in Prague with my entire body complaining, and played a solo mode game of it on the bed.

Well, my current holiday is going fine, but I did play another solo game just now. (Did fairly badly after a harsh last two rounds and only scored 29).


I never travel without Sprawlopolis, I understand you :slight_smile:


Update: I lost at GWT. 197-151. Balance has now been restored.


Yup, I tend to have at least one wallet game in my bags at any time. They take up next to no room, and it means that even if I’m not expecting to have time on my hands, I always have something to play.


I’ve played a bunch of Mists Over Carcassonne solo this weekend, and I’m really enjoying it!

I’ve always retained a soft spot for Carcassonne but haven’t played it with anyone in ages (my partner seemed to go off it, which made me sad), so I’m really pleased to have good first impressions of MOC.

A while ago I’d picked up another tile-layer Small Islands on the strength of good reports of its solo mode, having realised that a solo tile-layer was something I wanted. It took me ages to actually get hold of that game though – I’d had an order with a shop who after several months let me know they couldn’t get it after all, and refunded the payment; so I then ended up paying more to get it from elsewhere. In the interim, however, “Mists Over Carcassonne” was released, and I really should have gone for it faster. Not doing so was probably a combination of already thinking that “Small Islands” might be the one for me; thinking the ghost theme of MOC was goofy; plus disliking what I’d seen of the current Carcassonne artwork (from any distance the cities look like pizza, and I think it makes photos of the game look bad when compared with the original artwork).

“Small Islands” is a competitive game with an automaton opponent in its solo mode, whereas “Mists Over Carcassonne” is a co-op game, and I’ve found the latter immediately more enjoyable for solo play, so I see myself playing this a lot in the coming days.

There are 6 levels which gradually introduce new features and difficulty. I lost my first game at level 2, but I need to show off a photo of the next game. The target score at this level is 75, and I was 31 points shy when I completed that city containing meeples of all four colours. That city scored me 88 points :‍)


If I had sufficient time and ability, I would do a “Scotch Mist” retheme based on Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace.


I think the first couple levels of Carcaghost are training levels. 3-5 are the sweet spot with 6 being , apparently, a silly sausage level.


…Scotch Mist?.. What’s Scotch, Mist?


Twinkle Starship - we were about to play Ambiente Abissal/Planet etuC, but someone joined in and we switch to this one. The twist here is very interesting where you can manipulate the cards you play by placing sticks on them (e.g. a 6 can be turned into an 8 if you put a stick on the gap) The sticks also counts as number of bids so the more you use the sticks, the lower your bid would be. Very interesting. But I feel like Ninety-Nine or American Bookshop feels more compelling. Still, I enjoy playing this. Might keep it for now

El Grande - a grand 5 player game (or should I say, a grande 5 player game? No??). It was great experience as usual

So Clover

Cuba Libre - I was coerced into taking the Batista government, as they deemed it more difficult. And lo and behold, they are ganging up on me as I am winning early game (though, they need to understand that I am weaker at the 2nd half of the game.). Mafia Syndicate got away with the victory, but the Directorio was kinda close. I should have knock down the mafia a peg, but the Castroists and the Directorio are too much of a nuisance.

Classic Art - great filler game, but the box is too large for my taste.

18Mex - played another game of 18Mex with @EnterTheWyvern . Easily one of the best games I’ve played. Wyvern and I are leading ahead with high incomes early game, but I made the mistake where I should have started a new company rather than investing on other people’s companies. If I did started a new one at Round 3(?), my hope is that Wyvern’s delta wouldn’t be so bad and the other player wouldn’t have dumped their company to me. And by not stealing the National railway company, I would be able to sell off my failing company to it (you are not allowed to sell your own company to the state-owned one if you are the president of both). Ah well. Lessons learnt.

Tzolkin - still one of my favourite Euro games even to this day. I mean, it doesn’t have the dynamism of other games like Splotters or Tigris & Euphrates, but the simple but difficult gameplay continues to capture my attention.

