Just finished my first solo play of Sleeping Gods. Really enjoyed it and only touched a smidgeon of the content.
Picture is me about midway through the game. Some takeaways
- It is a table hog
- It took me me playing solo around 8+hours in 5 sessions to play through. It will take longer with more players but not necessarily less time based on familiarity.
- there is a lot of fun in the story - I had at least two wow! moments with things I uncovered.
- I played with the expansion but not the dungeon pack. You’ll want to play with the expansion from the off and I’ll play with the dungeon pack from now on.
- it will go away for a while now, probably bring it back out again when next i get some holiday time
- you can save the game state and it is not too bad to put together again, but I prefer keeping it up and doing an hour at a time.
- there are a few niggly or hard to find rules (it’s a Laukat game after all) but you’ll get there in the end (one in particular would have made the early part of the game a bit easier)