King’s Guild - it got some good stuff going on, but it’s ultimately boring.


Got a few games in today. Started with Lords of Vegas with my wife and her brother. She jumped out to a pretty early lead, but we were able to catch up, me by taking over one of her two tile casinos with a two tile of my own, and her brother by making a size three casino of the same color.

My wife and I traded control back and forth, and though I think I benefitted from it more than she did, she had it at game end. I did get to steal another casino from her, though, which she had raised to three stories. I paid through the nose to take a two story three tile casino and raise it to take over, which then got me 12 points when it scored! Unfortunately it was not enough, and my wife won with 49 to my 44, with her brother at 32.

The two of us then played Ethnos, using Dwarves, Minotaurs, Wingfolk, Trolls, and Centaurs. Unusually, she scored more than I did with bands, and I am a bit embarrassed to say that I had a total brain fart regarding the Troll tokens, thinking I would win ties since I got the 4 while she had 1 - 3. So my first age strategy was totally borked. I won the ties in the second age, but it was not enough and my wife won again, about 100 - 90.

Lastly, we broke in my newest game, The Quest for El Dorado using the suggested first-time setup. And, earning the trifecta for today, my wife won this as well, getting both of her meeples to El Dorado, while I was just able to get one there on my last turn. She did a good job cutting me off at various points, and I realize now that I used the Treasure Chest poorly when I could have held it and moved through the last tile easier instead of getting stuck like I did. Oh well, first play and all that. It was fun, quick, and easy to play, so it is a winner so far.


Quest for El Dorado, having got the new Dutrait art with proper cards it was a delight to get this out. Myself vs my seven year old kid.

I won with a thin deck and taking the longer easy routes. Kiddo concentrates fully on the shortest possible path and often gets stuck on the three symbol spaces waiting for the perfect card.


Last night at Local Game Group a very light set of games:

Ominoes, there’s a lot of luck here but it wears it on its sleeve.

Skyjo, basically golf with some minor variations, easy to pick up and light fun.

Dixit, hadn’t played since I started logging games, and none of us could really remember how the scoring was meant to work (this was one of the “squashed down to fit in a takeaway container” games), but we had fun with it anyway.

I don’t always want to play this light but I was in the right mood for it this evening.

I’ve introduced the guy who squashes games down to fit in takeaway containers to Pocketmod, and built him a rules sheet. :slight_smile:


I played two games at level 3 tonight (respectively an abysmal loss and a resounding win), and then read the rules for the remaining levels. Can confirm that level 6 sounds very difficult!

Level 4 is just a more difficult level 3 (with a slightly smaller ghost pool and slightly higher score thresholds to meet). I would have lost my second game if it was at level 4 as although I flew past the victory score in the end, I’d only barely reached the first of the score thresholds in time.

Level 5 makes graveyards much worse.

Level 6 tracks points independently for three different colours rather than as a single combined total, and you have to get all the colours past each of the scoring thresholds (which are lower than before, but then tripled in effect). Yikes. (Although it was evidentially much worse in the initial printing: unless you had exactly 3 players, you were playing these same rules with 4 or even 5 colours!! 3/4/5 players = 1 colour each; 2 players = 2 colours each; 1 player = 4 colours. They have since amended it to 3 colours regardless of player count – which is still hard.)

The manual also has a silly ambiguity about the victory threshold – if you base it on how most of the levels are played you would think the target was 100 per colour, but it’s actually 50 per colour (confirmed by the big tile with the level summaries).

On that note, the most awkward component/rule is probably the little target score marker that goes on the score track. Depending on the level you’ll have to reach it either once, twice, or three times, which I think is completely daft.

On levels 1 and 6 you’re supposed to put it on the 0/50 mark and reaching the marker means that you’ve won the game.

On levels 3 and 5 you’re also supposed to put it on the 0/50 mark and reaching the marker means that… you have to go around the board again.

On level 2 you put it at the 25 point mark, and reaching the marker means that you have to go around the board again.

On level 4 you put it at the 20 point mark, and reaching the marker means that you have to go around the board again… and reaching the marker that time means you that you have to go around the board again… and then you’ve won.

It’s a small thing, but so clunky and inconsistent, and it could have been solved easily with a score track that actually went to the highest score threshold, rather than making you loop around the traditional 50-point Carcassonne track repeatedly… or not repeatedly… as the case may be. :person_facepalming:.

Maybe they had a ton of the regular score boards printed already, and were determined to use them.


A couple more games played today. First up was a rematch of The Quest for El Dorado, and this time I managed the win, getting both of my meeples to El Dorado just after my wife got her first there. She likely would have got her second there in another turn or two, so very close game.

Later, her brother joined us and we tried again to take out Asajj Ventress in Star Wars: the Clone Wars. We got really close this time, actually getting to the Finale, but the Planet Under Siege card came up while there were only a handful of cards in the Invasion discard, and two of them had three droids on them already, our Invasion rate was 3 (draw three cards), and if we got one more Threat we would lose.

So, naturally, all three cards that we drew would cause the loss! I looked and the following three cards would have been fine. Sure, we had a blockade to deal with first, but all three of us were on the mission planet and we had enough cards that anyone attempting the mission would only need to roll 1 hot on the die to win. One more turn would have likely won us the game.

Ah well, try try again.


I played 2 more games of Legacy of Yu—finally. It had been waiting for me to get back to it for a while. I had to reread a few of the rules and then continued to win one and lose the second game. The second game went quickly as I threw everything against one card that would have persisted to the next game… I am really enjoying these games :slight_smile: Hopefully the next games won‘t take so long to happen.


Played a round of Burgle Bros 2. Everything was going not quite swimmingly, but we were managing, until the last turn of the game where I had to go through a pool to get to the exit and win. I flipped a pool event, had to move a bouncer to a random location, and we both said that he was definitely going to land right on me. Guess what? He did, so we lost :sob:


Some shorter games today. Started with Star Wars the Deckbuilding Game, which I lost, despite having what was arguably the better deck. If I could have kept the Force on my side, it likely would have gone better for me, but she used her second base to pull it back to her side and I never got it back.

Later we played Sobek 2-player, which I won due to having more and better sets, as my wife destroyed me in coins. Final score was 85 - 73.

After that, we broke out Lost Cities, which we haven’t played for a while. I managed to win this one, too, thanks to my wife having a lousy first round of -29 points, which was humorously followed by 29 points in the second round. While she outscored me in the last round, it was not enough to make up for that deficit, and I won 78 - 43.

Lastly, we played Ticket to Ride London, which I screwed up by misremembering one of my tickets after I got cut off from my planned route. I still could have made it, but I forgot to use one train to connect to a city, instead using one to get the connection bonus for the 4 point group. If I had completed my route instead, I still would have lost, but would have scored 4 more points total. I lost 39 - 30.


We haven’t been able to play any games for a few weeks due to various people being ill, but on Wednesday we finally managed to play a few in the pub after work.

First Rat: I picked up a bonus that gave me +2 cheese every time I collected any, another that let me share spaces with other players without giving them any cheese, and another that gave me 5 extra points or every 10 cheese donated to the rat space program. Really cleaned up with the cheese :cheese:

Vaalbara: A quick tableau builder where the value of the character card you play from your hand determines the order in which you pick from the shared supply of “landscape” cards. The character cards also have abilities, so the balance is between going early in the turn order to get the landscape card you want vs potentially going later to take advantage of a character power.

Village Pillage: Another variant on “play characters from your hand for their abilities”, but this time what they do depends on what your neighbours play, and your neighbours might steal all your turnips :skull_and_crossbones: